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English-German translation for: [grass]
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Dictionary English German: [grass]

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tall {adj} [e.g. tree, grass, building]
hoch [z. B. Baum, Gras, Gebäude]
grassy {adj} [covered in grass]
agr. for. cured {adj} [e.g. grass]
sth. grazes [eats grass]
etw. grast
sth. grazes [eats grass]etw. grast ab
to trample sth. [crush] [the grass, flowers, etc.]
etw.Akk. zertrampeln [das Gras, Blumen etc.]
bot. to tiller [esp. grass or cereal: forming side shoots]sich bestocken [Gräser, Getreide: Seitentriebe ausbilden]
bot. blade [of grass]
Halm {m} [Gras]
swish [e.g., of grass]
Rascheln {n} [z. B. von Gras]
agr. for. curing [e.g. of grass or wood]
Austrocknen {n}
bot. ear [seed-bearing head of a cereal grass, e.g. maize]
Kolben {m} [walzenförmiger Blüten- oder Fruchtstand]
blades [of grass]
Halme {pl}
bot. head [grass seed head]
Ähre {f} [Grasähre]
bot. tuft [of grass, bamboo]
Horst {m} [von Gras, Bambus]
bot. ecol. tussock [small area of grass that is thicker or longer than the grass growing around it]
Bülte {f} [nordd.] [grasbewachsene Bodenerhebung in Moor oder Bruch]
geogr. mound [covered with grass or moss]
Bülte {f} [nordd.]
sports [German Federation for Grass Strength Sports and Tug-Of-War]Deutscher Rasenkraftsport- und Tauzieh-Verband {m} (e. V.) <DRTV>
agr. [piece of land with enclosure or grass-plot]Kamp {m}
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
green [large area of grass]Grasplatz {m} [mit Gras bewachsener Platz]
bot. T
geogr. mound [in a moor, covered with grass or moss]Bult {m} [nordd.] [grasbewachsene Bodenerhebung in Moor oder Bruch]
agr. pasturage [grass eaten by livestock]Weidegras {n} [Grasfutter]
bot. piassavaPiassava {f} [Piassave, Para grass, Monkey grass]
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
2 Words: Others
while sth. grazes [eats grass][während etw.] abgrast
2 Words: Verbs
to crop sth. close [hair, grass]etw. kurzschneiden
mus. to drum lightlydröseln [auf einer Trommel; Günter Grass, Die Blechtrommel]
to shit on sb. [vulg.] [to inform/grass on]jdn. verpfeifen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
agr. bedding meadow [meadow producing grass for bedding only]Streuwiese {f}
sports field surface [e.g. natural or artificial grass]Spielunterlage {f} [z. B. Spielfeld aus Natur- oder Kunstrasen]
textil. grass bleaching [also: grass-bleaching]Rasenbleiche {f}
hort. tools grass cutter [grass and brush cutter]Grasschneider {m} [Gestrüpp- und Grasschneider]
archi. constr. grass paving [grass-filled modular paving]Rasenpflaster {n}
agr. tools grass sickle [sickle for grass cutting]Grassichel {f}
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