| English | German  |  |
 | (My) oh my. | Allmächd! [fränk.] [Ausruf (des Erstaunens), Allmächtiger Gott!] |  |
 | single {adj} | einschiftig [ugs.] [fränk.] [alleinstehend, einzeln] |  |
 | made pregnant {past-p} | ohbrennd [fig. fränk.: angebrannt = geschwängert] |  |
Verbs |
 | to rattle [during Holy Week, on Good Friday] | klöppern [auch: schlöttern] [fränk.] [ratschen an den Kartagen] |  |
 | to babble | waafen [fränk.] [plaudern, schwatzen] |  |
Nouns |
 | gastr. croutons {pl} [sautéed cubed roll/bread (put in the middle of potato dumplings)] | 6 Klößbrot {n} [fränk.] [geröstete Brötchenwürfel / Weißbrotwürfel als Kloßfüllung] |  |
 | jobs sweep [chimney sweep] | 6 Schlot {m} [fränk.] [Schornsteinfeger] |  |
 | gastr. weenies [Am.] [coll.] | 5 Wienerla {pl} [fränk.] |  |
 | gastr. [cheese spread made from Camembert or Romadur, butter, onions, spices, ...] | Angemachter {m} [fränk.] [Obatzda] |  |
 | gastr. [potato pancake made of potato batter mixed with chopped apples] | Apfelbackes {m} [fränk.] |  |
 | worries {pl} | Arschmarter {f} [häufig: Arschmartern {pl}] [ugs.] [regional, z. B. sächs., fränk., elsäss.] |  |
 | gastr. potato pancake | Backes {m} [fränk.] [Kartoffelpuffer] |  |
 | gastr. oenol. fermenting new wine [partially fermented grape must] | Bremser {m} [fränk.] [Traubenmost, der gerade begonnen hat zu gären] |  |
 | [one who has fathered only daughters] | Büchsenmacher {m} [ostd.] [fränk.] [ugs.] [hum.] |  |
 | cloth. (indoor) slippers | Dappen {pl} [fränk.] [Hausschuhe, Pantoffel] |  |
 | dummy [coll.] [used as a form of address] | Doldi {m} [fränk.] |  |
 | games tag [children's game] | Fangerlens {n} [auch: Fangerles, Fangerlas] [fränk.] [Fangen, Fangen-Spiel] |  |
 | cloth. jacket | Frack {m} [ugs.] [fränk.] [Jacke] |  |
 | gastr. roasted kid | Geißleinbraten {m} [fränk.] |  |
 | gastr. [cheese spread made from Camembert or Romadur, butter, onions, spices, ...] | Gerupfter {m} [fränk.] [Obatzda] |  |
 | sissy [coll.] | Greinmeichela {n} [auch: Greinmeichala] [fränk.] [Heulsuse] |  |
 | funny farm [coll.] | Hupfla {f} [ugs., fränk. für: Heil- und Pflegeanstalt] |  |
 | med. sports granddaddy [coll.] [dead leg] | Knöck {m} [fränk.] [Pferdekuss] |  |
 | gastr. horseradish | Krengemüse {n} [fränk.] |  |
 | gastr. palate tickler | Magentratzer {m} [bayer., auch: das Magentratzerl] [fränk.: das Magendrätzerla] |  |
 | gastr. [dumplings made of flour, salt, eggs and milk] | Mehlspatzen {pl} [bayer.] [fränk.] |  |
 | cloth. headscarf | Meichela {n} [auch: Meichala] [fränk.] [Kopftuch] |  |
 | agr. gastr. potatoes | Potacken {pl} [fränk. für: Kartoffeln] |  |
 | [back frame with shelf used to carry loads] | Reef {n} [fränk.] [Reff] [ein auf dem Rücken befestigtes Tragegestell] |  |
 | hist. jobs [woman who bought food products from farmers in order to sell them in town] | Reeftragerin {f} [fränk.] |  |
 | tools wheelbarrow | Rowern {f} [auch: Rowerna] [fränk.] [thür.] [Schubkarre] |  |
 | gastr. lamb's lettuce | Schafmäulchensalat {m} [auch: Schafmäuli] [fränk.] |  |
 | jobs chimney sweep | Schlotfeger {m} [fränk.] [ansonsten veraltet] [Schornsteinfeger] |  |
 | [tied end of a balloon, sausage] | Schnörpfel {m} [fränk.] [Zipfel an der Wurst, am Luftballon] |  |
 | clothespin [Am.] | Wäschzweck {m} {f} [fränk.] |  |
 | agr. oenol. vineyard | Wengert {m} [südd., bes. fränk, schwäb.] [Weinberg] |  |
 | gastr. Vienna sausage | Wienerle {n} [schwäb.] [fränk.] |  |
 | gastr. weenies [Am.] [coll.] | Wienerle {pl} [schwäb.] [auch fränk.] |  |
 | gastr. quark [a kind of fromage blanc] | Zieberlaskäs {m} [auch: Ziebeleskäs, Ziewerlaskees] [fränk.] [Quark] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | Man! | Ja varegg! [oberpfälz.] [fränk.] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | idiom stuck-up twit [smart-ass] | aufgestellter Mäusedreck {m} [pej.] [bes. fränk.] |  |
 | gastr. potato dumplings [potato dough made from boiled potatoes only] | baumwollene Klöße {pl} [ugs. Baumwollne] [fränk.] |  |
 | gastr. [egg] | Gaggerla / Gaggala {n} [fränk. für: Ei] |  |
 | Nuremberg's prune people | Nürnberger Zwetschgenmännla {pl} [fränk.] [gesamt] |  |
 | gastr. [flat doughnuts covered with hot red wine; seasoned with sugar and cinnamon] | Versoffene Jungfern {pl} [fränk.] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | [The days are getting longer again, spring is nearing.] | Es geht nauswärts. [fränk.] [pfälz.] [regional] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to let one rip [coll.] [to break wind] | einen Schieß lassen [ugs.] [fränk.] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | gastr. [three Nuremberg bratwursts on a roll] | Drei {pl} im Weggla [fränk.] [drei Nürnberger Rostbratwürste in einem Brötchen] |  |
 | gastr. salt-cured pork knuckle with sauerkraut | Salzknöchla {n} mit Sauerkraut [fränk.] |  |
 | prune boy and prune girl [made from dried prunes, dried figs, walnuts] | Zwetschgenmännla und Zwetschgenweibla [fränk.] [z. B. auf dem Nürnberger Christkindlesmarkt] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to be pale as a corpse | aussehen wie der Tod von Forchheim [ugs.] [bes. fränk. und hess.] [Redewendung] |  |
 | to look like death warmed over [Am.] [coll.] | aussehen wie der Tod von Forchheim [ugs.] [bes. fränk. und hess.] [Redewendung] |  |
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