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 | damned {adj} [coll.] [used for emphasis, esp. to express anger or frustration] | 166 verdammt [ugs.] |  |
 | already {adv} [coll.] [used as an intensifier to express exasperation or impatience] | 136 endlich |  |
 | Whew! [coll.] [to express relief or fatigue] | 45 Uff! [ugs.] |  |
 | Criminy! [coll.] [used to express surprise or disbelief] | 41 Verdammt! [salopp] [bei Verwunderung od. Missfallen] |  |
 | forcibly {adv} [argue, express] | 40 nachdrücklich |  |
 | thankfully {adv} [used as a sentence adverb to express pleasure or relief at a fortunate outcome] | 35 dankenswerterweise |  |
 | forcibly {adv} [argue, express] | 24 eindringlich |  |
 | Phew! [coll.] [to express relief or fatigue] | 24 Uff! [ugs.] |  |
 | Urgh! [used to express disgust] | 13 Würg! [ugs.] |  |
 | Pshaw! [used to express contempt] | 12 Pah! |  |
 | Ugh! [used to express disgust] | 9 Würg! [ugs.] |  |
 | [Southern German filler, used to intensify the sense of an expression, and to express surprise. Unusual in written language] | 5 fei [südd.] [regional] |  |
 | jobs [female / male / non-binary, used to express gender diversity in job listings] | weiblich / männlich / divers <w/m/d> [z. B. in Stellenanzeigen] |  |
 | quote [quote from a popular German TV sketch, used to express that everything was better in the past; literally: "There was more lametta (on the Christmas tree) in the old days."] | Früher war mehr Lametta. [Loriot, aus „Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts“; verallgemeinert verwendet im Sinne von „Früher war alles besser.“] |  |
 | Boo! [used to express contempt] | Pah! |  |
 | Brrr! [also: burr] [used to express sensations of cold] | Brrr! [Ausdruck bei Gefühl von eisiger Kälte] |  |
 | pace sb./sth. {prep} [to express (ironically) polite disagreement] | ohne jdm./etw. zu nahe treten zu wollen |  |
 | thankfully {adv} [used as a sentence adverb to express relief] | Gott sei Dank [ugs.] [Redewendung] |  |
Verbs |
 | to voice sth. [express in words] | 1586 etw.Akk. äußern [zum Ausdruck bringen] |  |
 | to opine [formal] [express as one's opinion] | 631 meinen [eine bestimmte Meinung vertreten] |  |
 | to commiserate sb. [archaic] [feel or express pity for sb.] | 539 jdn. bemitleiden |  |
 | ling. to voice sth. [express in words] | 497 etw.Akk. aussprechen |  |
 | to put sth. [express] | 459 etw. ausdrücken [verbal] |  |
 | to submit sth. [say, express] | 151 etw. vorbringen |  |
 | to state [express, say] | 137 aussprechen |  |
 | to indicate [express briefly] | 71 signalisieren [kurz andeuten] |  |
 | to verbalize [express in words] | 70 versprachlichen |  |
 | to harrumph [grumpily express disapproval] | 41 schnauben [fig.] [vor Wut, Entrüstung, Zorn außer sich sein] |  |
 | to articulate sth. [express in coherent verbal form] | etw. (klar) zur Sprache bringen [klar aussprechen] |  |
 | to declare sth. [express] | etw.Dat. Ausdruck verleihen [Hoffnung etc.] |  |
 | to encapsulate sth. [express the essential features of sth. succinctly] | etw.Akk. auf den Punkt bringen [Redewendung] |  |
 | to harrumph [express disapproval] | missbilligend brummen |  |
 | to harrumph [express disapproval] | missbilligend knurren |  |
 | to indicate [express indirectly] | durchblicken lassen |  |
 | to quantify sth. [express sth. in (terms of) numbers] | etw. in Zahlen ausdrücken |  |
 | to signify sth. [express] | etw.Akk. zum Ausdruck bringen |  |
 | to spout sth. [pej.] [express sth. in a lengthy, declamatory, and unreflecting way] | etw. vom Stapel lassen [ugs.] [pej.] [Redewendung] [von sich geben, äußern] |  |
 | to voice sth. [express in words] | etw.Akk. zum Ausdruck bringen [aussprechen, äußern] |  |
Nouns |
 | rail ICE® [Intercity Express] | 46 Intercityexpress® {m} <ICE®> |  |
 | constr. RealEst. urban teardown [Am.] [coll.] [house bought for the express purpose of demolishing it and building a more expensive one on the same plot] | 29 Abrisshaus {n} [Haus, das nur gekauft wird, um es abzureißen und durch einen teureren Neubau zu ersetzen] |  |
 | climbing quickdraw | 23 Expressschlinge {f} [ugs.] [Express-Set] |  |
 | catcalling [whistling, shouting, etc. esp. to express disapproval in sports] | Auspfeifen {n} [als Missfallenskundgebung] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | Get away! [said to express disbelief or scepticism] | Geh weg! [ugs.] [als Ausdruck des Unglaubens] [auch: Ach, geh weg!] |  |
 | Good heavens! [used to express surprise or anger] | Ach herrjemine! [ugs.] [Ausruf des Erstaunens oder Entsetzens] |  |
 | My, my! [used to express surprise] | Sieh an, sieh an! |  |
 | Say what? [used to express surprise] | Wie bitte? |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to speak up [express one's opinion] | den Mund aufmachen [ugs.] [seine Meinung äußern] |  |
 | to speak up [express one's opinion] | frisch / frei von der Leber weg reden [ugs.] [Redewendung] |  |
 | to speak up [express one's opinion] | frisch / frei von der Leber weg sprechen [ugs.] [Redewendung] |  |
 | to speak up [express one's opinion] | kein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen [Redewendung] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | expedited service [express service] | Expressverfahren {n} |  |
 | hist. mil. pol. Freedom War [Am.] [name of the Civil War 1861 - 1865] [used primarily to express a Black viewpoint] | Freiheitskrieg {m} [Name für den US Bürgerkrieg 1861 - 1865 vornehmlich als Ausdruck der Sichtweise der Afroamerikaner] |  |
 | rail RER network [Réseau Express Régional; Regional Express Network rapid transit system, Paris] | RER-Netz {n} [regionales Expressnetz, Paris] |  |
 | fin. TARGET system [Trans European Automated Real-Time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System] | TARGET-System {n} [innereuropäisches Zahlungssystem] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | There you are! [used to express confirmation or triumph] | Da haben Sie es! [Na also!] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to be getting at sth. [intending to express] | auf etw.Akk. hinauswollen [ugs.] |  |
 | to take a stand [idiom] [clearly express one's opinion] | Farbe bekennen [Redewendung] [deutlich Position beziehen] |  |
 | to vent one's spleen [idiom] [express angry feelings] | seinem Ärger freien Lauf lassen [Redewendung] |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | sth. would have been done [to express future in the past or colloquially reported future perfect speech or irrealis] | etw. würde getan worden sein |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to take a position on sb./sth. [express a definite opinion] | sichAkk. zu jdm./etw. stellen [in Bezug auf jdn./etw. eine bestimmte Position beziehen] |  |
 | to take a stand (on sth.) [idiom] [express one's opinion] | (zu etw.Dat.) Position beziehen [Stellung nehmen] |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | film F The Blue Express [also: China Express] [Ilya Zakharovich Trauberg] | Der blaue Express [alt: Der blaue Expreß] |  |
 | film lit. F The Mystery of the Blue Train [novel: Agatha Christie, film: Hettie Macdonald] | Der blaue Express [alt (Romantitel): Der blaue Expreß] |  |
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