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English-German translation for: [half]
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Dictionary English German: [half]

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indifferent {adj} [half-hearted, lukewarm]
lau [Mensch, Gesinnung]
drowsy {adj} [half-asleep]
dösig [ugs.] [schläfrig]
ineffectual {adj} [half-hearted]
ineffectually {adv} [half-heartedly]
insufficient {adj} [deficient, half-hearted, often also dishonest]halbbatzig [schweiz.] [ungenügend, unzulänglich, oft auch unehrlich, halbherzig]
insufficient {adj} [deficient, half-hearted, often also dishonest]halbpatzig [schweiz.] [Rsv.] [ungenügend, unzulänglich, oft auch unehrlich, halbherzig]
semidiurnal {adj} [lasting half a day]halbtägig
[a hoax foreign word created in Germany in the first half of the 20th century]repunsieren
hatch [half-door, service hatch]
Klappe {f} [Öffnung, Halbtür, Durchreiche]
archi. constr. [space between the timber frames in a half-timbered construction]
Gefach {n}
gastr. [half a litre of beer]
Seidla {n} [ugs.] [für 1 Seidel, entsprechend 1/2 Ltr. Bier] [fränkisch]
naut. bell [half an hour]
Glas {n} [halbe Stunde]
math. ray [half-line]
Strahl {m} [Halbgerade]
sports ["autumn championship": first place at half-season, esp. in soccer]
Herbstmeisterschaft {f}
hist. [a category of half-Jew acc. to the Nuremberg Laws] [Nazi term]jüdischer Mischling {m} ersten Grades [Nazi-Terminologie, sogenannter Halbjude]
[city with half-timbered houses in its historic downtown district]Fachwerkstadt {f}
gastr. unit [half a litre / liter of beer in Switzerland]Chübel {m} [schweiz.] [halber Liter Bier]
gastr. unit [half a litre / liter of beer in Switzerland]Kübel {m} [schweiz.] [halber Liter Bier]
[mythical creature: half bird (esp. owl), half goat]Habergeiß {f} [auch: Habergeis, Habergoaß] [bayer.] [österr.] [Wesen, das halb Vogel, halb Geiß ist]
[town with half-timbered houses]Fachwerkstädtchen {n}
myth. bucentaur [mythological figure - half bull, half man]Buzentaur {m} [Sagenungeheuer - halb Stier, halb Mensch]
chaise [hist.] [a horse-drawn two-wheeled carriage, typically with a half-open top]Halbchaise {f} [veraltet] [Kutsche mit Halbverdeck]
RadioTV rail traffic half [Br.] [short for: half-fare ticket (for a child)]Kinderfahrkarte {f}
curr. half [coll.] [half-dollar] [Am.]50-Cent-Stück {n}
archi. constr. halfpace [half-space landing]Zwischenpodest {n} [Treppe]
Hasian [sl.] [half Asian]Halbasiat {m} [offiziell, aber seltener als: Halbasiate]
Hasian [sl.] [half Asian]Halbasiate {m} [inoffiziell, aber häufiger als: Halbasiat]
hist. Innerschwyz [half-canton of Switzerland from 1831-1833]Kanton {m} Innerschwyz [ehemaliger Halbkanton der Schweiz]
hist. Latins [inhabitants of the former western half of the Roman Empire, as seen from Byzantium]Lateiner {pl} [aus byzantinischer Sicht, Bewohner der ehemaligen westlichen Hälfte des Römischen Reichs]
mediety [half, moiety]Hälfte {f}
Internet OH [Br.] [coll.] [other half]bessere Hälfte {f} [ugs.]
mil. section [literally: half-platoon] <sect.>Halbzug {m}
summertime [the warmer half of the year]Sommerhalbjahr {n}
curr. hist. tosheroon [sl.] [Br.] [half crown]Half Crown {f}
underwit [coll.] [dated] [half-wit]Trottel {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
2 Words: Others
half-hourlong {adj} [attr.] [lasting for half an hour]halbstündig [eine halbe Stunde dauernd]
halfway to sb./sth. {adv} [also: half-way / half way to sb./sth.]auf halbem Wege zu jdm./etw.
