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English-German translation for: [farm]
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Dictionary English German: [farm]

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fish gastr. eel {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dish, farm, fry, larva, soup]
Aal- [z. B. Gericht, Zuchtbetrieb, Brut, Larve, Suppe]
equest. stud [stud farm]
Gestüt {n}
agr. jobs churl [archaic] [farm labourer]
Knecht {m}
agr. jobs relig. [church supplied farm helper as a stand-in for a farmer's wife during illness, etc.]
Dorfhelferin {f}
agr. piggery [pig farm]
Schweinefarm {f}
agr. dairy [for storing and processing milk on a farm]
Milchkammer {f}
agr. piggery [pig farm]
Schweinehof {m}
agr. travel TrVocab. [accommodation in the barn of a farm]Heuhotel {n} [auch: Heu-Hotel]
[Alpine farm producing and selling home-made snacks (esp. cheese, milk)]Almausschank {m}
agr. Unverified [farm in a valley of a mountainous area]Talbetrieb {m}
hist. [farmer of full-sized farm who has to do socage-service for the landlord]Anspänner {m} [veraltet] [relativ großer Bauer, der mit seinen Gespannen Frondienste leisten muss]
agr. dairy [dairy farm]Milchbetrieb {m} [Milchbauernhof]
agr. hist. jobs farmer [owner of a full farm, up to 100 morgens]Hufner {m} [Besitzer einer Hufe] [veraltet]
agr. jobs farmerette [Am.] [coll.]Farmerin {f} [Frau, die eine Farm bewirtschaftet]
agr. archi. hist. granary [of a village or large farm]Tradkasten {m} [österr.] [Getreidespeicher]
agr. archi. hist. granary [of a village or large farm]Troadkasten {m} [bayer.] [Getreidespeicher]
hist. kolkhoznik [worker on a Soviet collective farm]Kolchosbauer {m}
hist. kolkhozniki [workers on a Soviet collective farm]Kolchosbauern {pl}
hist. kolkhozniks [workers on a Soviet collective farm]Kolchosbauern {pl}
agr. outfield [outlying land of a farm]Außenschlag {m} [veraltet]
rouseabout [Aus.] [dated]Hilfsarbeiter {m} [bes. auf einer Farm bzw. Ranch]
zool. T
Sennenhund {m} [Bauernhund der Schweizer (Alpenhirten)]
jobs servant [esp. farm labourer]Dienstknecht {m} [veraltet]
agr. equest. stud [stud farm]Stuterei {f} [veraltet] [Gestüt]
for. woodlot [Am.]kleine Waldung {f} [auf dem bzw. angrenzend an das Anwesen (Farm)]
2 Words: Others
more equal {adj} [from Orwell's Animal Farm]gleicher [aus Orwells Farm der Tiere]
2 Words: Verbs
to hang about sth. [a farm, palace, etc.]sichAkk. in / auf etw.Dat. herumtreiben [ugs.] [pej.] [einem Hof, einem Palast etc.]
to marry into sth. [family, farm]in etw. hineinheiraten [Familie, Hof]
2 Words: Nouns
agr. EU agricultural holding [farm]landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb {m} [Hof]
agr. archi. back lane [behind farms, farm houses]Hintaus {n} [österr.] [in ostösterreichischen Straßendörfern]
agr. hog operation [pig farm]Schweinefarm {f}
agr. milking room [on a farm]Melkraum {m}
agr. hydro. watering place [for farm animals]Schwemme {f} [für Pferde oder Schafe]
3 Words: Nouns
agr. EU holding of birth [farm of origin]Geburtsbetrieb {m}
agr. hop (growing) farm [also: hop-growing farm]Hopfenbaubetrieb {m}
agr. hop (growing) farm [also: hop-growing farm]Hopfenhof {m}
4 Words: Verbs
jobs to hire oneself out as sb. [servant, farm hand, mercenary]sichAkk. als jd. verdingen [Diener, Knecht, Söldner]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
F Clover [character in Animal Farm by George Orwell]Kleeblatt [eine Figur in Farm der Tiere]
F Pincher [Animal Farm by George Orwell]Zwickzwack [Farm der Tiere]
F Pinkeye [Animal Farm by George Orwell]Rotäuglein [Farm der Tiere]
F Snowball [character in Animal Farm by George Orwell]Schneeball [eine Figur in Farm der Tiere]
F Squealer [Animal Farm by George Orwell]Schwatzwutz [Farm der Tiere]
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