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English-German translation for: [his]
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Dictionary English German: [his]

Translation 1 - 50 of 109  >>

English German
uxorious {adj} [rare] [husband: having or showing a great fondness for his wife]
treuliebend [Ehemann]
for {prep} [+ all his/her/your, ... money etc.] [in spite of]
trotz [+ (all) seines/ihres/deines ... Geldes etc.]
their {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "his" or "her" or "his or her"]
[geschlechtsneutral, statt „sein“ oder „ihr“ oder „sein oder ihr“]
hist. serene {adj} [as part of an address, e.g. His Serene Highness]
hist. philos. relig. Apollonian {adj} [of or relating to Apollo or his cult]
apollinisch [auf Apollo bezogen]
philos. relig. Apollonian {adj} [of or relating to Apollo or his cult]
apollonisch [auf Apollo bezogen]
for. [of a tree; so big that a man cannot put his arms around it with the fingertips just touching each other] {adj}
übergriffig [veraltet] [Baumstamm, den ein Mann nicht umklaftern kann]
Apollonian {adj} [of or relating to Apollo or his cult]in der Art Apollos [nachgestellt]
hers {pron} [e.g. the children are hers, his eyes met hers]die ihren {pl} [z. B. die Kinder von der Frau]
sb. clenches [his / her teeth]jd. beißt [die Zähne] zusammen
to expel sb. [e.g. from his / her homeland]
jdn. vertreiben [z. B. aus seinem / ihrem Heimatland]
to displace sb. [remove sb. from his office / position]
jdn. ausbooten [ugs.] [aus seiner Stellung entfernen / verdrängen]
to ratten sb. [archaic] [to deprive sb. of the tools used in his employment, e.g. by breaking or stealing them]
jdn. sabotieren [indem man ihm die nötigen Werkzeuge nimmt oder bricht]
host [in his home or institution]
Hausherr {m} [Gastgeber]
fealty [allegiance of a vassal to his lord]
Treue {f} [Lehnstreue]
fashion [in his fashion]
Gewohnheit {f} [auf seine Art]
hist. pol. sovereign ["father of his country"]
Landesvater {m}
cheater [male person who cheats on his spouse or partner]
Fremdgänger {m} [ugs.]
patricide [person who murders his father]
Vatermörder {m} [jemand, der seinen Vater ermordet]
educ. [student about to take his / her diploma]
Diplomand {m}
hist. fee [in feudal Europe - the land granted by a lord to his vassal]
Lehen {n}
[sb. clinging to his job, esp. a civil servant or politician]
Sesselkleber {m} [ugs.] [Staatsangestellter oder Politiker, der förmlich an seinem Posten klebt]
[somebody who pushes his limits to the extreme]
Grenzgänger {m} [fig.] [an seine Grenzen Gehender]
comm. hist. transp. [Peddler / pedlar transporting his goods afoot with a wooden back frame]
Kiepenkerl {m} [nordd.] [Hausierer mit Rückentrage]
acad. [student shortly before his final exams]
Candidatus {m} <cand.> [veraltend]
hist. [territory of the fiefdom of a lord, in which he exercised his full feudal rights]
Herrschaft {f} [Territorium]
hist. mil. naut. HMS [His Majesty's Ship]
SMS [Seiner Majestät Schiff]
[a politician or manager past his zenith]Sesselkleber {m} [österr.] [schweiz.]
hist. relig. [assurance that a change in the religion of the ruler would not require his subjects to also convert]Religionsversicherung {f}
mus. theatre [literally a 'stage-consecrating festival play'; Wagner's description of his last dramatic work "Parsifal"]Bühnenweihfestspiel {n}
comm. hist. [peddler carrying his merchandise on a huge backframe]Buckelkrämer {m}
hist. transp. [pedlar transporting his goods afoot with a wooden back frame with shelf]Kraxenträger {m} [österr.] [bayer.]
[person trusting his / her gut feeling]Bauchmensch {m} [ugs.]
[person who donates his time for charity]Zeitstifter {m}
admin. hist. [prince with the authority to convene the states in his circle] [Holy Roman Empire]kreisausschreibender Fürst {m} [Heiliges Römisches Reich]
[Saint Nicholas or his companion, Servant Rupert; German folklore]Pelzmärtel {m} [regional] [bes. fränkisch] [Nikolaus und/oder sein Gehilfe, Knecht Ruprecht]
agr. law [share of property reserved by a farmer on his retirement]Austrag {m} [österr.] [Altenteil]
hist. [territory of the fiefdom of a lord, in which he exercised his full feudal rights]Herrlichkeit {f} [Territorium]
relig. cathedra [e.g. bishop's chair in his church]Cathedra {f} [Ehrensitz, z. B. der eines Bischofs]
cheater [male person who cheats on his spouse or partner]Fremdgeher {m} [ugs.]
bibl. horn [fig.] [e.g. in: ... his horn will be exalted with honor]Horn {n} [fig.] [als Symbol der Stärke oder des Segens] [z. B. in: ... sein Horn wird erhöht mit Ehren]
acad. libr. philos. Nachlass [written material left by a scholar after his or her death](schriftlicher) Nachlass {m}
psych. nailbiter [person who bites his nails habitually]Nagelkauer {m}
philos. spec. pragmaticism [C.S. Peirce's later term for his pragmatism, to differentiate it from others]Pragmatizismus {m}
spiv [sl.] [person living by his wits] [Br.]smarter kleiner Geschäftemacher {m}
mus. Wagnerian [follower, admirer of Richard Wagner or his music]Wagnerianer {m}
2 Words: Others
in sb.'s time [e.g.: in his / her time]zu jds. Zeit [z. B.: zu seiner / ihrer Zeit]
Mr. ... wozzizname? [sl.] [what's his name]Herr ... wie heißt er noch?
that sb. clenches [his / her teeth][dass jd. die Zähne] zusammenbeißt
2 Words: Verbs
to know sb. (by sth.) [recognize, e.g. by his voice]jdn. (an etw.Dat.) erkennen [z. B. an seiner Stimme]
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