| English  | German |  |
 | residual {adj} [e.g. alcohol, heat, risk, population] | 607 Rest- [z. B. Alkohol, Wärme, Risiko, Population] |  |
 | fierce {adj} [heat, sun] | 477 glühend |  |
 | blistering {adj} [heat, sun] | 362 glühend |  |
 | torrid {adj} [heat, air, sun] | 188 sengend |  |
 | meteo. muggy {adj} [heat] | 60 drückend [Hitze] |  |
 | gentle {adj} [heat] | 56 mäßig |  |
 | withering {adj} [heat] | 23 ausdörrend |  |
 | broiling {adj} {pres-p} [esp. Am.] [heat, sun] | 19 glühend |  |
 | shimmering {adj} {pres-p} [air, heat etc.] | 18 flirrend |  |
 | drowsy {adj} [causing sleepiness, e.g. heat] | 14 einschläfernd [schläfrig machend, z. B. Hitze] |  |
 | proud {adj} [sexually excited, on heat] [animal] | 13 brünstig [Tier] |  |
 | unbearable {adj} [heat, situation, etc.] | unleidlich [Hitze, Situation usw.] |  |
Verbs |
 | to emit [heat, radiation, a sound] | 984 abgeben [Wärme, Strahlung, ein Geräusch] |  |
 | to emanate sth. [heat, light] | 956 etw.Akk. ausstrahlen |  |
 | to stand sth. [heat, climate, noise etc.] | 954 etw. ertragen [Hitze, Klima, Lärm etc.] |  |
 | chem. med. phys. to release sth. [energy, heat] | 836 etw.Akk. freisetzen |  |
 | to buckle [bend under pressure, heat etc.] | 565 zusammenbrechen |  |
 | med. phys. RadioTV to transmit sth. [a virus, a disease, heat, a signal, a program, etc.] | 282 etw.Akk. übertragen [ein Virus, eine Krankheit, Wärme, ein Signal, ein Programm etc.] |  |
 | to swelter [in the heat] | 149 schmoren [fig.] [in der Hitze] |  |
 | to dissipate [heat] | 143 ableiten |  |
 | to dissipate [heat] | 60 abführen [Wärme] |  |
 | to incandesce [to glow or cause to glow with heat] | 59 glühen [leuchten] [durch Hitze] |  |
 | to shimmer [air, heat etc.] | 47 flirren |  |
 | material phys. to anneal [heat-treat a workpiece] | 27 anlassen [ein Werkstück gezielt erwärmen] |  |
 | equest. VetMed. to wink [coll.] [mare on heat] | 25 blitzen [ugs.] [mit den Schamlippen; rossige Stute] |  |
 | electr. to fry sth. [coll.] [to destroy (electronic circuitry) with excessive heat or current] | etw.Akk. durchschmoren [ugs.] [bes. Elektronik durch übermäßige Hitzeentwicklung zerstören] |  |
Nouns |
 | phys. conduction [of electricity, heat] | 228 Leitung {f} [von Strom, Wärme] |  |
 | insulation [of heat] | 143 Wärmedämmung {f} |  |
 | tech. dissipation [heat] | 69 Abführung {f} [Wärme] |  |
 | diffusion [light, heat, rays, fluid, etc.] | 40 Ausbreitung {f} |  |
 | stove [to heat a living room] | 30 Stubenofen {m} [veraltet] |  |
 | biol. zool. oestrum [esp. Br.] [oestrous cycle; heat] | 11 Brunft {f} [auch Brunst; zweite Zyklusphase, Gattungsbereitschaft; bes. Säugetiere] |  |
 | biol. zool. estrum [Am.] [estrous cycle, heat] | 9 Brunft {f} [auch Brunst; Brunft ist ursprünglich jägersprachlich in Bezug auf Schalenwild] |  |
 | oppressiveness [of heat, climate] | 6 Schwüle {f} |  |
 | insulating [of heat] | 5 Wärmedämmung {f} |  |
 | law [Act on Combined Heat and Power Generation] | Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsgesetz {n} |  |
 | meteo. humiture [obs.] [heat index] | Hitzeindex {m} |  |
 | oppression [fig.] [due to heat, climate] | bedrückende Atmosphäre {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | heat-repellant {adj} [spv.] [heat-repellent] | hitzeabweisend |  |
 | pent up {adj} {past-p} [heat, energy, etc.] | aufgestaut [Wärme, Energie usw.] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to give off [heat] | abgeben [Wärme] |  |
