| English | German | |
| inclusive {adj} [not excluding any particular groups of people] | 47 offen [für jedermann frei zugänglich] | |
Verbs |
| to approach [troops, groups of people] | 575 anrücken | |
| to unite sb./sth. [people / groups of people] | 427 jdn./etw. einigen [Personen / Personengruppen einig machen, zu einer Einheit verbinden] | |
| to unify sb./sth. [people / groups of people] | 51 jdn./etw. einigen [Personen / Personengruppen einig machen, zu einer Einheit verbinden] | |
| to intermarry [between groups] | Mischehen schließen | |
| to intermarry [within groups] | untereinander heiraten | |
Nouns |
| acad. don [Br.] [teaches one-on-one or small groups] | 127 [Mitglied des akademischen Lehrkörpers] | |
| friction {sg} [fig.] [between two people or groups] | 85 Reibereien {pl} | |
| tech. packaging [e.g. assembly groups] | 28 Konfektionierung {f} [z. B. Baugruppen] | |
| races [ethnic groups] | 24 Rassen {pl} | |
| hist. expulsion [forced migration of minority groups] | 20 Aussiedlung {f} | |
| sociol. pluralism [presence and toleration of numerous distinct groups] | 15 Pluralität {f} | |
| intermarriage [between groups] | 13 Mischehen {pl} | |
| journey [of animals or people in large groups] | 7 Zug {m} [Reise, Wanderung von Menschengruppen, Tieren] | |
| law pol. sociol. injustice [esp. towards social groups] | 6 Gerechtigkeitslücke {f} [Ungerechtigkeit] | |
| workshops [discussion groups] | 5 Workshops {pl} | |
| archi. [preservation and protection of building groups] | Ensembleschutz {m} | |
| mus. spec. alternatimpraxis [performance by different groups in sequence] | Alternatimpraxis {f} | |
| mus. camerata [esp. in the names of chamber music groups] | Camerata {f} [bes. in Namen von Kammerorchestern] | |
| med. controls {pl} [control groups] | Kontrollgruppe {f} | |
| intermarriage [within groups] | Heirat {f} untereinander | |
2 Words: Others |
| blue-eyed {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [used indiscriminately by some groups to refer to Caucasians] | weiß [bes. von Schwarzen verwendeter Begriff für Menschen mit weißer Hautfarbe] | |
| et alii [and others; used for men or boys, or groups of mixed gender] <et al.> | und andere | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to batch up sth. [coll.] [send in groups] | etw.Akk. bündeln [fig.] [z. B. Aufgaben, Mails] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| Al-Anon [treated as sg. or pl.] [short for: Al-Anon Family Groups] | Al-Anon {pl} [kurz für: Al-Anon Familiengruppen] | |
| hist. bandit territory [German occupied territories in World War II. in which resistance groups were active] | Bandengebiet {n} [Nazi-Terminologie] | |
| math. direct summand [e.g. of groups] | direkter Summand {m} | |
| discussion guide [for discussing in groups] [Br.] [Am.] | Gesprächsleitfaden {m} | |
| official relations [between groups of people, organizations, or countries] | offizielle Beziehungen {pl} | |
| relig. religious tolerance [esp. of Christian groups] | Glaubenstoleranz {f} | |
| psych. sociol. socialization history [of persons, groups] | Sozialisationsgeschichte {f} [von Personen, Gruppen] | |
| math. torsion product [e.g. of Abelian groups] | Torsionsprodukt {n} [z. B. von abelschen Gruppen] | |
3 Words: Others |
| at younger ages {adv} [referring to groups of people etc.] | in jüngerem Alter | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to share a joke [usually only of a greater community where a joke is told repeatedly in different groups] | sich einen Witz erzählen [meist nur von einer größeren Gemeinschaft, in der ein Witz mehrfach in unterschiedlichen Gruppen erzählt wird] | |
| to split up into sth. [into groups etc.] | sich in etw. teilen [in Gruppen etc.] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| bibl. relig. sharing the Bible [Bible study in small groups] | Bibel-Teilen {n} | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| relig. secession from the church [by groups] | Abspaltung {f} von der Kirche | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| fish T | | |
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