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English-German translation for: [file]
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Dictionary English German: [file]

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comp. source {adj} [attr.] [e.g. address, application, code, file, program]
Quell- [z. B. Adresse, Anwendung, Code, Datei, Programm]
nail {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bed, care, file, fungus, salon]
Nagel- [z. B. Bett, Pflege, Feile, Pilz, Studio]
med. medical {adj} [e.g. chart, file, history, insurance]
Kranken- [z. B. Blatt, Akte, Geschichte, Versicherung]
flat {adj} [e.g. coast, country, file, glass, roof, screen]
Flach- [z. B. Küste, Land, Feile, Glas, Dach, Bildschirm]
bastard {adj} [file]
round {adj} [e.g. arch, dance, file, hut]Rund- [z. B. Bogen, Tanz, Feile, Hütte]
to file sth. [place (documents, a letter, etc.) in a file]
etw.Akk. abheften [Unterlagen, einen Brief etc.]
admin. to compile sth. [file etc.]
etw. anlegen [Kartei etc.]
to sort sth. [e.g. in a file]
etw.Akk. einordnen
to file sth. [smooth or shape with a file]
etw.Akk. feilen
to hose sth. [sl.] [e.g. a computer file]
etw. zerschießen [ugs.] [z. B. eine Datei]
to file sth. [trace, track in a file]
etw.Akk. nachverfolgen [in Akten etc.]
to sort sth. [e.g. in a file]
etw.Akk. einsortieren
comp. to zip [compress (a file)]
to access sth. [e.g. information, computer data, a file]auf etw.Akk. zugreifen [z. B. auf Informationen, auf Daten, auf eine Datei]
audio film Unverified to chapterize sth. [e.g. an MP3 file] [subdivide by adding chapter markers]etw.Akk. mittels Kapitelmarkierungen untergliedern [z. B. eine MP3-Datei]
law to demur [file a demurrer]Rechtseinwand erheben
comp. to drop sth. [e.g. delete a file]etw.Akk. löschen [z. B. eine Datei]
to file [for walking in single file]sich zum Gänsemarsch aufstellen
mil. to file [march in rank and file]in Reih und Glied marschieren
to file [walk in single file]im Gänsemarsch marschieren
comp. to reside [e.g. a file in a folder]abgelegt sein [z. B. eine Datei in einem Ordner]
admin. law paper [file]
Akte {f}
Rolodex® [rotating file device]
Rolodex® {f} [Rotationskartei]
law [responsibility to file one's insolvency petition]
Insolvenzantragspflicht {f}
admin. law document [file, dossier]
Akt {m} [bes. österr.] [Akte]
law [failure to file for insolvency in due time]Insolvenzverschleppung {f}
tools cut [of a file]Hieb {m} [Feile]
comp. dotfile [syn. with hidden file in Unix-like operating systems]Punktdatei {f} [versteckte Datei]
comp. Unverified flic [file containing an animation][Datei mit einer Animation]
PDF [short for: PDF file]PDF {n} [kurz für: PDF-Datei]
comp. tech. scanning [e.g. of a file]Durchsuchung {f} [z. B. von einer Datei]
2 Words: Others
comp. self-extracting {adj} [file]selbstentpackend [Datei]
2 Words: Verbs
to file sth. away [remove material using a file]etw.Akk. wegschleifen
to file sth. off [also: to file off sth.]etw.Akk. abfeilen [durch Feilen entfernen / beseitigen]
2 Words: Nouns
comp. config file [short for: configuration file]Konfigurationsdatei {f}
comp. dot-file [syn. with hidden file, esp. in Unix-like operating systems]Punktdatei {f} [versteckte Datei]
hist. jobs tools file cutter [also: file-cutter]Feilenhauer {m}
MedTech. QM technical file <TF>technische Dokumentation {f} [auch Technical File {n}]
3 Words: Others
comp. Add sticky note. [command/menu option for PDF file]Notiz hinzufügen. [PDF]
no further action [label on file, etc.]abgeschlossen
3 Words: Verbs
comp. to log off (from sth.) [from program, file, etc.]sichAkk. (von / aus etw.Dat.) abmelden [von / aus Programm, Datei etc.]
3 Words: Nouns
EU pharm. QM product specification file <PSF>PSF {n} [Product Specification File; Dossier der Produktspezifikationen für ein Investigational Medicinal Product, IMP]
5+ Words: Nouns
case file identifier / evidence file identifierSachaktenordner {m}
Internet peer-to-peer file sharing <P2P file sharing>Peer-to-Peer-Filesharing {n} <P2P-Filesharing>
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