 | to radiate off sth. / sb. [heat, cold, etc.] | von etw. / jdm. abstrahlen [Wärme, Kälte etc.] |  |
 | to trudge through sth. [rather abstract obstacles, e.g. heat, day] | sich durch etw. durchquälen |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | baking heat [coll.] [scorching heat] | Affenhitze {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | tech. buffer tank [heat pump] | Pufferspeicher {m} [Wärmepumpe] |  |
 | tech. CHP technology [combined heat and power technology] | BHKW-Technik {f} [Blockheizkraftwerk-Technik] |  |
 | engin. comfort ventilation [heat recovery ventilation] | Komfortlüftung {f} |  |
 | VetMed. dog panties {pl} [one pair] [for female dogs in heat] | Hundeschutzhöschen {n} [Höschen gegen Läufigkeit] |  |
 | tech. earth loop [of a ground-coupled heat pump] | Erdschleife {f} [einer erdgekoppelten Wärmepumpe] |  |
 | med. heat death [death from excessive heat] | Hitzetod {m} |  |
 | phys. tech. heat transfer [in a heat exchanger etc.] | Wärmedurchgang {m} |  |
 | engin. ind. heating rate [also: heat rate] | Heizrate {f} [selten] |  |
 | hole pattern [heat exchanger] | Lochcode {m} [Wärmetauscher] |  |
 | ecol. med. permanent exposure [to heat, radiation, particulate matter, etc.] | Dauerbelastung {f} [bei Hitze, Strahlung, Feinstaub etc.] |  |
 | chem. SSS rule [searing heat, sunlight, side chain substitution (SSS)] | SSS-Regel {f} [Siedehitze, Sonne, Seitenkette (SSS)] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | sb. is nagged by sth. [pain, heat, thirst, etc.] | jd. wird von etw.Dat. gepeinigt [geh.] [Schmerz, Hitze, Durst etc.] |  |
 | sb. is nagged by sth. [pain, heat, thirst, etc.] | jd. wird von etw.Dat. geplagt [Schmerz, Hitze, Durst etc.] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | VetMed. zool. to be in season [in heat] | bocken [brünstig sein] [Ziege, Schaf] |  |
 | VetMed. zool. to be in season [in heat] | brünstig sein |  |
 | to hang heavily over sth. [heat etc.] | über etw.Dat. brüten [Hitze etc.] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | enthalpy of vaporization [heat of evaporation] | Verdampfungswärme {f} |  |
 | tech. heat shunt tweezer [Am.] [(a pair of) heat shunt tweezers] | Wärmeableitpinzette {f} |  |
 | tech. heat shunt tweezer [Am.] [(a pair of) heat shunt tweezers] | Wärmeleitpinzette {f} |  |
 | tech. heat-shrinkable tubing [heat-shrinkable cable repair sleeve] | Kabelreparaturmanschette {f} [Schrumpfmanschette] |  |
 | tech. shrink fit holder [heat shrinking chuck] | Schrumpfaufnahme {f} [Warmschrumpffutter] |  |
 | waste incineration plant [providing both heat and energy] | Müllheizkraftwerk {n} <MHKW> |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | energy-from-waste plant [providing both heat and energy] | Müllheizkraftwerk {n} <MHKW> |  |
 | phys. ratio of specific heats [heat capacity ratio] | Isentropenexponent {m} |  |
 | waste-to-energy plant [providing both heat and energy] | Müllheizkraftwerk {n} <MHKW> |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | film quote Made it, Ma! Top of the world! [White Heat] | Ich hab's geschafft, Ma! Jetzt bin ich ganz oben! |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | rate of heat release and heat transfer | Feuerraumbelastung {f} |  |
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