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English-German translation for: [heating]
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Dictionary English German: [heating]

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
microwave {adj} [attr.] [e.g. frequency, radiation, heating, drying]
Mikrowellen- [z. B. Frequenz, Strahlung, Strahlen, Heizung, Trocknung]
to heat [heating]
to fuel sth. [e.g. heating system]
etw. betreiben [z. B. Heizsystem]
tech. boiler [for central heating]
Heizungskessel {m}
radiator [heating device]
Heizkörper {m}
constr. plumbing {sg} [system of pipes, tanks, fittings, etc. required for the water supply, heating, and sanitation in a building]
Rohrleitungen {pl}
tech. boiler [for heating water]
Warmwasseraufbereiter {m}
RealEst. [rent including maintenance but excluding heating]
Bruttokaltmiete {f}
tech. teleheating [district heating]
Fernwärme {f}
fuel [heating]
Heizmaterial {n}
heating [heating up]
Erhitzen {n}
hist. [improvised water boiler; leading electric current directly through water by means of two electrodes and thus heating it; cf. stinger]
Ufo {n} [NVA-Jargon: improvisierter Wasserkocher]
[heating stove with pot warmer function]Zimmerofen {m} [mit Warmhaltefach oder Heizplatte]
2 Words: Verbs
automot. to fire up [engine, heating, etc.]anspringen [Motor, Heizung etc.]
to put sth. on [the light, the radio, the heating, etc.]etw. anmachen [ugs.] [das Licht, das Radio, die Heizung etc.]
to turn sth. off [the gas, the heating, the tap / faucet, etc.]etw.Akk. zudrehen [den Gashahn, die Heizung, den Wasserhahn etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
tech. activation value [e.g. of a central heating system]Aktivierungswert {m} [z. B. einer Zentralheizung]
tech. activation value [e.g. of a central heating system]Einschaltwert {m} [z. B. einer Zentralheizung]
RealEst. cold rent [net rent; i.e. rent exclusive of other costs, like heating]Kaltmiete {f} [Nettomiete]
domestic coal [coal used for heating of residences]Hausbrand {m} [kein pl.] [Kohle zum Heizen von Wohnräumen]
domestic fuel [fuel used for heating living spaces]Hausbrand {m} [kein pl.] [fester Brennstoff für Privathaushalte]
heating installation [heating equipment]Heizungsanlage {f}
heating unit [heating device]Heizeinheit {f}
engin. tools manifold gauge [set of measuring instruments, e.g. for a heating system]Monteurhilfe {f} [Satz von Messgeräten, z. B. für eine Heizungsanlage]
RealEst. net rent [rent exclusive of other costs, like heating]Kaltmiete {f} [Nettomiete]
RealEst. net rent [rent exclusive of other costs, like heating]Nettomiete {f} [Mietbetrag ohne Vorauszahlungen auf Heiz- und Betriebskosten]
oven door [wood or coal oven for home heating]Kamintürl {n} [österr.] [südd.]
solar system [for solar heating etc.]Solaranlage {f}
sports tech. undersoil heating [also: under-soil heating] [of a stadium]Rasenheizung {f} [eines Stadions]
RealEst. warm rent [net cold rent + advance payment of operating costs and heating costs]Warmmiete {f} [Nettokaltmiete + Betriebskostenvorauszahlung + Heizkostenvorauszahlung]
tech. winter operation [of heating systems etc.]Winterbetrieb {m} [von Heinzanlagen etc.]
woodburning stove [for heating]Holzkaminofen {m}
3 Words: Others
RealEst. plus extra charges {adv} [e.g. heating, electricity, etc.]zuzüglich Nebenkosten <zzgl. NK>
3 Words: Nouns
tech. flow and return [e.g. heating boiler]Vorlauf und Rücklauf [Heizung]
RealEst. gross warm rent [gross cold rent + heating costs]Bruttowarmmiete {f} [Bruttokaltmiete + Heizkosten]
multi-fuel stove [for heating]Mehrstoffofen {m}
4 Words: Others
running at full blast {adj} [postpos.] [e.g. heating]voll aufgedreht [z. B. Heizung]
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