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English-German translation for: [flour]
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Dictionary English German: [flour]

Translation 1 - 38 of 38

English German
FoodInd. gastr. wholegrain {adj} [e.g. biscuits, flour]
Vollkorn- [z. B. Plätzchen, Mehl]
gastr. to flour sth. [cover with flour]
etw.Akk. bemehlen
to sift [e.g. flour]
to grind sth. [e.g. flour or coffee]
etw.Akk. vermahlen
to mill sth. [coffee, flour, etc.]
etw. mahlen
gastr. to thicken [with flour]
stauben [österr.]
to dust sth. [with flour or icing sugar]etw.Akk. stäuben [mit Mehl oder Puderzucker] [bestäuben]
gastr. gruel [from wheat flour]
Mehlsuppe {f}
FoodInd. polenta [flour]
Maisgrieß {m}
gastr. [very fine flour]
Nullermehl {n} [veraltet]
[a sack of flour weighing 30 kg]Punge {f} [regional] [veraltet] [Mehlsack von 30 kg]
gastr. [dumplings made of flour, salt, eggs and milk]Mehlspatzen {pl} [bayer.] [fränk.]
gastr. [small pancakes; Saxon dish made from dough containing mashed potatoes, quark cheese, eggs and flour] Quarkkeulchen {n} [FALSCH für: Quarkkäulchen]
gastr. [small pancakes; Saxon dish made from dough containing mashed potatoes, quark cheese, eggs and flour](sächsisches) Quarkkäulchen {n}
gastr. [sweet flour dumplings with seasonal ingredients; Harz specialty]Diebichen {pl} [gekochte Harzer Mehlklößchen]
gastr. hist. [wheat flour loaf based on the size of a soldier's daily ration during the Napoleonic Wars]Franzenbrot {n} [Weizenmehl-Wecken, ca. viermal so groß wie ein heutiges Brötchen] [noch zum regionalen Brauchtum gehörig, z. B. bei Schützenbrüderschaften]
arrowroot [starch, flour]Arrowroot {n}
tech. bolter [in a flour mill]Beutelwerk {n} [Müllerei]
hist. tech. cooler [in flour mills]Hopperboy {m} [ein sich drehender Rechen; Getreide-/Mehlmühle]
gastr. scald [grain or flour combined with hot water and allowed to sit for several hours in breadmaking]Brühstück {n}
2 Words: Others
finely ground {adj} [of flour]glatt [Mehl]
stone-ground {adj} [e.g. flour]mit Mühlsteinen gemahlen
2 Words: Verbs
gastr. to cook out [the flour taste in a roux][den Mehlgeschmack in einer Mehlschwitze] auskochen
gastr. to dredge sth. in sth. [flour etc.]etw.Akk. in etw.Dat. wenden [in Mehl etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
FoodInd. gastr. besan (flour) [gram flour]Kichererbsenmehl {n}
gastr. brown bread [made with wheat and rye flour]Graubrot {n} [regional]
gastr. brown bread [made with wheat and rye flour]Mischbrot {n}
FoodInd. brown flour [dark, brownish wheat flour]Ruchmehl {n} [schweiz.] [alemannisch]
gastr. flannel cake [Am.] [a griddlecake esp. of wheat flour]Weizenpfannkuchen {m}
comm. FoodInd. jobs flour merchant [also: flour-merchant]Mehlhändler {m}
hist. tech. hopper-boy [cooler] [in flour mills]Hopperboy {m}
FoodInd. gastr. light bread [made from white flour leavened with yeast] [Am.]Weißbrot {n}
med. miller's lung [of wheat flour mill workers]Mehlstaublunge {f} [Mehllunge der Müller]
3 Words: Verbs
gastr. to brown in fat [flour]anschwitzen
to bulk sth. up (with sth.) [e.g. flour with chalk]etw.Akk. (mit etw.Dat.) strecken [z. B. Mehl mit Kalk]
to incorporate sth. (in / into sth.) [e.g. changes, a quotation, flour]etw.Akk. (in etw.Akk.) einarbeiten [z. B. Änderungen, ein Zitat, Mehl]
3 Words: Nouns
(kitchen) drawer-container [for flour, sugar etc.]Schütte {f} [Behälter]
gastr. (kitchen) drawer-container [for flour, sugar, salt, etc.]Küchenschütte {f} [i. d. R. für Mehl, Zucker, Salz]
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