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| to crest sth. [reach the top of a hill, etc.] | 636 etw. erklimmen [geh.] [einen Berg ersteigen, den Gipfel erreichen] | |
| to mount sth. [a hill, a horse, a bicycle, the throne, etc.] | 154 etw.Akk. besteigen [einen Hügel, ein Pferd, ein Fahrrad, den Thron etc.] | |
| to descend [hill etc.] | 85 abfallen [Gelände] | |
Nouns |
| geol. crest [of a hill] | 74 Kuppe {f} [eines Hügels] | |
| geol. brow [of a hill] | 68 Bergkuppe {f} | |
| summit [of a smaller hill] | 43 Kuppe {f} | |
| geogr. travel elevation [hill] | 29 Anhöhe {f} | |
| eminence [hill] | 12 Anhöhe {f} | |
| height [hill] | 9 Anhöhe {f} | |
| geogr. geol. brow [fig.] [summit of a hill] | Kuppe {f} [Bergkuppe] | |
| geogr. holt [archaic] [wooded hill] | bewaldeter Hügel {m} | |
| ling. name oronym [rare] [mountain or hill name] | Oronym {n} [Berg- und Gebirgsname] | |
| pike [hill] [esp. Br.] | spitze Erhebung {f} | |
| sports snowdome [indoor ski hill] | Skihalle {f} | |
| terp [artificial dwelling hill] | Terpe {f} [Warft; auch: Warf, Werfte, Worth, Wurt, Wierde] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| sports (speed) hillclimbing [also: speed hill climbing] | Bergrennen {n} [Motorsport] | |
| geogr. TrVocab. butte Montmartre [hill in Paris, known for the Sacré-Cœur Basilica on its summit] | Butte Montmartre {f} | |
| geogr. TrVocab. butte Montmartre [hill in Paris] | Montmartre-Hügel {m} [Paris] | |
| geogr. eastern foot [of a hill, mountain] | Ostfuß {m} | |
| med. Hill's phenomenon [also: Hill phenomenon] | Hill-Phänomen {n} [Hill-Zeichen] | |
| med. Hill's phenomenon [also: Hill phenomenon] | Hill'sches Phänomen {n} [Hill-Zeichen] | |
| med. Hill's sign [also: Hill sign] | Hill-Zeichen {n} | |
| geogr. northern foot [of a hill, mountain] | Nordfuß {m} | |
| sports ski jump [ski jumping hill] | Schanze {f} [Skisprungschanze] | |
| sports ski jump [ski jumping hill] | Sprungschanze {f} [Skisprungschanze] | |
| sports ski jump [ski-jumping hill] | Skischanze {f} | |
| sports ski-jump [ski jumping hill] | Schanze {f} [Skisprungschanze] | |
| sports ski-jump [ski jumping hill] | Sprungschanze {f} [Skisprungschanze] | |
| geogr. southern foot [of a hill, mountain] | Südfuß {m} | |
| geogr. western foot [of a hill, mountain] | Westfuß {m} | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| comp. math. hill-climbing algorithm | Bergsteigeralgorithmus {m} [auch: Hill-Climbing-Algorithmus] | |
| geogr. north-eastern foot [of a hill, mountain] | Nordostfuß {m} | |
| geogr. north-western foot [of a hill, mountain] | Nordwestfuß {m} | |
| geogr. south-eastern foot [of a hill, mountain] | Südostfuß {m} | |
| geogr. south-western foot [of a hill, mountain] | Südwestfuß {m} | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film F Alvin and the Chipmunks [Tim Hill] | Alvin und die Chipmunks – Der Kinofilm | |
| film lit. F Born Free [film by James Hill, book by Joy Adamson] | Frei geboren - Die Königin der Wildnis | |
| film F Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid [George Roy Hill] | Butch Cassidy und Sundance Kid | |
| film F Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid [George Roy Hill] | Zwei Banditen | |
| film F Extreme Prejudice [Walter Hill] | Ausgelöscht | |
| film F Garfield 2: The Prince and the Paw-per [Tim Hill] [UK title] | Garfield 2 | |
| film F Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties [Tim Hill] [US original] | Garfield 2 | |
| film F Geronimo: An American Legend [Walter Hill] | Geronimo – Eine Legende | |
| film F Hard Times [US title] [Walter Hill] | Ein stahlharter Mann | |
| film F Hawaii [George Roy Hill] [1966] | Hawaii | |
| film F Johnny Handsome [Walter Hill] | Johnny Handsome - Der schöne Johnny | |
| film F Muppets from Space [Tim Hill] | Muppets aus dem All | |
| film F The Long Riders [Walter Hill] | Long Riders | |
| film F The Sting [George Roy Hill] | Der Clou | |
| film F The Streetfighter [UK title] [Walter Hill] | Ein stahlharter Mann | |
| film F The War with Grandpa [Tim Hill] | Immer Ärger mit Grandpa | |
| film lit. F The Warriors [novel: Sol Yurick, film: Walter Hill] | Die Warriors | |
| film lit. F The Woman in Black [novel: Susan Hill, film: James Watkins] | Die Frau in Schwarz | |
| film F The World of Henry Orient [George Roy Hill] | Henrys Liebesleben | |
| lit. F Think and Grow Rich [Napoleon Hill] | Denke nach und werde reich | |
| film F Wild Bill [Walter Hill] | Wild Bill | |
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