| English | German | |
| meteo. fair {adj} [weather: fine and dry] | 612 heiter | |
| delicate {adj} [having a fine structure or texture] | 118 filigran [feingliedrig] | |
| hefty {adj} [e.g. fine] | 71 saftig [ugs.] | |
| proverb [Beer before wine, you'll feel fine; wine before beer, you'll feel queer. / Wine on beer, give good cheer; beer on wine, you'll repine.] | Bier auf Wein, das lass' sein; Wein auf Bier, das rat' ich dir. [auch: Wein auf Bier, das rat' ich dir; Bier auf Wein, das lass' sein.] | |
| gastr. [forming fine cracks in the crust of fresh loaf] {adj} {pres-p} | fensternd [Kruste von frischem Brot bzw. frischen Brötchen] | |
| pubescent {adj} [covered with fine soft short hairs] | flaumig behaart | |
Verbs |
| to levy [tax, fine] | 1061 erheben | |
| to inflict sth. [punishment, fine] | 483 etw. verhängen [Strafe, Geldstrafe] | |
| automot. to tweak sth. [coll.] [improve sth. by making fine adjustments] | 329 etw. frisieren [ugs.] [die Leistung durch nachträgliche Veränderungen steigern] | |
| electr. to trim sth. [perform fine adjustments] | 11 etw.Akk. feineinstellen [abgleichen] | |
| to pay sth. [e.g. a fine] | 6 etw.Akk. latzen [Ruhrgebiet] [Strafe, Bußgeld bezahlen] | |
| gastr. to singe sth. [e.g., fine hairs or bristles off the carcass of fowl or pig] | 6 etw. absengen [z. B. Federn / Kiele bzw. Borsten von Geflügel und Schweinigem] | |
| gastr. to thread [form a fine thread when poured from a spoon] | Fäden ziehen | |
Nouns |
| law penalty [fine] | 55 Strafsumme {f} | |
| law sentence [punishment, fine] | 23 Strafsatz {m} | |
| gastr. [very fine flour] | 9 Nullermehl {n} [veraltet] | |
| punctilio [fine point] | 9 Punkt {m} [feiner Punkt] | |
| hist. pol. ['Jewish fine, penance', a penalty tax levied after the November 1938 Pogrom by the Nazi government on Jews in Germany and the occupied territories] | Judenbuße {f} | |
| gastr. [forming fine cracks in the crust of fresh loaf] | Fenstern {n} der Kruste [Qualitätsmerkmal bei frischgebackenen Brötchen bzw. frischgebackenem Brot] | |
| gastr. [light-coloured, fine textured Austrian beef and pork sausage] | Extrawurst {f} [österr.] | |
| [sb. with poor fine motor skills] | Grobmotoriker {m} | |
| tech. craze [fine crack] | feiner Riss {m} [in Glasur] | |
| mineral. sericite [fine-grained white (colourless) micas, e.g. (muscovite, illite, or paragonite)] | Sericit {m} [feinstschuppiger Muskovit, Illit, oder Paragonit] | |
| mineral. sericite [fine-grained white (colourless) micas, e.g. (muscovite, illite, or paragonite)] | Serizit {m} [feinstschuppiger Muskovit, Illit, oder Paragonit] | |
| trump [coll.] [fine person] | feiner Kerl {m} | |
2 Words: Others |
| geol. fine sandy {adj} [also: fine-sandy] | feinsandig | |
| anat. med. fine-motor {adv} [also: fine motor] | feinmotorisch | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| gastr. chocolate cake [fine, esp. round] | Schokoladentorte {f} | |
| MedTech. delicate scissors {pl} [fine scissors] | feine Schere {f} | |
| mus. fine adjuster [fine tuner] | Feinstimmer {m} | |
| tech. fine balance [fine adjustment] | Feinabgleich {m} | |
| tech. fine balancing [also: fine-balancing] | Feinwuchten {n} | |
| anat. biol. zool. rete mirabile [Latin for "wonderful net"] [complex of fine arteries] | Rete mirabile {n} [lateinisch für „Wundernetz“] [Geflecht aus feinsten Arterien] | |
| tech. setting screw [e.g. for fine adjustment] | Verstellschraube {f} | |
| phys. Sommerfeld's constant <α> [fine-structure constant] | Sommerfeldkonstante {f} <α> [Feinstrukturkonstante] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| print [fine] art quality print | hochwertiger Druck {m} | |
| air diffusion system [fine, coarse] | Belüftersystem {n} | |
| piece of tail [sl.] [fine young woman] | Schnalle {f} [salopp] [pej.] [veraltet] [tolle junge Frau] | |
| art tech. red sable brush [fine artists' paintbrush] | Rotmarderpinsel {m} [Künstlerpinsel aus Wieselhaaren] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to be really hard / heavy [slap, fine] | sich gewaschen haben [ugs.] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| proverb Fine feathers make fine birds. | Kleider machen Leute. | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| fine and very fine particles | Fein- und Feinstpartikel {pl} | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| lit. F Alias Madame Doubtfire [Anne Fine] [in USA] | Mrs. Doubtfire | |
| lit. F Madame Doubtfire [Anne Fine] [original Br. title] | Mrs. Doubtfire | |
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