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English-German translation for: [gear]
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Dictionary English German: [gear]

Translation 1 - 56 of 56

English German
aviat. lowering {adj} {pres-p} [landing gear]
diving {adj} [attr.] [e.g. accident, gear, instructor]
Tauch- [z. B. Unfall, Ausrüstung, Lehrer]
tech. notchy {adj} [esp. of a motor vehicle gear mechanism]
hakelig [schwergängig] [ruckelig]
Unverified deployed {adj} [e.g. landing gear]ausgefahren [z. B. Fahrwerk]
tech. noncrowned {adj} [gear]ohne Balligkeit [Getriebelehre] [nachgestellt]
astron. automot. tech. planet {adj} [attr.] [e.g. formation, mass, system; gear]Planeten- [z. B. Entstehung, Masse, System; Rad]
astron. automot. tech. planetary {adj} [e.g. formation, orbit, system; gear, wheel]Planeten- [Entstehung, Bahn, System; Getriebe, Rad]
cosmet. shaving {adj} [attr.] [e.g. brush, cream, foam, gear, gel, mug]Rasier- [z. B. Pinsel, Creme, Schaum, Zeug, Gel, Schale]
aviat. to lower sth. [landing gear]
etw.Akk. ausfahren [Fahrgestell]
travel to backpack [hike with one's gear carried in a backpack]mit dem Rucksack wandern
tech. to engage [gear wheels]ineinandergreifen lassen
tech. to engage [gear wheels]ineinander greifen lassen [alt]
aviat. gear [coll.] [landing gear]
Fahrwerk {n} [Flugzeug]
duffle [Am.] [camping gear]
Campingzeug {n} [ugs.]
automot. reverse [gear]
Rückwärtsgang {m}
duffel [Am.] [camping gear]
Campingzeug {n} [ugs.]
engin. tech. backlash [e.g. in a gear]
Flankenspiel {n} [z. B. in einem Zahnrad]
equest. tack [gear for a horse]
Reitbedarf {m} [Sättel, Halfter, usw.]
automot. notch [coll.] [gear selection of an automatic drive]
Fahrstufe {f} [Automatikgetriebe]
cloth. armbinder [here: monoglove] [bondage gear]Monohandschuh {m} [BDSM-Accessoire]
tech. crowing [gear]Balligkeit {f} [Zahnrad]
bike Unverified fixie [fixed gear]Starrlauf {m}
tech. pitch [gear]Zahnradteilung {f}
2 Words: Others
tech. helically toothed {adj} [gear]schrägverzahnt [Zahnrad]
tech. helically toothed {adj} [gear]schräg verzahnt [Zahnrad]
2 Words: Nouns
phys. sports tech. buoyancy compensator <BC> [Diving equipment] [Scuba gear]Jacket {n} [Tauchausrüstung]
phys. sports tech. buoyancy compensator <BC> [Diving equipment] [Scuba gear]Tarierweste {f} [Tauchausrüstung]
tech. diametral pitch <DP> [gear]diametrale Teilung {f} [Zahnrad]
tech. face width [gear]Zahnbreite {f} [Zahnrad]
tech. foot relief [gear]Fußrücknahme {f} [Zahnrad]
automot. forward ratios [gear ratios]Vorwärtsgänge {pl}
tech. height crowning [gear]Höhenballigkeit {f} [Zahnrad]
tech. helical teeth {pl} [gear]Schrägverzahnung {f} [Zahnrad]
tech. helix crowning [gear]Breitenballigkeit {f} [Zahnrad]
games mus. jolt pack [game gear / guitar]Jolt Pack {n} [Spielkonsole / Gitarre]
tech. lengthwise crowning [gear]Längsballigkeit {f}
aviat. nose gear [landing gear]Bugfahrwerk {n}
tools pole climber [pole climbing gear]Masteisen {n}
tech. profile crowning [gear]Höhenballigkeit {f} [Zahnrad]
tech. root diameter [gear]Fußkreisdurchmesser {m} [Zahnrad]
tech. shaft angle [gear]Achswinkel {m} [Zahnrad]
engin. spec. single pitch [e.g. gear]Einzelteilung {f} [z. B. Zahnrad]
tech. tip diameter [gear]Kopfkreisdurchmesser {m} [Zahnrad]
tech. tip relief [gear]Kopfrücknahme {f} [Zahnrad]
tech. tooth backlash [gear]Zahnflankenspiel {n}
engin. tech. tooth base [gear]Zahnfuß {m}
tech. tooth flank [gear]Zahnflanke {f} [Zahnrad]
engin. tech. tooth profile [gear]Flankenprofil {n} [Zahnrad]
dent. tech. tooth width [dental or gear tooth]Zahnbreite {f}
tech. width crowning [gear]Breitenballigkeit {f} [Zahnrad]
3 Words: Nouns
tech. path of contact [gear]Eingriffsstrecke {f} [Zahnrad]
tech. tooth root diameter [gear]Fußkreisdurchmesser {m} [Zahnrad]
tech. worm-gear clamp [also: worm gear clamp]Schneckengewindeschelle {f} [auch: Schneckengewinde-Schelle]
5+ Words: Verbs
tech. to engage with each other / one another [gear wheels]ineinandergreifen
tech. to engage with each other / one another [gear wheels]ineinander greifen [alt]
5+ Words: Nouns
tech. surface of the pitch cylinder [spur gear]Kreiszylinderfläche {f} [Stirnrad]
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