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English-German translation for: [hernia]
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Dictionary English German: [hernia]

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

English German
med. incarcerated {adj} {past-p} [hernia, placenta etc.]
eingeklemmt [Bruch, Hernie, Plazenta]
med. reducible {adj} [e.g. fracture, hernia]reponibel [eine Reposition zulassend] [z. B. ein reponibler Bruch, eine reponible Hernie]
med. to reduce sth. [hernia]etw.Akk. reponieren [Hernie]
med. rupture [Hernia inguinalis]
Leistenbruch {m}
med. pseudohernia [Hernia spuria]Pseudohernie {f}
med. repositioning [e.g. hernia]Reposition {f} [z. B. Eingeweidebruch]
2 Words: Others
med. non-reducible {adj} [e.g. hernia, fracture]irreponibel [keine Reposition zulassend]
2 Words: Nouns
med. abdominal hernia [Hernia abdominalis]Abdominalhernie {f}
med. Amyand's hernia [also: Amyand hernia]Amyand-Hernie {f}
med. cerebral hernia [Hernia cerebri]Hirnbruch {m}
med. diaphragmatic hernia [Hernia daiphragmatica]Diaphragmahernie {f}
med. diaphragmatic hernia [Hernia daiphragmatica]Zwerchfellbruch {m} [ugs.]
med. diaphragmatic hernia [Hernia diaphragmatica]Zwerchfellhernie {f}
anat. med. duodenojejunal hernia [Hernia duodenojejunalis, Hernia retroperitonealis]Treitz-Hernie {f}
anat. med. duodenojejunal hernia [Hernia duodenojejunalis, Hernia retroperitonealis]treitzsche / Treitz'sche Hernie {f}
med. epigastric hernia [Hernia epigastrica]Oberbauchbruch {m} [ugs.]
med. epigastric hernia [Hernia epigastrica]Oberbauchhernie {f}
med. epigastric hernia [Hernia epigastrica]epigastrische Hernie {f}
med. femoral hernia [Hernia femoralis]Femoralhernie {f}
med. femoral hernia [Hernia femoralis]Schenkelbruch {m} [ugs.]
med. femoral hernia [Hernia femoralis]Schenkelhernie {f}
med. Hey's hernia [Hernia encystica]Hey-Hernie {f}
med. hockey groin [sports hernia]Leistensyndrom {n} [Sportlerleiste]
med. hockey hernia [sports hernia]Leistensyndrom {n} [Sportlerleiste]
med. incarcerated hernia [Hernia incarcerata]inkarzerierte Hernie {f}
med. inguinal hernia [Hernia inguinalis]Inguinalhernie {f}
med. inguinal hernia [Hernia inguinalis]Leistenbruch {m}
med. inguinal hernia [Hernia inguinalis]Leistenhernie {f}
med. lumbar hernia [Hernia lumbalis]Lendenbruch {m} [ugs.]
med. lumbar hernia [Hernia lumbalis]Lendenhernie {f}
med. lumbar hernia [Hernia lumbalis]Lumbalhernie {f}
med. Morgagni's hernia <MH> [also: Morgagni hernia]Morgagni-Hernie {f}
med. muscular hernia [Hernia muscularis]Muskelbruch {m}
med. muscular hernia [Hernia muscularis]Muskelhernie {f}
med. obturator hernia [Hernia obturatoria]Obturatorhernie {f}
med. obturator hernia [Hernia obturatoria]Obturatoriushernie {f}
med. ovarian hernia [Hernia ovarialis]Ovarialhernie {f}
med. perineal hernia [Hernia perinealis]Dammbruch {m} [ugs.]
med. perineal hernia [Hernia perinealis]Perinealhernie {f}
med. Spieghel hernia [Hernia spiegheli, Hernia linea semilunaris, Hernia ventralis lateralis]Spieghel-Hernie {f}
med. Spieghel hernia [Hernia spiegheli, Hernia linea semilunaris, Hernia ventralis lateralis]Spieghel'sche Hernie {f}
med. supravesical hernia [Hernia supravesicalis]supravesikale Hernie {f}
med. umbilical hernia [Hernia umbilicalis]Nabelbruch {m}
med. umbilical hernia [Hernia umbilicalis]Nabelhernie {f}
3 Words: Nouns
anat. med. Treitz's / Treitz hernia [Hernia duodenojejunalis, Hernia retroperitonealis]treitzsche / Treitz'sche Hernie {f}
4 Words: Nouns
med. transabdominal preperitoneal hernia repair <TAPP hernia repair>TAPP-Leistenbruchverschluss {m}
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