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English-German translation for: [frequent]
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Dictionary English German: [frequent]

Translation 1 - 50 of 150  >>

English German
acad. med. preventative {adj} [attr.] [less frequent than: preventive]
roundly {adv} [less frequent than: approximately, about]
rund <rd.> [ungefähr, etwa]
longwise {adv} [less frequent than: lengthways]der Länge nach
Monacan {adj} [less frequent]monegassisch
sth. reawakened sth. [e.g. the interest, the fear] [German less frequent than: sth. has/had reawakend sth.]etw. erweckte etw.Akk. wieder [z. B. das Interesse, die Angst] [seltener als: etw. hat/hatte etw. wiedererweckt]
subgenerical {adj} [less frequent]subgenerisch
woundless {adj} [less frequent than: unwounded]unverletzt
to haunt [to frequent a place]regelmäßig besuchen
to haunt sb./sth. [frequent]jdn./etw. häufig aufsuchen
to woggle (sth.) [less frequent than: wiggle, waggle](mit etw.Dat.) wackeln
to woggle sth. [less frequent than: waggle] [e.g. move one's head repeatedly up and down]etw.Akk. mehrmals auf und ab bewegen [Kopf, Finger]
besty [female] [Internet slang] [Am.] [less frequent for: bestie]beste Freundin {f}
besty [Internet slang] [Am.] [less frequent for: bestie]bester Freund {m}
cateran [less frequent] [marauder, brigand]Räuber {m}
pharm. zool. T
geol. Changxingian [less frequent than: Changhsingian]Changxingium {n} [seltener für: Changhsingium]
chimmer [room, frequent in Thomas Hardy novels]Zimmer {n}
med. dermatoliposclerosis [less frequent than: lipodermatosclerosis]Dermatoliposklerose {f}
med. endoleakage [less frequent than: endoleak]Endoleckage {f}
myth. Hygeia [less frequent] [Hygieia]Hygeia {f} [seltener] [Hygieia]
med. VetMed. hypercalcinuria [less frequent than: hypercalciuria, hypercalcuria]Hyperkalzurie {f}
jimmyjohn [less frequent than: demijohn]Glasballon {m} [bzw. Gärballon, Fassungsvermögen bis zu 54 Litern]
geogr. Khakasiya [less frequent than: Khakassia]Chakasien {n} [seltener neben: Chakassien]
geogr. Khakasiya [less frequent than: Khakassia]Chakassien {n}
ethn. Mahicans [less frequent than: Mohicans]Mahican {pl}
Monacan [female] [less frequent]Monegassin {f}
ethn. Monacan [less frequent]Monegasse {m}
audio med. presbyacousia [less frequent] [presbycusis, presbyacusis]Presbyakusis {f}
gastr. jobs restauranteur [spv.] [less frequent than: restaurateur]Restaurateur {m} [veraltet] [Gastwirt, Gastronom]
jobs med. roentgenographer [female] [less frequent than: radiographer]Röntgenassistentin {f} [ugs.] [röntgentechnische Assistentin]
jobs med. roentgenographer [less frequent than: radiographer]röntgentechnischer Assistent {m} <RTA>
relig. tallis [or talis] [less frequent than: tallith, tallit]Tallis {m} [Tallit, Tallith]
cloth. relig. Tallit [less frequent than: tallit]Tallit {m}
med. tetraplegia [less frequent than: quadriplegia]Quadriplegie {f}
games Twins <VI> [also: twins] [less frequent than: Lovers] [Tarot card]Liebende {pl} <VI> [Tarotkarte]
geol. Wujiapingian [less frequent than: Wuchiapingian]Wujiapingium {n} [seltener für: Wuchiapingium]
zanana [less frequent than: zenana]Zenana {f}
2 Words: Others
oenol. half-dry {adj} [wine] [less frequent]halbtrocken
electr. high-tension {adj} [attr.] [less frequent] [e.g. cable / wire, line, switch]Hochspannungs- [z. B. Kabel, Leitung, Schalter]
chem. self-catalytic {adj} [less frequent than: autocatalytic]selbstkatalytisch [selten] [autokatalytisch]
2 Words: Verbs
to be common [widespread, frequent]häufig vorkommen
to hit buffers [Br.] [coll.] [stop or fail] [idiom] [less frequent]in eine Sackgasse geraten [enden oder scheitern] [Redewendung]
to relook at sth. [re-examine sth.] [more frequent in South (East) Asian English than in Br. or Am.]etw.Akk. (erneut) überprüfen
to relook at sth. [reconsider sth.] [more frequent in South (East) Asian English than in Br. or Am.](sichDat.) etw.Akk. noch einmal ansehen
2 Words: Nouns
games (Bavarian) Schaffkopf [regional] [less frequent than: Schafkopf / sheephead card game]Schaffkopf {m} [regional] [seltener für: (Bayerischer) Schafkopf]
med. apophysial fracture [less frequent]Apophysenlösung {f}
med. apophysial fracture [less frequent]Apophyseolyse {f}
pol. arcane politics [treated as sg. or (less often) pl.] [less frequent than: secret politics]Arkanpolitik {f} [veraltet] [Geheimpolitik]
tools battery screwdriver [less frequent than: cordless screwdriver]Batterie-Schraubendreher {m} [auch: Batterieschraubendreher] [fachspr. nach DIN]
pharm. botulinus toxin [less frequent than: botulinum toxin]Botulinustoxin {n} [seltener für: Botulinumtoxin]
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