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English-German translation for: [front]
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Dictionary English German: [front]

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mil. frontline {adj} [attr.] [also: front-line] [e.g. soldier, duty, visit]
Front- [z. B. Soldat, Einsatz, Besuch]
upfront {adv} [spv.] [sometimes also: up-front] [in advance] [idiom]
vorab [im Voraus]
med. MedTech. anteroposterior {adj} <AP, a.p.> [from front to back]
anteroposterior <AP, a.p.>
med. MedTech. posteroanterior {adj} <PA, p.a.> [from back to front]
posteroanterior <PA, p.a.>
cold {adj} [e.g. air, beverage, foam, front, glue, light]Kalt- [z. B. Luft, Getränk, Schaum, Front, Leim, Licht]
MedTech. posteroanterior {adj} <PA, p.a.> [from back to front]posterior-anterior <PA, p.a.>
warm {adj} [e.g. air, boot, front, house, periods, roof, water]Warm- [z. B. Luft, Start, Front, Haus, Zeiten, Dach, Wasser]
to obstruct sth. [by putting a piece of luggage, furniture, etc. in front of a door, etc.]
etw.Akk. zustellen [(den Zugang etc.) versperren]
to bar sth. [e.g. place bars in front of a window]
etw. verrammeln [ugs.]
to block sth. [by putting a piece of luggage, furniture, etc. in front of a door, etc.]
etw.Akk. zustellen [(den Zugang etc.) versperren, blockieren]
to beg [of a dog, holding up front paws]Männchen machen
stooge [acting as a front man]
Strohmann {m}
figurehead [front man]
Strohmann {m}
face [front side]
Vorderseite {f}
blind [activity or organization covering up sth. criminal]
Vorwand {m} [Fassade, Front für kriminelle Aktivität]
front [as in: as a front for ...] [cover for illicit activity]
Tarnung {f} [wie in: als Tarnung für ...] [Verschleierung einer rechtswidrigen Aktivität]
hist. mil. Hilfswilliger [non-German volunteer in the Nazi forces at the Eastern front]
Hilfswilliger {m} <Hiwi, HiWi, HIWI>
panniers [front or rear: on a bicycle]
Radtaschen {pl} [vorne oder hinten]
face [front side, gable end]
Stirnseite {f}
cloth. dickey [false shirt-front]
Hemdbrust {f} [falsche]
gastr. [tables on the sidewalk in front of a coffee house etc.]
Schanigarten {m} [österr.]
hort. garden [front, side or back] [Br.]
Hausgarten {m} [Garten beim Haus]
cloth. vamp [upper front part of a boot or shoe]
Blatt {n} [Schuhblatt]
cloth. dicky [false shirt-front]
Hemdbrust {f} [falsche]
face [front face]
Vorderfläche {f}
dent. buckteeth [coll.] [pej.] [projecting upper front teeth]
Hasenzähne {pl} [ugs.] [oft pej.] [vorstehende obere Vorderzähne]
theatre [front row seats]Sperrsitz {m} [Sitzkategorie im Theater, Zirkus]
theatre [the seat rows in front of the stage]Cercle {m} [österr.]
ling. affix [in front of the stem of a word - prefix]vorgestellte Silbe {f}
phonet. ash <æ> [symbol representing the sound of a near-open front unrounded vowel][phonetisches Zeichen für einen ungerundeten fast offenenen Vorderzungenvokal] <æ>
automot. bra [Am.] [short for: front end bra, car bra, hood bra]Automaske {f} [Steinschlagschutzmaske]
oenol. bush [obs.] [a bunch of ivy hung as a vintner's sign in front of a tavern]Buschen {m} [österr.] [südd.]
end [front end, also of hair]Spitze {f} [Vorderteil, auch Haarspitze]
engin. ind. tech. frontlight [also: front light] [machine vision]Auflicht {n} [industrielle Bildverarbeitung]
automot. frunk [portmanteau of front and trunk]Frunk {m} [Kofferwort aus Front (vorne) und Trunk (Kofferraum im amerik. Englisch)]
meteo. gustnado [portmanteau of "gust front tornado"]Gustnado {m} [Böenfrontwirbel]
mil. troops {pl}Truppe {f} [Gesamtheit der Streitkräfte an der Front]
2 Words: Others
comm. publ. face out {adv} [front cover display of books or magazines]in Vollsicht [nachgestellt] [Warenpräsentation von Büchern oder Zeitschriften im Ladenregal]
front running {adj} [Am.] [spv.] [in front of the field of competitors e.g.]vorn liegend [in einem Feld von Bewerbern z. B.]
front-running {adj} [Am.] [in front of the field of competitors e.g.]vorn liegend [in einem Feld von Bewerbern z. B.]
