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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: [explanation]
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Dictionary English German: [explanation]

Translation 1 - 20 of 20

English German
feeble {adj} [explanation etc.]
matt [Ausrede etc.]
palliative {adj} [fig.] [explanation]
lengthy {adj} [interview, explanation]sehr ausführlich
to follow [the argument, explanation, etc]
to manufacture sth. [fig.] [esp. a false story or an explanation]
etw.Akk. erfinden [fig.] [z. B. eine Geschichte oder Ausrede]
to invent sth. [story, explanation, etc.]sichDat. etw.Akk. aus dem hohlen Zahn ziehen [Redewendung] [ugs.] [sich etw. aus den Fingern saugen]
exposition [explanation]
Erläuterung {f}
lit. exposition [explanation]
Erörterung {f}
relig. exposition [explanation]
Auslegung {f}
term [part of a definition, explanation]
Begriffselement {n}
philos. explicans [that which gives the explanation]Explikation {f}
2 Words
to account for sth. [provide a satisfactory explanation for sth.]für etw.Akk. eine Erklärung haben
to cook sth. up [coll.] [fabricate an excuse, an explanation, etc.]sichDat. etw.Akk. zurechtbasteln [ugs.] [eine Ausrede, eine Erklärung etc. erfinden]
to cook up sth. [coll.] [fabricate an excuse, an explanation, etc.]sichDat. etw.Akk. zurechtbasteln [ugs.] [eine Ausrede, eine Erklärung etc. erfinden]
to hear sth. out [e.g. a tale, an explanation]etw.Akk. zu Ende hören [z. B. eine Geschichte, eine Erklärung]
to rationalize sth. away [to create an excuse or explanation to eliminate a concern]etw.Akk. wegrationalisieren
3 Words
idiom to palm sb. off with sth. [explanation, exuse] [coll.]jdn. mit etw.Dat. abspeisen
5+ Words
It's as clear as mud now, isn't it? [hum.] [mostly after some explanation]Alle Klarheiten beseitigt? [hum.] [Verstehst du die Sache jetzt?]
to be not far to seek [idiom] [reason, explanation, cause, answer, etc.]auf der Hand liegen [Redewendung]
educ. hist. candidate for admission to a training college [explanation]Präparand {m}
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A 2009-01-04: [explanation] - [Erklärung]
A 2009-01-03: [explanation] nach dem Eintrag - das wäre m.E. schon gut

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