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English-German translation for: [grain]
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Dictionary English German: [grain]

Translation 1 - 34 of 34

English German
bot. hully {adj} [e.g. grain]hülsig [z. B. Getreide]
bot. Unverified spiked {adj} [grain]ährentragend [Getreide]
to grind sth. [mill, e.g. grain]
etw.Akk. mahlen [in / mithilfe einer Mühle fein zerkleinern]
art tech. to grain sth. [paint in imitation of the grain of wood or marble]
etw. marmorieren [künstlich masern]
agr. to winnow [remove (chaff) from grain]Getreide reinigen [worfeln]
gastr. quinoa [grain]
Reismelde {f}
agr. harvest [reaping of grain]
Schnitt {m} [Ernte von Getreide]
agr. archi. elevator [Am.] [grain elevator]
Getreidesilo {m} {n}
agr. aspirator [grain cleaning machine]
Tarar {m} [Maschine zur Getreidereinigung]
agr. lodging [grain; permanent displacement of plant stems from the vertical]
Lagern {n} [Getreide, Halmfestigkeit]
FoodInd. milling [grinding of grain]
Vermahlung {f}
unit [dry measure of varying size for grain or fruit]Simmer {m} {f} {n} [veraltet]
unit [dry measure, esp. for grain]Metze {f} [altertümlich]
agr. hist. [extension of grain cultivation to pasture land]Vergetreidung {f}
[loft for grain, located above the living quarters]Söller {m} [schweiz.] [Fußboden für Korn, der über dem Wohntrakt liegt]
agr. FoodInd. cereal [grain]Körnerfrucht {f} [veraltend]
ind. tech. destoner [de-stoning machine; e.g. separation of the stones from the grain]Steinausleser {m} [z. B. Trennung von Steinen und Getreide]
gastr. korn [liquor] [grain spirit]Korn {m} [Kornbranntwein]
pollard [layer of a grain beneath the bran, mostly used as animal feed]Schrot-Kleie-Mischung {f}
gastr. scald [grain or flour combined with hot water and allowed to sit for several hours in breadmaking]Brühstück {n}
agr. threshing [rare] [grain obtained by threshing]Ausdrusch {m}
2 Words: Others
agr. bot. milk-ripe {adj} [grain, maize]milchreif [Korn, Mais]
agr. FoodInd. rough-ground {adj} [grain, etc.]geschrotet
2 Words: Verbs
agr. FoodInd. to rough-grind sth. [grain, etc.]etw.Akk. grob mahlen
agr. to stack sth. (up) [hay, grain in the sheaf]etw.Akk. aufschobern [Heu, Getreide] [österr.] [südd.]
2 Words: Nouns
agr. bot. milk ripeness [grain, maize]Milchreife {f} [Korn, Mais]
bibl. parched grain [roasted grain]geröstetes Getreide {n}
gastr. Tibetan mushroom [kefir grain(s)]tibetanischer Pilz {m} [Kefirknolle(n)] [auch: Tibetanischer Pilz]
gastr. wholegrain biscuit [Br.] [also: whole-grain biscuit]Vollkornplätzchen {n}
gastr. wholegrain biscuits [Br.] [also whole-grain biscuits]Vollkornplätzchen {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
agr. to bundle sth. into sheaves [grain stalks]etw. zu Garben bündeln / binden
3 Words: Nouns
agr. air-recycling aspirator [grain cleaning machine]Umluft-Tarar {m} [Maschine zur Getreidereinigung]
material grain-size characteristics {pl} [also: grain size characteristics]Korngrößencharakteristik {f}
5+ Words: Others
proverb Grain by grain and the hen fills her belly.Schritt für Schritt kommt auch ans Ziel.
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