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| ulterior {adj} [coming in the future] | 341 entfernt [in ferner Zukunft] | |
| emerging {adj} [future] [e.g. executives, politicians] | 53 angehend [Führungskräfte etc.] | |
| coming {adj} [future] | 40 zukünftig | |
| doubtful {adj} [future, outcome] | 32 ungewiss | |
| expectant {adj} [future] | 23 angehend | |
| unsettled {adj} [future] | 15 ungewiss | |
| expectant {adj} [future] | 13 werdend | |
| future {adj} [e.g. the future tax rate] | kommend | |
| futurely {adv} [obs.] [in future] | in Zukunft | |
| futuristic {adj} [pertaining to the future] | futurisch | |
Verbs |
| to shape sth. [also fig.: future, society, policy, etc.] | 1428 etw.Akk. gestalten [formen, auch fig.: Zukunft, Gesellschaft, Politik etc.] | |
| to plan sth. [intend to do in future] | 256 etw. vorsehen [vorhaben] | |
| to darken [future, hopes] | 37 trüben | |
| to contemplate sth. [have in view (as a future event); intend] | etw.Akk. ins Auge fassen [Redewendung] | |
| to darken [future] | verdüstern | |
Nouns |
| tomorrow [the future] | 376 Morgen {n} [die Zukunft] | |
| memorial [erected as a warning to future generations] | 231 Mahnmal {n} | |
| futurity [less common term for "future"] | 26 Zukunft {f} | |
| anlage [principle or basis for future development] [rare] | 9 Entwicklungsgrundlage {f} | |
| [letter stating that one's job application would be filed for future vacancies] | Eis-Schreiben {n} [Jargon im Personalwesen] | |
| mus. futurepop | Futurepop {m} [auch: Future-Pop] | |
2 Words: Others |
| near-term {adj} [attr.] [for, covering, or involving the very near future] | zeitnah [die unmittelbaren Zukunft betreffend] | |
| one day {adv} [sometime in the future] | jemals | |
| one day {adv} [in the future] | dereinst [geh.] [künftig, später einmal] | |
| one day {adv} [in the future] | irgendwann in der Zukunft | |
| sb./sth. would be [future in the past] | jd./etw. würde sein | |
| some time {adv} [at an indefinite future time] | gelegentlich [bei Gelegenheit, demnächst] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to agree (with sb.) [on a future position or course of action, e.g., \"we agreed to arrange the details by telephone\"] | (mit jdm.) so verbleiben [z.B. \"wir sind so verblieben, dass wir das Nähere telefonisch klären wollten\"] | |
| to file sth. away [fig.] [with no intention of future action] | etw.Akk. auf ein totes Gleis schieben [Redewendung] | |
| to lay down sth. [stock sth., store sth. for the future] | etw. (als Vorrat) lagern | |
| to spoil sth. for sb. [sb.'s prospects for the future] | jdm. etw.Akk. verbauen [fig.] [z. B. Zukunft] | |
| to wait for sb./sth. [intending to seize the right moment; German usually in future or past, not in present] | jdn./etw. abpassen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| ling. (present) conditional [future subjunctive II] | Konjunktiv {m} Futur II | |
| biotech. cryonic suspension [esp. of a corpse with the goal of revival by future science] | kryonische Aufbewahrung {f} [bes. eines Leichnams] | |
| future hope [hope for the future] | Zukunftshoffnung {f} | |
| future ideas [ideas about the future] | Zukunftsideen {pl} | |
| future planning [planning for the future] | Zukunftsplanung {f} | |
| future plans [plans for the future] | Zukunftspläne {pl} | |
| biol. gene source [future father of a woman's children] | Genträger {m} [hum.] | |
| jobs sociol. generation internship [young academics with low incomes and little prospect for a secure future] | Generation {f} Praktikum | |
| publ. urban listings magazine [Br.] [listing future cultural, sports events etc.] | Stadtmagazin {n} [kündigt an und informiert über die kommenden Kultur- und Sportereignisse etc.] | |
| stocks scrip dividend [note promising to pay dividend later at future date] | Wahldividende {f} [Zusage, die Dividende zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt zu zahlen] | |
3 Words: Others |
| a month away {adv} [in the future] | einen Monat hin [ugs.] [einen Monat bis dahin] | |
| a month off {adv} [in the future] | einen Monat hin [ugs.] [einen Monat bis dahin] | |
| down the road {adv} [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [in the future] | in (der) Zukunft | |
| for three months {adv} [into the future] | auf drei Monate | |
| in due course {adv} [idiom] [at a suitable time in the future] | zu gegebener Zeit | |
| in due course {adv} [idiom] [at a suitable time in the future] | zur gegebenen Zeit [auch: zu gegebener Zeit] | |
| sooner or later {adv} [idiom] [some time in the near or far future] | früher oder später | |
| sooner or later {adv} [idiom] [some time in the near or far future] | über kurz oder lang [Redewendung] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to be otherwise engaged [at a future time] | etwas anderes vorhaben | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| a look ahead [into the future] | ein Blick {m} in die Zukunft | |
| ling. past / perfect conditional [future subjunctive II] | Konditional Perfekt {n} | |
4 Words: Others |
| sth. is in store for sb. [e.g. a surprise, a bright future] | etw. winkt jdm. [fig.] [z. B. eine Überraschung, eine glänzende Zukunft] | |
| sth. would have been done [to express future in the past or colloquially reported future perfect speech or irrealis] | etw. würde getan worden sein | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to be going to do sth. [in the future] | etw. tun werden | |
| to be in store for sb. [victory, bright future, etc.] | jdn. erwarten [Sieg, glänzende Zukunft usw.] | |
| to be missing out on sth. [coll.] [used in present and future tenses] | etw. verpassen | |
| to provide for one's children [their future] | für seine Kinder vorsorgen | |
5+ Words: Others |
| At the approach of winter ... [+present tense or future tense] | Wenn der Winter naht, ... | |
| Why don't they do it then? [at a future time] | Warum tun sie's dann nicht? | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| to paint a gloomy picture (of sth.) [fig.] [e. g. of future events or a situation] | (von etw.Dat.) ein düsteres Bild zeichnen [fig.] [z. B. von zukünftigen Ereignissen oder einer Situation] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film F Ivan Vasilievich Changes Profession [original Russian title: Ivan Vasilyevich menyayet professiyu] [US title also: Back to the Future] [Leonid Gaidai] | Iwan Wassiljewitsch wechselt den Beruf | |
| film F flux capacitor [Back to the Future] | Fluxkompensator {m} [Zurück in die Zukunft] | |
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