| English | German | |
| bot. hort. rampant {adj} [plants, growth] | 324 üppig | |
| wanton {adj} [archaic] [of vegetation, growth] | 104 üppig [Vegetation, Wachstum] | |
| stunting {adj} {pres-p} [of growth] | 68 hemmend [wachstumshemmend] | |
| spasmodic {adj} [growth etc.] | 39 schubweise | |
| econ. stimulatory {adj} [stimulating economic growth] | 27 konjunkturfördernd | |
| growing {adj} [attr.] [growth] [e.g. conditions, power, space] | 11 Wuchs- [z. B. Bedingungen, Kraft, Raum] | |
| bony {adj} [of bone] [e.g. structure, armour, growth] | 7 Knochen- [z. B. Struktur, Panzer, Wachstum] | |
| econ. firm {adj} [attr.] [company] [e.g. growth, owner, size, value] | 7 Firmen- [z. B. Wachstum, Inhaber, Größe, Wert] | |
| growing {adj} [attr.] [growth] [e.g. cycle, pains, period] | Wachstums- [z. B. Zyklus, Schmerzen, Periode] | |
| phenomenal {adj} [increase, growth etc.] | explosionsartig | |
| bot. rampant {adj} [unchecked in growth] [also fig.] | wild wuchernd [auch fig.] | |
Verbs |
| to consolidate sth. [position, growth, memory, identity, etc.] | 831 etw. festigen [Position, Wachstum, Erinnerung, Identität etc.] | |
| to advance sth. [accelerate, promote] [e.g. growth] | 584 etw.Akk. beschleunigen [befördern] [z. B. das Wachstum] | |
| econ. to slow [growth, etc.] | sich abschwächen [Wachstum usw.] | |
| to stunt [growth] | im Wachstum hindern | |
Nouns |
| automot. tech. engine [also fig.: of growth, etc.] | 4082 Motor {m} [auch fig.: des Wachstums etc.] | |
| mold [Am.] [furry growth of minute fungi] | 3534 Schimmel {m} [von Schimmelpilzen gebildeter Belag] | |
| mould [esp. Br.] [furry growth of minute fungi] | 1140 Schimmel {m} [von Schimmelpilzen gebildeter Belag] | |
| bot. vegetation [growth] | 82 Wuchs {m} [Pflanzenwuchs] | |
| thrift [rare] [vigorous growth] | 44 Gedeihen {n} [lebhaftes Wachstum] | |
| agr. aftermath [second-growth crop] | 17 Zweitmahd {f} | |
| accumulation [growth] | 14 Zuwachs {m} | |
| anat. physis [Lamina epiphysialis] [growth plate] | 11 Wachstumsfuge {f} | |
| contamination [through microbial (re-)growth] | 7 Verkeimung {f} | |
| rate [of growth] | 7 Zuwachsrate {f} | |
| slackening [e.g. economic growth] | 7 Abschwächung {f} [z. B. Nachlassen des wirtschaftlichen Wachstums] | |
| degrowth [theories of economic growth criticism] | 6 Wachstumskritik {f} [Theorien der Kritik am Wirtschaftswachstum] | |
| biochem. pharm. somatotropin [growth hormone] | 6 Somatotropin {n} [Wachstumshormon] | |
| bot. hort. hardwood [mature growth] | altes Holz {n} [vorjähriges oder älteres Holz] | |
| hunting leveret [hare that has not yet attained full growth] | Dreiläufer {m} [ein dreiviertel ausgewachsener Hase] | |
| med. MedTech. somatogram [growth chart] | Somatogramm {n} | |
| psych. thriving [posttraumatic growth] | posttraumatisches Wachstum {n} | |
2 Words: Others |
| growth-stimulatory {adj} [growth-stimulating] | wachstumsstimulierend | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| psych. benefit finding [posttraumatic growth] | posttraumatisches Wachstum {n} | |
| med. fat apron [panniculus as a result of fatty tissue growth (dense layer)] | Fettschürze {f} | |
| med. fetus papyraceus [a dead fetus pressed flat by the growth of a living twin] | Fetus papyraceus {m} | |
| tech. film growth [layer growth] | Schichtwachstum {n} [bei sehr dünner Schicht] | |
| med. surfer's ear [an exostosis or abnormal bone growth within the ear canal] | Gehörgangsexostose {f} | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to be / become stunted [poor growth / development] | kümmern [dahinkümmern, verkümmern] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| psych. stress-related growth [posttraumatic growth] | posttraumatisches Wachstum {n} | |
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