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English-German translation for: [grey-haired]
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Dictionary English German: [grey haired]

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zool. T
greaser [Br.] [coll.] [long-haired motorcyclist]Rocker {m} [ugs.]
ginger nut [coll.] [red-haired person]Rotfuchs {m} [ugs.]
zool. wild-boar colored {adj} [Am.] [wire-haired dachshund]saufarben [Rauhaardackel]
zool. with (a) long coat {adj} [postpos.] [long-haired] [dog coat]langstockhaarig [Hundefell]
zool. with (a) short coat {adj} [postpos.] [short-haired] [dog coat]kurzstockhaarig [Hundefell]
longhair [coll.] [often pej.] [long-haired person, esp. a hippie]Langhaariger {m} [langhaariger Mensch, bes. ein Hippie]
taupe {adj} [brownish grey]braungrau
taupe {adj} [brownish grey]maulwurfsgrau
taupe {adj} [brownish grey]taubefarben
taupe {adj} [brownish grey]taubengrau
cineritious {adj} [ashen grey]aschgrau (gefärbt)
zool. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
bluish grey {adj} [esp. Br.] [also: bluish-grey]bläulich grau
zool. grey-whale calf [Br.] [also: grey whale calf]Grauwalkalb {n}
orn. T
orn. T
meteo. dull {adj} [gloomy, grey (sky or day)]grau [trübe (Himmel oder Tag)]
orn. T
photo. grey grad filter [Br.] [short: grey graduated / graduation filter]Grauverlaufsfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
[Hessian earthenware jug, grey with blue decoration, for serving apple cider]Bembel {m} [bes. hessisch: Apfelweinkrug]
orn. T
lit. F Momo [original English translation: The Grey Gentlemen]Momo [Michael Ende]
zool. baby grey whale [Br.] [also: grey baby whale]Grauwalbaby {n} [auch: Grauwal-Baby]
zool. grey-whale baby [Br.] [also: grey whale baby]Grauwalbaby {n} [auch: Grauwal-Baby]
orn. T
orn. T
fish T
fish T
fish T
med. Grey Turner's sign [also: Grey Turner sign]Grey-Turner-Zeichen {n}
med. Grey-Turner's sign [also: Grey-Turner sign]Grey-Turner-Zeichen {n}
taupe {adj} [brownish grey]taupe
putty {adj} [greyish-yellow to greyish-brown or brownish-grey]graulich-gelb bis graulich-braun oder bräunlich-grau
ling. [»white grey / gray (horse)« - common example of pleonasm (though these horses usually aren't »white« when young)]weißer Schimmel {m} [häufiges Beispiel für den Pleonasmus (obwohl diese Pferde zu Beginn ihres Lebens meist nicht weiß sind)]
zool. T
mil. in field-grey / field grey {adv} [Br.] [in field-grey uniform]in Feldgrau [in feldgrauer Uniform]
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