2 Words: Nouns
comp. neol. basement dweller [here: young person who spends most of their time in their room, in front of a computer]Kellerkind {n} [ugs.] [hier: Jugendlicher, der seine Freizeit vorwiegend vor dem Computer verbringt]
VetMed. bench knee [a structural fault of the horse's front legs]Bankknie {n} [verschobenes Knie]
exterior cleaning [house front, building facade]Fassadenreinigung {f}
hist. pol. Fatherland's Front [also: Patriotic Front] [Austrofascist party]Vaterländische Front {f} <VF> [1933 - 1938]
archi. flying facade [false front]Blendfassade {f}
pol. front benchers {pl} [Br.] [those on the front bench of either the government or the opposition]Fraktionsspitze {f}
automot. front drive [front-wheel drive, forward-wheel drive]Vorderradantrieb {m}
comp. front endPräsentationsschicht {f} [Front-End, Frontend]
geol. glacier frontGletscherende {n} [Front]
math. plus-sign [in front of a figure]positives Vorzeichen {n}
hist. Red Front [Red Front Fighters' League]Rotfrontkämpferbund {m}
acad. research front [cluster of co-cited academic papers]Forschungsfront {f} [selten] [Research Front, Gruppe wissenschaftlicher Artikel, die sich gegenseitig zitieren]
textil. slipped stitch <slst, sl, ss> [knitting; with yarn in back or in front]Hebemasche {f} [Stricken; gehobene Masche]
sports square pass [in front of the goal]Stanglpass {m} [österr.] [flacher Querpass]
VetMed. toe crack [crack on the front of a horse's hoof][Hornspalt an der Vorderseite des Pferdehufs]
united front [e.g. against enemies]Geschlossenheit {f} [geschlossene Front, z. B. gegenüber Feinden]
3 Words: Others
in front of {prep} [e.g. in front of the house, in front of the class]vor [+Dat.] [z. B. vor dem Haus, vor der Klasse]
3 Words: Nouns
cloth. hist. coal-scuttle bonnet [woman's bonnet with huge shovel-like brim in front]Schute {f} [breitrandiger, haubenartiger Frauenhut, dessen Krempe das Gesicht umrahmt; vornehmlich viktorianischer Stil]
traffic drop-off circle [e.g. in front of hotels, schools, hospitals etc.]Anfahrtsschleife {f} [z. B. vor Hotels, Schulen, Krankenhäusern, usw.]
hist. mil. Eastern Front / frontOstfront {f}
econ. jobs executive board spokesman [as a title (esp. in front of the name): Executive Board spokesman / Spokesman]Vorstandssprecher {m}
bike front fork ends [to denote "front fork", 'Ausfallenden' is used in the sense of 'Gabelausfall']Ausfallenden {pl} [ugs.] [Gabelausfall] [Enden der Vorderradgabel]
MedTech. optics front vertex power [reciprocal of the paraxial front vertex focal length]objektseitiger Scheitelbrechwert {m}
bike pair of paniers [spv.] [at a bicycle's rear or front wheel]Fahrradtaschenpaar {n} [auch: Fahrradtaschen-Paar]
bike pair of panniers [at a bicycle's rear or front wheel]Fahrradtaschenpaar {n} [auch: Fahrradtaschen-Paar]
hist. mil. Western Front / frontWestfront {f}
cloth. y-front briefs {pl} [esp. Br.] [Y-Front®]Slip {m} mit Y-Eingriff
4 Words: Others
hist. pol. To The German People [the iconic words located on the front of the Reichstag building]Dem Deutschen Volke [die ikonischen Worte an der Fassade des Reichstagsgebäudes]
4 Words: Verbs
idiom mil. to be killed in actionim Felde fallen [auf dem Schlachtfeld, an der Front sterben] [veraltend]
4 Words: Nouns
split-front toilet seat [also: open- front toilet seat]vorne offener WC-Sitz {m}
meteo. weather in the rear [cold front]Rückseitenwetter {n} [Kaltfront]
5+ Words: Nouns
Memorial Stone Against War and Fascism [memorial stone placed in front of Hitler's birth house]Mahnstein {m} gegen Krieg und Faschismus
ling. phonet. near-close near-front rounded vowel [also: near-high near-front rounded vowel]gerundeter zentralisierter fast geschlossener Vorderzungenvokal {m}
ling. phonet. near-close near-front unrounded vowel [also: near-high near-front unrounded vowel]ungerundeter zentralisierter fast geschlossener Vorderzungenvokal {m}
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