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| lightning {adj} [attr.] [very fast] | 519 blitzschnell [ugs.] | |
| almost {adv} | 106 schier [fast] | |
| sheer {adj} [(almost) perpendicular] | 75 steil [fast senkrecht, z. B. Felswand] | |
| raging {adj} {pres-p} [flowing fast] | 26 reißend | |
| nearly {adv} | 23 schier [fast] | |
| brusque {adj} [fast] | 12 schnell | |
| unmemoried {adj} [literary] | unerinnert [geh.] [veraltet] [fast vergessen, vergessen] | |
| very [strong, fast etc.] | affen- [ugs.] [sehr] [affenstark, affenschnell etc.] | |
Verbs |
| to pop [coll.] [move fast] | 89 flitzen [ugs.] | |
| to pelt [coll.] [move fast] | 72 düsen [ugs.] | |
| to bomb [coll.] [go fast] | 46 fegen [ugs.] [rasen] | |
| astron. math. to osculate | 22 küssen [näher kommen, fast berühren] | |
| to pelt [coll.] [go fast] | 22 pesen [bes. nordd.] [ugs.] | |
| to bomb [coll.] [go fast] | 15 rasen [sich schnell bewegen] | |
| equest. to gallop [ride fast] | 12 sprengen [geh.] [galoppieren] | |
| to burn [coll.] [drive very fast] | 7 rasen | |
| to starve [to fast] | nüchtern bleiben | |
Nouns |
| traffic scorcher [Br.] [coll.] [dated] [person who drives very fast] | 61 Raser {m} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| petrolhead [Br.] [sl.] [fan of fast cars] | 36 Autofreak {m} [ugs.] | |
| dash [short fast race] | 9 Sprint {m} [Kurzstreckenlauf] | |
| dance mus. ['after dance', second of a pair of dances, usually in fast triple metre] | Nachtanz {m} [fachspr.] | |
| naut. [fast transport ship that brought the haul from fishing boats to the harbour] | Jager {m} [schnelles Transportschiff, das den Fang von Fischerbooten zum Hafen brachte] | |
| [stereotype of a somewhat naive and fast young woman in Germany] [coll.] [pej.] | Typ {m} Friseuse [pej.] [Klischee einer etwas naiven und leichtlebigen jungen Frau] | |
| phonet. ash <æ> [symbol representing the sound of a near-open front unrounded vowel] | [phonetisches Zeichen für einen ungerundeten fast offenenen Vorderzungenvokal] <æ> | |
| gastr. neol. flexitarian | Fastvegetarier {m} [auch: Fast-Vegetarier] | |
| gastr. grill [fast-food restaurant, often "bar and grill"] | Braterei {f} | |
| art retarder [prevents paints from hardening too fast] | Verzögerer {m} [verhindert zu schnelles Aushärten von Farben] | |
| meteo. scud {sg} [esp. literary] [clouds driven fast by the wind] | schnell dahinziehende Wolkenfetzen {pl} | |
2 Words: Others |
| chem. material acid-stable {adj} [acid-fast] | säurefest | |
| electr. almost exhausted {adj} [battery] | stark entladen [fast erschöpft] [Batterie] | |
| almost impassable {adj} | unwegsam [fast unpassierbar] | |
| just under ... {adv} [a quantity] | knapp ... [fast] [Anzahl] | |
| Slow down! [informal] [to somebody driving too fast] | Fahr langsamer! | |
| very nearly {adv} | schon beinahe [fast schon] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to adhere to sth. [stick fast to sth.] | an etw.Dat. kleben | |
| to be travelling [Br.] [coll.] [be going very fast] | einen (ganz schönen) Zahn draufhaben [ugs.] [schnell fahren] | |
| to bomb along [drive fast] | rasen | |
| to bomb it [coll.] [drive / ride very fast] | Vollgas fahren, dass es kracht [ugs.] | |
| watches to gain (time) [clock or watch running fast] | vorgehen [Uhr] | |
| to motor (along) [coll.] [move fast, make good progress] | marschieren [ugs.] [sich schnell auf ein Ziel zubewegen] | |
| to run out [to be (nearly) used up] | ausgehen [fast aufgebraucht sein] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| mil. airborne shuffle [Am.] | [kurzer, fast stehender Laufschritt mit minimalem Abheben der Füße] | |
