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English-German translation for: [girls]
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Dictionary English German: [girls]

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cocky {adj} [of girls]
hussies [dated or hum.] [promiscuous or immoral girls or women]
Flittchen {pl} [ugs.]
guys [esp. Am.] [coll.] [boys and/or girls]
Leute {pl}
cloth. briefs {pl} [one pair] [short underpants for women or girls]
Schlüpfer {m} [Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
cloth. panties {pl} [one pair] [short underpants for women or girls]
Schlüpfer {m} [Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
cloth. knickers [Br.] [more than one pair] [short underpants for women or girls]
Schlüpfer {pl} [Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
cloth. bathers [Aus.] [coll.] [swimming costume for women and girls]
Badeanzug {m}
[(little) girls, women]Schlitzbrunzer {pl} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [vulg.]
spec. [girls and women prowling the rubble of postwar Berlin to pick up soldiers]Ruinenmäuschen {pl} [ugs.] [veraltet]
lit. [literature for teenage girls]Backfischliteratur {f} [veraltet]
[young girl, who in the company of other young girls, greets an important guest at a celebration]Ehrenjungfrau {f} [veraltet]
2 Words
bird puller [Br.] [sl.] [car to attract and pick up girls]Schlampenschlepper {m} [derb] [aufgemotztes Auto zum Abschleppen von Mädchen]
hist. sociol. coming out [of young people, esp. girls](offizielle) Einführung {f} in die Gesellschaft
cloth. cotton knickers {pl} [Br.] [one pair] [short underpants for women or girls]Baumwollschlüpfer {m} [Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
Fräulein miracle [change in attitude towards German girls in the USA in the 1960s]Fräuleinwunder {n}
cloth. girls' pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.] [girls' trousers]Mädchenhose {f}
hist. light room [illuminated room where girls gathered to spin in winter evenings]Lichtstube {f} [regional] [Spinnstube]
educ. mixed school [Br.] [boys and girls educated together]Koedukationsschule {f}
cloth. satin knickers {pl} [Br.] [one pair] [short underpants for women or girls]Satinschlüpfer {m} [Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
cloth. silk knickers {pl} [Br.] [one pair] [short underpants for women or girls]Seidenschlüpfer {m} [Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
3 Words
excess of boys [i.e. over girls, sex-ratio imbalance]Jungenüberschuss {m}
educ. hist. higher girls' school [also: Higher Girls' School]höhere Mädchenschule {f} [auch: Höhere Mädchenschule]
educ. hist. higher girls' school [also: Higher Girls' School]höhere Töchterschule {f} [auch: Höhere Töchterschule]
cloth. pair of panties [short underpants for women or girls]Höschen {n} [Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
educ. single-gender school [for girls]Mädchenschule {f}
4 Words
hist. pol. German Young Women's Federation [rare transl. of the girls' wing of the Hitler Youth]Bund {m} Deutscher Mädel <BDM>
5+ Words
proverb Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.Gute Mädchen kommen in den Himmel, böse Mädchen kommen überallhin.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Girls! Girls! Girls! [Norman Taurog]Girls! Girls! Girls!
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Q 2009-10-06: to go through them [girls] at a rate

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