| English | German | |
| fired {adj} {past-p} [gun] | 15 abgefeuert | |
| tech. welding {adj} [attr.] [e.g. electrode, flame, gun, mask, robot, technology] | 11 Schweiß- [z. B. Elektrode, Flamme, Pistole, Maske, Roboter, Technik] | |
| weapons shotted {adj} [loaded with a shot] [e.g. gun, canon] | scharf geladen [z. B. Pistole, Kanone] | |
Verbs |
| to jam sth. [gun, brakes etc., also phone line] | 1185 etw. blockieren | |
| to yammer [coll.] [e.g. machine gun] | 621 feuern [knallen] | |
| to man sth. [power station, pump, gun, telephone, etc] | 371 etw.Akk. bedienen | |
| to pack sth. [Am.] [coll.] [carry gun, lunch] | 148 etw.Akk. dabeihaben [Waffe, Mittagessen] | |
| weapons to discharge [gun] | 117 losgehen [ugs.] [Waffe] | |
| mil. weapons to spike sth. [a cannon, a gun] | 51 etw.Akk. vernageln [eine Kanone, ein Geschütz] | |
| to ding [sl.] [shoot, esp. with a gun] | 28 schießen [bes. mit einer Waffe] | |
| to rake sth. [search light, machine gun] | 26 etw. bestreichen [Maschinengewehr, Suchscheinwerfer] | |
| mil. weapons to unshoulder sth. [a gun, also: a backpack, etc.] | 22 etw.Akk. absetzen [von der Schulter nehmen] [ein Gewehr; auch: einen Rucksack etc.] | |
| to outdraw sb. [pull out a gun faster than sb.] | 5 [seine Waffe schneller ziehen als jd.] | |
| weapons to empty sth. [magazine, gun etc.] | etw.Akk. leerballern [ugs.] | |
| weapons to mount sth. [cannon, gun, mortar] | etw.Akk. in Stellung bringen | |
| mil. weapons to unspike sth. [cannon, gun] | etw. entnageln [Kanone, Geschütz] | |
Nouns |
| lock [on a door, gun] | 1628 Schloss {n} [an Tür, Waffe] | |
| weapons barrel [gun] | 562 Lauf {m} | |
| weapons flintlock [type of gun] | 33 Steinschlossgewehr {n} | |
| weapons kick [recoil of gun] | 30 Rückstoß {m} | |
| weapons heat [Am.] [coll.] [gun] | 28 Knarre {f} [ugs.] [Schusswaffe] | |
| weapons stock [gun] | 22 Schaft {m} [Gewehr] | |
| hist. weapons gat [Am.] [sl.] [dated] [short for Gatling gun] [sub-machine gun] | 17 Maschinenpistole {f} <MP, MPi> [vor der Bedeutungserweiterung auf jede Art von Revolver] | |
| hist. mil. weapons archie [coll.] [Br.] [anti-aircraft gun] | 11 Flak {f} [kurz für: Flugabwehrkanone] | |
| weapons zeroing [adjusting the sights on a gun by shooting] | 11 Anschießen {n} | |
| rataplan [of machine-gun fire] | 8 Knattern {n} [eines Maschinengewehrs] | |
| weapons stock [of a gun] | 8 Kolben {m} [Gewehrkolben] | |
| cap [for cap gun or pistol] | 7 Zündplättchen {n} [für Spielzeugpistole] | |
| weapons flintlock [gun mechanism] | 7 Steinschloss {n} | |
| mil. weapons recoil [of a gun] | 6 Rohrrücklauf {m} | |
| hist. mil. [37 millimeter anti-aircraft gun of WW II] | Dreikommasieben {f} [ugs.] [2. WK, deutsches 37-Millimeter-Flugabwehrgeschütz] | |
| hist. mil. [WW II German short-range radar used for early warning, searchlight direction or gun-laying, and local observation and tracking] | Funkmessgerät {n} <FuMG> | |
| mil. [WWII, German nickname of the Soviet submachine gun PPSh 41] | Balalaika {f} [ugs.] [2. WK, Spitzname der sowjetischen MPi PPSh 41] | |
| weapons biscuit [sl.] [gun] | Knarre {f} [ugs.] | |
| weapons buttstock [of a gun] | Hinterschaft {m} [Gewehr] | |
| weapons flintlock [type of gun] | Flinte {f} [Steinschlossgewehr] | |
| hist. weapons jingal [Asian wall gun] | Wallbüchse {f} [asiatischer Fertigung] | |
| toys popgun [toy gun] | Pufferchen {n} [ugs.] [Kinderspielpistole] | |
| weapons repeater [reapeter gun] | Repetierer {m} [Repetierwaffe] | |
| weapons Saukopf [saukopf / Saukopf gun mantlet (pig's head, boar's head)] | Saukopf {m} | |
| weapons stock [of a gun] | Schulterstütze {f} [Gewehr] | |
2 Words: Others |
| army-style {adj} [weapon, knife, gun, etc.] | Armee- [Waffe, Messer, Gewehr etc.] | |
| mil. medium-caliber {adj} [gun] [Am.] | Mittelkaliber- [Geschütz] | |
| on safety {adj} [gun] | gesichert [Waffe] | |
| sth. is jamming [gun etc.] | etw. hat Ladehemmung [Gewehr usw.] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to aim sth. at sb./sth. [e.g. a gun, a torch] | etw. auf jdn./etw. richten | |
| to bang away [with a gun] | ballern [ugs.] | |
| to blast away [with gun] | drauflosballern [ugs.] | |
| to blast away [with gun] | drauflosschießen | |
| to fix sth. on sth. [eyes, camera, gun] | etw. auf etw. richten [Blick, Kamera, Waffe] | |
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