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English-German translation for: [height]
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Dictionary English German: [height]

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
short {adj} [of a person: small in height]
klein [Person]
lofty {adj} [of imposing height]
hoch [und imposant] [Berge, Turm, Palme etc.]
furn. chair {adj} [attr.] [e.g. height, leg]
Stuhl- [z. B. Höhe, Bein]
archi. constr. clear {adj} [height, opening]
licht [Höhe, Öffnung usw.]
level {adj} [of equal height]gleich hoch
sitting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. area, height, meditation, posture, statue]Sitz- [z. B. Ecke, Höhe, Meditation, Haltung, Statue]
to fall [from a height or badly]
to fall [from great height]
summit [pinnacle, height]
Höhepunkt {m}
hist. [height required for eligibility for the Guards]Gardemaß {n}
balconing [jumping into a swimming pool from a balcony or (falling from height while) climbing on balconies or jumping between them]Balconing {n} [auch: Balkoning] [das Springen von Balkonen in einen Swimmingpool oder das (Stürzen aus größerer Höhe beim) Klettern an Balkonen oder Springen zwischen ihnen]
2 Words
low-slung {adj} [low in height]flach [nicht hoch]
not exceeding [height]bis zur Höhe von
to fall down [from a height]hinunterstürzen [fallen]
print corpus size [of a typeface, x-height]Mittellänge {f} [einer Schrift, x-Höhe]
RealEst. crawl space [area of limited height under a floor, giving access to wiring and plumbing]Kriechkeller {m} [Installationsraum für Elektro- und Rohrleitungen]
cut height [cutting height]Schnitthöhe {f}
med. fundal height [height of the fundus]Fundusstand {m}
tech. layer thickness [height]Schichthöhe {f} [Dicke, Stärke]
zool. perching height [roosting height]Sitzhöhe {f} [Höhe des Aufenthaltsortes]
print x-height [height of letters such as x, a, e, m, n, o, etc.]Mittellänge {f}
3 Words
climbing geogr. four-thousand footers <4ks> [New Hampshire mountains at or above this height]4000-Footers {pl} [Gruppe von Bergen in New Hampshire, USA, von 4.000 ft (1.219 m)]
idiom the ultimate feeling [height of pleasure]das höchste der Gefühle {n}
4 Words
to reach one's full stature [full or natural height]seine volle Größe erreichen
to talk sb. off the ledge [prevent a suicide by jumping from a height]jdn. überreden, nicht zu springen [Selbstmord]
naut. metres above sea level [Br.] [reference height of Western Germany until 1992]Meter {pl} über Normalnull <m. ü. N. N., m. ü. NN> [Deutsche Referenzhöhe, gültig bis 1992 (alte Bundesländer und West-Berlin)]
metres above sea level <M AMSL / M ASL / m a.s.l.> [official height in Great Britain]Meter {pl} über dem Meeresspiegel <M AMSL / M ASL / m a.s.l.> [amtliche Höhenangabe in Großbritannien]
5+ Words
I didn't know your daughter's size. [body height]Ich wusste nicht, wie groß deine Tochter ist.
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