| English | German | |
| audio- {prefix} [relating to hearing] | 53 Hör- | |
| med. drastic {adj} [loss of hearing, of eyesight, etc.] | 12 hochgradig | |
Verbs |
| to dull [pain, hearing, vision] | 55 schwächen | |
| to worsen [e.g. health, hearing] | 11 nachlassen [schwächer / schlechter werden, z. B. Gesundheit, Gehör] | |
| law to cancel sth. [a hearing date] | 6 etw. abberaumen [österr.] [absagen] | |
Nouns |
| med. mus. synesthesia [Am.] [color hearing] | 12 Farbenhören {n} [Synästhesie] | |
| biol. ling. audition [hearing] | 8 Audition {f} [Hörvermögen] | |
| audio med. presbycusis [age-related hearing loss] | 5 Presbyakusis {f} | |
| audio acoumetry [the measuring of the power or extent of hearing] | Hörprüfung {f} [Hörschärfemessung, Hörweitenmessung] | |
| audio adaptation [of hearing] | Höranpassung {f} | |
| jobs fitter [e.g. of hearing aids, eyeglasses] | Anpasser {m} [z. B. von Hör- oder Sehhilfen] | |
| audio med. nosoacusis [hearing loss due to disease, as opposed to aging] | Nosoakusis {f} | |
| audio recruitment [abnormal increase in loudness occurring in certain types of hearing loss] | Rekruitment {n} [anormale Lautstärkezunahme, die bei bestimmten Arten des Hörverlustes auftritt] | |
| audio med. socioacusis [non-occupational hearing loss] | Sozioakusis {f} | |
| med. mus. synaesthesia [Br.] [colour hearing] | Farbenhören {n} [Synästhesie] | |
2 Words: Others |
| audio med. partially deaf {adj} [hard of hearing] | hörbehindert | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to gain attention [gain a hearing] | sichDat. Gehör verschaffen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| audio absolute threshold [hearing threshold] | Hörbarkeitsschwelle {f} | |
| audio acoustic shock [noise-induced hearing loss resulting from a single brief exposure to an intense sound] | Knalltrauma {n} [z. B. durch Feuerwaffen od. Knallkörper] | |
| audio acoustic tube [hearing tube] | Hörerschlauch {m} [auch: Schallschlauch] | |
| law Arthur hearing [Am.] [bond hearing in Florida] | Kautionsanhörung {f} [in Florida] | |
| audio med. auditory rehabilitation [also: rehabilitation of hearing] | Hörrehabilitation {f} | |
| audio BAHA screw [for hearing aids] | BAHA-Schraube {f} [für Hörgeräte] | |
| audio body aid [hearing aid] | Taschengerät {n} [Taschenhörgerät] | |
| audio hist. carbon amplifier [hearing aid] | Kohleverstärker {m} [Hörgerät] | |
| audio cerumen defenser [in hearing aids] | Schmalzabweiser {m} [Cerumen-Abweiser] | |
| audio chromatic audition [color / colour hearing] | Auditio chromatica / colorata {f} | |
| audio med. deaf-muteness [lacking the sense of hearing and the ability to speak] | Taubstummheit {f} [ugs.; fachspr. veraltet für: Gehörlosigkeit] | |
| audio drying container [hearing aid] | Trocknungsbehälter {m} [Hörgerät] | |
| audio ear insert [hearing aid] | Ohreinsatz {m} [Hörgerät] | |
| audio first fitting [hearing aid] | Erstanpassung {f} [Hörgerät] | |
| audio hearing class [classification of hearing] | Hörklasse {f} | |
| audio hearing tactic [rarely for: hearing tactics] | Hörtaktik {f} | |
| audio insertion gain [hearing aid] | wirksame akustische Verstärkung {f} [Hörgerät] | |
| audio ling. psych. McGurk effect [also: McGurk-MacDonald effect] [interaction between hearing and vision in speech perception] | McGurk-Effekt {m} | |
| audio med. senile deafness [pej.] [age-related hearing loss] | Altersschwerhörigkeit {f} | |
| audio wax guard [hearing aids] | Cerumenschutz {m} [Hörgeräte] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| audio body-worn aid [hearing aid] | Taschengerät {n} [Taschenhörgerät] | |
| audio hearing-aid acoustics [also: hearing aid acoustics] | Hörgeräteakustik {f} | |
| audio high-frequency decline [in hearing high pitches] | Hochtonabfall {m} | |
| audio sound pressure level <SPL, Lp> [in hearing aids] | Schalldruck {m} [hier: Schalldruckpegel] <SPL, Lp> | |
| audio wax guard filter [hearing aids] | Cerumenschutzfilter {m} | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to have a good ear [to have good, accurate hearing] | ein gutes Gehör haben | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| audio cookie-bite hearing loss [U-shaped hearing loss] | Badewannen-Hörverlust {m} [senkenförmig] | |
| audio med. deaf-mutism / deaf mutism [lacking the sense of hearing and the ability to speak] | Taubstummheit {f} [ugs.; fachspr. veraltet für: Gehörlosigkeit] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| audio pol. (Australian Government) Hearing Services Programme [Br.] <HSP> [Office of Hearing Services] | Hörbeihilfeprogramm {n} (des Australischen Staates) | |
| audio hearing training for hearing aid wearers | Hörtraining {n} für Hörgeräteträger | |
| audio in-the-ear hearing aid <ITE, ITE hearing aid> | Im-Ohr-Hörgerät {n} <IdO, IdO-Hörgerät> | |
| audio receiver-in-canal behind-the-ear hearing aid / instrument <RIC BTE hearing aid / instrument> | RiC-BtE-Hörgerät / RIC-BTE-Hörgerät {n} | |
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