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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: [fistula]
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Dictionary English German: [fistula]

Translation 1 - 42 of 42

English German
dent. oroantral {adj} [fistula]
anat. med. zool. labial {adj} [attr.] [e.g. frenulum, fistula, injury, palp]Lippen- [z. B. Bändchen, Fistel, Verletzung, Taster]
anat. biol. perianal [attr.] [fistula, abscess, etc.]Perianal- [Perianalfistel, Perianalabszess usw.]
2 Words: Nouns
med. anorectal fistula [Fistula anorectalis]After-Mastdarm-Fistel {f}
med. anorectal fistula [Fistula anorectalis]Anus-Rektum-Fistel {f} [innere Analfistel mit Mündung in das Rektum]
med. arteriovenous fistula <AV fistula, AVF>arteriovenöse Fistel {f} <AV-Fistel, AVF>
med. biliary fistula [Fistula biliaris]Biliärfistel {f}
med. biliary fistula [Fistula biliaris]Gallenfistel {f}
med. coccygeal fistula [Fistula coccygealis, Sinus pilonidalis]Kokzygealfistel {f}
agr. cow fistula [permanent rumen fistula in cows]Loch {n} in der Kuh [ugs.] [Kuhfistel] [Fistulierung beim Hausrind]
agr. cow fistula [rumen fistula]Kuhfistel {f}
dent. dental fistula [Fistula dentalis]Zahnfistel {f}
dent. gingival fistula [Fistula gingivalis]Zahnfleischfistel {f}
med. salivary fistula [Fistula salivalis]Speichelfistel {f}
dent. tooth fistula [coll.] [Fistula dentalis] [dental fistula]Zahnfistel {f}
med. vesicocolic fistula [Fistula vesicocolica]Harnblasen-Kolon-Fistel {f}
med. vesicocolic fistula [Fistula vesicocolica] [also: colovesical fistula]Blasen-Kolon-Fistel {f}
med. vesicorectal fistula [Fistula vesicorectalis]Vesikorektalfistel {f}
med. vesicorectal fistula [Fistula vesicorectalis]vesikorektale Fistel {f}
med. vesicorectal fistula [Fistula vesicorectalis]Blasen-Rektum-Fistel {f}
med. vesicorectal fistula [Fistula vesicorectalis]Harnblasen-Rektum-Fistel {f}
3 Words: Nouns
med. cerebrospinal fluid fistula <CSF fistula, C.S.F. fistula>Liquorfistel {f}
med. congenital auricular fistula [Fistula auris congenita]angeborene Ohrfistel {f}
med. congenital auricular fistula [Fistula auris congenita]kongenitale präaurikuläre Fistel {f} [Aurikularfistel]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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