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. across chest [half chest]halbe Oberweite {f} Oberweite, 1/2 Oberweite>
bitten apple [half-eaten apple]angebissener Apfel {m}
half century [also: half-century]Jahrhunderthälfte {f}
sports half-pipe [also: half pipe]Halfpipe {f}
publ. half-volume [also: half volume]Halbband {m}
brew gastr. one beer [half a liter]eine Halbe {f} [südd.] [ein halber Liter Bier]
hist. Outer Schwyz [half-canton of Switzerland from 1831-1833]Kanton {m} Ausserschwyz [ehemaliger Halbkanton der Schweiz]
constr. queen closer [half brick of normal thickness, but half-normal width]Riemchen {n} [längsgespaltene Ziegelsteine]
biol. med. sesquizygotic twins [half-identical twins]sesquizygotische Zwillinge {pl} [halb-identische Zwillinge]
hist. Underground Railroad [Am.]Underground Railroad {f} [Netzwerk, das Sklaven aus den Südstaaten bei der Flucht half (1780-1862)]
tech. Woodruff key [also known as half-moon key]Scheibenfeder {f} [früher auch Woodruff-Keil genannt]
3 Words: Others
half and halfhalb und halb
half-hour-long {adj} [attr.] [lasting for half an hour]halbstündig [eine halbe Stunde dauernd]
3 Words: Verbs
hist. to be half Jewish [female] [Nazi jargon] [also: to be half-Jewish]Halbjüdin sein [Nazi-Jargon]
hist. to be half Jewish [Nazi jargon] [also: to be half-Jewish]Halbjude sein [Nazi-Jargon]
3 Words: Nouns
curr. fifty-cent piece [half-dollar coin, United States coin]Halbdollar {m} [Halbdollarmünze der USA]
curr. hist. Franklin half (dollar) [Franklin silver half dollar; U.S. coin]Franklin-Halbdollar {m} [Halbdollarmünze aus Silber]
ecol. for. geogr. half-open landscape [half-open land]Halboffenlandschaft {f} [Halboffenland]
hist. mil. half-track motorbike [WW II German half-track military vehicle]Kettenkrad {n}
phys. half-wave plate [also: half wave plate]λ/2-Plättchen {n}
jobs part-time job [half-time employment]Halbtagsarbeit {f}
two and six [Br.] [two shilling and six pence (half crown, pre-decimal coin)]Half Crown {f}
two and six [Br.] [two shilling and six pence (half crown, pre-decimal coin)]zweieinhalb Schilling [halbe Krone]
4 Words: Nouns
gastr. black and white cookie [soft, sponge cake-like shortbread which is iced on one half with vanilla fondant, and on the other half by dark chocolate fondant]Amerikaner {m} [Gebäck mit Zucker- und Schokoladenguss]
equest. counter-change of hand [zigzag half-pass]Zickzack-Traversale {f}
gastr. half and half cookieAmerikaner {m} [Gebäck]
last half of life [less frequent than: second half of life]letzte Lebenshälfte {f} [selten] [zweite Lebenshälfte]
5+ Words: Others
idiom half in earnest, half in jest {adv}halb ernst, halb scherzhaft
one-and-a-half-hour {adj} [also: one and a half hour]anderthalbstündig
quote The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents, and the second half by our children. [Clarence Darrow]Die erste Hälfte unseres Lebens wird uns von unseren Eltern ruiniert, die zweite Hälfte von unseren Kindern!
5+ Words: Verbs
to be half English, half Irish [usually when referring to males]zur einen Hälfte Engländer und zur anderen Ire sein
to be half English, half Irish [when referring to females]zur einen Hälfte Engländerin und zur anderen Irin sein
to be half English, half Irish [when referring to several people]zur einen Hälfte Engländer und zur anderen Iren sein
5+ Words: Nouns
theatre sawing a woman in half [stage magic trick] [also: Sawing a Woman in Half]die zersägte Jungfrau {f} [Illusion von Zauberkünstlern]
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