| chem. calcium lime <CL> | Weißkalk {m} <CL> [gebrannt aus fast reinem CaCO3] | |
| cloth. comm. fast fashion | Wegwerfmode {f} [ugs.] [auch: Fast Fashion] | |
| home delivery [fast food] | Lieferung {f} frei Haus | |
| comm. mobile shop [any kind of shop, esp. fast food, operated out of a vehicle] | Verkaufswagen {m} [Verkaufsfahrzeug] | |
| cloth. plus eights <plus 8s> [knickerbockers] | Knickerbocker {pl} [ugs. auch {f}] [fast bis zu den Knöcheln reichend] | |
| gastr. runny egg | weiches Ei {n} [fast flüssig] | |
| comm. gastr. service counter [in a grocery store or fast food restaurant] | Bedientheke {f} | |
| naut. stern line [stern fast] | Achterleine {f} [hintere Festmacherleine schräg nach achteraus] | |
3 Words: Others |
| ..., ... at that {adv} [coll.] [idiom] [e.g., "fast, very fast at that"] | ..., und zwar ... [und auch noch] [z. B. "schnell, und zwar sehr schnell"] | |
| as much as [almost this amount] | an die [fast, beinahe] | |
| in a jiffy {adv} [coll.] [very fast] | im Hui [ugs.] [sehr schnell] | |
| comp. near real-time {adv} | nahe Echtzeit [fast in Echtzeit] | |
| next to zero {adj} [chances, losses, etc.] | nahe Null [fast keine: Chancen, Verluste etc.] | |
| No dogs, please! [as sign and otherwise: often without comma] | Bitte(,) keine Hunde! [als Schild und sonst: fast nie mit Komma] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to be extremely impatient | verzwatzeln [regional] [ugs.] [(in einer bestimmten Situation) sehr ungeduldig und nervös sein, fast verzweifeln] | |
| to hot foot it [coll.] [to run fast] | flitzen [ugs.] [rennen] | |
| to hot-foot it [spv.] [coll.] [to run fast] | flitzen [ugs.] [rennen] | |
| automot. to run on fumes [fig.] [to drive with an almost empty tank] | auf dem letzten Tropfen fahren [fig.] [mit fast leerem Tank fahren] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| gastr. fast casual restaurant [esp. Am.] | Fast-Casual-Restaurant {n} [Fast-Food-Service mit höherwertigen Gerichten] | |
| photo. high-speed lens [also: fast lens] | lichtstarkes Objektiv {n} | |
| anat. biol. type II fibres [Br.] [fast-twitch / FT fibres] | Typ-II-Fasern {pl} | |
| biol. chem. Ziehl-Neelsen stain [a stain used to identify acid-fast organisms, mainly mycobacteria] | Ziehl-Neelsen-Färbung {f} | |
4 Words: Others |
| For all we know, ... | Nach allem, was wir wissen, ... [wenn wir nichts oder fast nichts wissen] | |
| His / Her eyesight failed. | Seine / Ihre Augen wurden schwach. [sehschwach; fast blind] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to be this side of sb./sth. [coll.] [idiom] [verging on, short of sb./sth.] | nahe dran an jdm./etw. sein [ugs.] [fast jd./etw. sein] | |
| to stick to it, that ... [hold fast to a conviction that ... ] | dabeibleiben, dass ... | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| remuneration for temporary personnel [SAP term] | Aushilfsbezüge {pl} [selten] [fast nur von SAP verwendet] | |
| anat. biol. type IIx (muscle) fibers [Am.] [fast-glycotic fibers] | Typ-IIx-Fasern {pl} | |
| anat. biol. type IIx (muscle) fibres [Br.] [fast-glycotic fibres] | Typ-IIx-Fasern {pl} | |
5+ Words: Others |
| mus. fast, but not too fast {adv} [allegro ma non troppo] | schnell, aber nicht zu sehr | |
| like shit off a shovel {adv} [Br.] [vulg.] [really fast] [idiom] | mit einem Affenzahn [ugs.] [sehr schnell] [Redewendung] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| lit. F Spartacus [Howard Fast] | Spartakus | |
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