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English-German translation for: [four]
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Dictionary English German: [four]

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quadrennial {adj} [lasting four years]
vierjährig [vier Jahre dauernd]
-person {adj} [e.g. four-person family]
-köpfig [z. B. vierköpfige Familie]
square {adj} [four-sided]
quadruplicate {adj} [consisting of four identical copies]
rail bogie {adj} [Br.] [four axles in two bogies]
equest. -horsed {suffix} [e. g. four-horsed]-pferdig [z. B. vierpferdig]
quadrennial {adj} [every four years]vierjährlich [sich alle vier Jahre wiederholend]
quadrennial {adj} [recurring every four years]alle vier Jahre stattfindend [attr.]
to quarter sth. [divide in four]
etw.Akk. vierteln
hist. law to quarter sb. [cut into four pieces]
jdn. vierteilen
foursome [four people]
Quartett {n}
quadruplet [each of four children born at one birth]
Vierling {m}
RealEst. [four-storied apartment buildings, constructed in the period 1950-1965]
Altneubau {m} [DDR]
zool. dam [a female parent; used for a four-legged animal]
Mutter {f} [Stammbaum-Angabe]
constr. tetrapod [four-legged concrete breakwater]
Tetrapode {m} [vierfüßiger Wellenbrecher aus Beton]
constr. tetrapods [four-legged concrete breakwaters]
Tetrapoden {pl} [vierfüßige Wellenbrecher aus Beton]
furn. [a wooden chair with four slanted legs and a slab-like backrest dovetailed into the massive plank seat]Stabelle {f}
electr. [four-conductor shielded cable with metal foil shield]ViMF-Kabel {n} [Vierer in Metallfolie]
games [group of three or four men / women playing cards regularly]Kartelrunde {f} [ugs.]
telecom. [multiparty line for four subscribers]Vierteltelephon {n} [alt] [österr.]
telecom. [multiparty line for four subscribers]Viertler {m} [österr.] [regional] [ugs.] [Vierteltelephon]
[period of four days]Quatriduum {n} [veraltet]
mus. [practice of singing by turn the lines of the Christmas hymn "Quem pastores" by four soloists or choirs]Quempas-Singen {n}
tools [set of four or five double-pointed knitting needles]Nadelspiel {n}
med. calor [one of the four classic signs of inflammation]Hitze {f} [Grundzeichen der Entzündung]
jobs naut. oldster [Br.] [midshipman of four years' standing in the British navy][ein schon vier Jahre dienender Seekadett der British Navy]
acad. quadmester [short for: quadrimester] [period of four months]Tertial {n}
quadrennial [every four years] [also:quadriennial]Quadriennale {f}
quadrennial [lasting four years] [also:quadriennial]Quadriennium {n} [veraltet]
quadrennium [also: quadriennium] [period of four years]Quadriennium {n} [veraltet]
acad. acc. econ. quadrimester [period of four months]Dritteljahr {n}
acad. acc. quadrimester [period of four months]Tertial {n}
bike quadruplet [bicycle with four seats]Vierer-Tandem {n}
stanhope [light open horse-drawn carriage for one person, with two or four wheels]Stanhope-Kutsche {f} [auch: Stanhope Gig {n}]
med. tertial [four months]Tertial {n} [ein drittel Jahr]
geogr. the Vierlande [southeastern four districts of Hamburg, Germany]die Vierlande {pl} [Gebiet im Hamburger Bezirk Bergedorf]
mus. yueqin [also: yue qin] [traditional Chinese four-stringed plucked instrument]Yueqin {f} [viersaitige Kastenhalslaute]
2 Words: Others
mil. 10-4 [Am.] [sl.] [ten-four]Verstanden!
24/7 {adv} [coll.] [twenty-four seven]immerzu [24 Std. am Tag, 7 Tage die Woche]
24/7 {adv} [coll.] [twenty-four seven]rund um die Uhr, sieben Tage die Woche
drugs 4/20 [Am.] [sl.] [also spelled 4:20 or 420, pronounced four-twenty][Codewort unter Drogenkonsumenten: angeblich geeigneter Zeitpunkt oder Tag, um Marihuana zu konsumieren; Marihuanakonsum schlechthin]
games en carré {adv} [a bet on the intersection of four numbers in roulette, e.g. 23/24/26/27]en carré [Roulette]
gastr. TrVocab. First Class [acc. to the European Hotelstars Union] [four stars]Vierstern [Sterneklasse, Hotelkategorie]
mus. four-beat {adj} [attr.] [also: four beat]viertaktig
four-times {adj} [also: four times] [attr.] [e.g. world champion]viermalig [z. B. Weltmeister]
ling. in German {adv} [as in "In German there are four cases."]im Deutschen [wie in „Im Deutschen gibt es vier Fälle.“]
2 Words: Nouns
anat. ape line [pej. connotation] [four-finger crease]Affenfurche {f} [veraltet] [Vierfingerfurche]
math. Bachet's conjecture [Lagrange's four-square theorem]Satz {m} von Lagrange [Vier-Quadrate-Satz]
sports Unverified backdoor sweep [in a best of 7 playoff: when a team wins four consecutive games after losing game 1, two or three then wins every other game] [coll.][wenn eine Mannschaft vier Spiele in Folge gewinnt, nachdem sie Spiel 1, die beiden ersten oder die ersten drei Spiele verlor]
gastr. baked Alaska [glace au four]Omelette surprise {f} [Überraschungsomelette]
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