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| |
| critical {adj} [inclined to find fault too readily] | 327 mäkelig [pej.] | |
| grave {adj} [attr.] [sepulchral] [e.g. candle, compost, cross, decoration, desecration, find, robber] | 43 Grab- [z. B. Licht, Erde, Kreuz, Schmuck, Schändung, Fund, Räuber] | |
Verbs |
| to nag [pej.] [find fault] | 1868 nörgeln [pej.] [kleinlich kritisch sein] | |
| to note sth. [realize, find] | 874 etw.Akk. feststellen [wahrnehmen] | |
| to nag [complain, or constantly find fault] | 382 meckern [ugs.] [pej.] [nörgeln] | |
| to nag [pej.] [scold or find fault constantly] | 129 keifen [pej.] | |
| to locate sth. [find] | 59 etw. ausmachen [ausfindig machen] | |
| to trace sb./sth. [track down, find] | 21 jdn./etw. eruieren [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst geh.] | |
| [to find / obtain sth. by very deep thinking] | etw. ergrübeln [durch langes Grübeln herausfinden] | |
| [to find sth. sought after] | findig werden [FALSCH für: fündig werden] | |
| to hook sb. [coll.] [to find a love partner] | sichDat. jdn. angeln [ugs.] | |
| to identify [find, detect] | ausfindig machen | |
Nouns |
| archaeo. findspot [also: find-spot] | 5 Fundstelle {f} | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to come across sth. [find by chance] | etw.Dat. begegnen [etw. antreffen, auf etw. stoßen] | |
| to ferret sth. out [find by persistent investigation] | etw.Akk. aufspüren | |
| to go begging [coll.] [find no interested party] | keinen Interessenten finden | |
| to go for sb. [coll.] [to find someone attractive, romantically] | in jdn. verknallt sein [ugs.] | |
| to learn of sth. [find out about sth.] | von etw.Dat. Kenntnis erlangen | |
| to nag (at sb.) [find fault constantly] | (an jdm.) herumnörgeln [ugs.] | |
| to pick up sb. [coll.] [to find sexual partners] | jdn. aufreißen [ugs.] [Frauen] | |
| to run across sb./sth. [meet/find by chance] | auf jdn./etw. stoßen [durch Zufall treffen/finden] | |
| to rustle up sth. [coll.] [find by effort or search] | etw. auftreiben [ugs.] [beschaffen] | |
| to work out sth. [find the answer to sth.] | etw.Akk. herausfinden | |
| to work sth. out [(attempt) to find a solution] | etw.Akk. austüfteln [ugs.] | |
| to work sth. out [find the answer to sth.] | etw.Akk. rausfinden [ugs.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| Unverified insular object [e.g. archaeological find] | Inselobjekt {n} [z. B. archäologischer Fund] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to gen up on sth. [Br.] [coll.] [find out about sth.] | sichAkk. über etw.Akk. schlaumachen [ugs.] [sich über etw. informieren] | |
| to get on to sb. [find out] | jdm. draufkommen [auf etw.] [ugs.] | |
| to make sense of sth. [idiom] [find meaning or coherence in sth.] | etw.Akk. auseinanderdröseln [regional] [entwirren] | |
| to make sense of sth. [idiom] [find meaning or coherence in sth.] | den Sinn von etw.Dat. verstehen | |
| to make sense of sth. [idiom] [find meaning or coherence in sth.] | die Bedeutung von etw.Dat. herausfinden | |
| to make sense of sth. [idiom] [find meaning or coherence in sth.] | sichDat. einen Reim auf etw.Akk. machen [Redewendung] | |
| to pick holes in sth. [idiom] [find fault with sth.] | an etw.Dat. herumkritteln [ugs.] | |
| to run sb./sth. to ground [idiom] [find sb./sth. after a difficult search] | jdn./etw. (endlich) aufspüren | |
4 Words: Others |
| I think so too. | Find ich auch. [auch: Find' ich auch.] [ugs.] [Das finde ich auch.] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to come into one's own [idiom] [find one's calling] | seine Berufung finden | |
| to get round to do sth. [find time] | dazu kommen, etw. zu tun [Zeit finden] | |
| to get round to it [find time for it] | dazu kommen [Zeit dafür finden] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| Nobody will be (any) the wiser. [coll.] [Nobody will find out about it.] | Niemand wird das spitzkriegen. [ugs.] [... herausfinden] | |
| idiom Nobody will be (any) the wiser. [coll.] [Nobody will find out about it.] | Niemand wird etwas (davon) merken. | |
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