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English-German translation for: [hit]
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Dictionary English German: [hit]

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blindfold {adv} [Br.] [coll.] [e.g. hit the bullseye blindfold]
blind [fig.: ohne Schwierigkeiten, z. B. blind ins Schwarze treffen]
sb./sth. banged [hit]jd./etw. traf
to strike sb./sth. [hit]
jdn./etw. treffen [Schlag, Schuss, Blitz etc.]
mus. to pitch [hit]
treffen [Ton]
to punch sb. [hit]
jdn. schlagen [mit der Faust]
to whale sb. [hit, thrash]
jdn. schlagen [hauen, prügeln]
to bash sb. [coll.] [hit very hard]
jdn. hauen [ugs.] [schlagen, prügeln]
to knock (sb./sth.) [hit, strike]
(jdn./etw.) schlagen
to clout sb. [coll.] [to hit hard]
jdn. hauen [ugs.] [schlagen, prügeln]
to bonk sb./sth. [coll.] [to hit]
jdn./etw. hauen [ugs.]
to rap [to hit sharply and swiftly]
schlagen [klopfen]
to slog sb. [hit forcefully]
jdn. dreschen [ugs.] [verdreschen]
to clock sb. [coll.] [esp. Br.] [hit sb. (esp. on the head)]
jdn. hauen [ugs.] [jdn. schlagen (bes. auf den Kopf)]
to rifle sth. [throw or hit with great speed]
etw. feuern [mit Wucht einen Gegenstand werfen oder treten]
to pommel sb./sth. [also pummel] [hit, defeat]
jdn./etw. schlagen [prügeln, besiegen]
to wallop sb./sth. [Am.] [regional] [hit]
jdn./etw. dreschen [schlagen]
to boff sb. [Br.] [coll.] [to hit]
jdn. schlagen
to belabor [hit] [Am.]einschlagen auf
to belabour [hit] [Br.]einschlagen auf
to click [coll.] [make a hit](gut) ankommen [ugs.] [Erfolg haben] [Darbietung usw.]
to clock sb. [sl.] [to hit sb.]jdm. einen Schlag / Boxhieb versetzen
to conk sb. [coll.] [to hit sb. on the head]jdm./jdn. auf die Rübe hauen [leicht derb]
to conk sb. [coll.] [to hit sb. on the head]jdm. eins auf die Rübe hauen [leicht derb]
to crown sb. [coll.] [hit on top of the head]jdm./jdn. auf den Kopf schlagen
sports to homer [Am.] [to hit a home run in baseball]einen Homerun erzielen
sports to homer [to hit a home run in baseball]einen Home-Run erzielen
to punch [hit repeatedly]einhämmern auf
to sally [set off, hit the road]sich auf den Weg machen
sports to sky sth. [hit high into the air]etw. in die Wolken schlagen [z. B. Golfball, Fußball]
to smack sb. [coll.] [hit in the face]jdm. eine reißen [österr.] [ugs.]
stroke [hit, blow]
Hieb {m}
belt [deep hit]
Tiefschlag {m}
film lit. mus. blockbuster [smash hit]
Superhit {m} [ugs.]
sports grounder [Am.] [a hit baseball that rolls or bounces on ground]
Bodenball {m} [Baseball]
stunner [coll.] [thing, event, woman]
Überhammer {m} [bes. österr.] [ugs.] [Hit, tolle Sache, Frau]
Internet ghit [coll.] [Google hit]Google-Hit {m} [bei Suchanfrage]
Internet ghit [coll.] [Google hit]Google-Treffer {m} [bei Suchanfrage]
film lit. mus. megahit [coll.] [smash hit]Superhit {m} [ugs.]
sports six [cricket: a hit that reaches the boundary without first striking the ground, scoring six runs][Schlag, mit dem man sechs Punkte gewinnt]
tap [light hit](leichter) Schlag {m}
tap [light hit](leichtes) Klopfen {n}
2 Words: Others
full force {adv} [also: full-force] [to hit, attack, etc.]mit voller Wucht [treffen, angreifen etc.]
full force {adv} [to hit, attack, etc.]mit voller Gewalt [treffen, angreifen etc.]
2 Words: Verbs
to hammer on sth. [hit]mit voller Wucht auf etw. einschlagen
to impact sth. / on sth. [hit]auf etw.Dat. aufschlagen [aufprallen]
to lash out [strike, hit]zulangen [zuschlagen]
to ride sb./sth. down [to hit and knock down by riding against] [Am.]jdn./etw. umreiten [reitend umwerfen]
to stave off [hit back]zurückschlagen
to strike home [idiom] [hit target]ins Ziel treffen
to strike home [to hit the target or have the intended effect]sitzen [ugs.] [richtig treffen oder die gewünschte Wirkung erreichen]
to strike out [hit out]schlagen
2 Words: Nouns
mus. chart topper [hit record]Spitzenreiter {m}
sports daisy cutter [coll.] [a low hit or kicked ball in baseball and soccer]Flachschuss {m} [bes. Fußball; flacher Ball: Baseball]
hired gun [fig.] [hit man]Auftragskiller {m} [ugs.]
hired gun [fig.] [hit man]Profikiller {m}
mil. naut. mine hit [a hit from a naval mine]Minentreffer {m}
3 Words: Others
when sb. rode sb./sth. down [Am.] [hit and knocked down by riding against]als jd. jdn./etw. umritt [reitend umwarf]
3 Words: Verbs
to let fly (at sb./sth.) [coll.] [hit out at](auf jdn./etw.) drauflosschlagen [ugs.]
to swipe at sb./sth. with sth. [to hit with a sweeping motion]mit etw.Dat. nach jdm./etw. schlagen [mit einer geschwungenen Armbewegung]
4 Words: Verbs
to splash on (the) water [hit the water surface]auf (das) Wasser platschen
to take a swing at sb./sth. [try to hit sb./sth.] [also to swing at sb./sth.]versuchen, auf jdn./etw. einzuschlagen
to take a swing at sb./sth. [try to hit sb./sth.] [also to swing at sb./sth.]versuchen, jdn./etw. zu schlagen
to take sth. to the face [get hit]etw.Akk. ins Gesicht bekommen [getroffen werden]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Man with the Getaway Face [Richard Stark] [aka: The Steel Hit]Parkers Rache
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