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| |
| sports to dribble [football, field hockey] | 103 dribbeln | |
| sports to flick (sth.) [esp. football / soccer, (ice) hockey] | 30 (etw.) schlenzen [bes. Fußball, Eishockey] | |
| sports to deke [ice hockey] | 16 antäuschen | |
| sports to stickhandle [hockey] | mit dem Schläger umgehen | |
Nouns |
| sports pitch [Br.] | 191 Platz {m} [Fußball, Hockey] | |
| sports field | 72 Platz {m} [Fußball, Hockey] | |
| sports hockey [Am.] [ice hockey] | 33 Eishockey {n} | |
| sports flick [esp. football / soccer, (ice) hockey] | 11 Schlenzer {m} [bes. Fußball, (Eis-)Hockey] | |
| sports defenceman [esp. Br.] [ice hockey, street hockey, lacrosse, water polo] | 5 Verteidiger {m} | |
| sports midfielder [e.g. in football, hockey] | 5 Mittelfeldspielerin {f} | |
| sports defenseman [Am.] [ice hockey, street hockey, lacrosse, water polo] | Verteidiger {m} | |
| sports hooking [ice hockey] | Haken {n} mit dem Stock [Eishockey] | |
| sports icing [ice hockey] | Icing {n} [Eishockey] | |
| sports period [ice hockey] | Drittel {n} [im Eishockey] | |
| sports slashing [in hockey] | Stockschlagen {n} [beim Hockey] | |
| sports wing [left wing, right wing] [football / soccer, hockey] | Außenbahn {f} [linke Außenbahn (linker Flügel), rechte Außenbahn (rechter Flügel)] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| sports (goal) crease [ice hockey] | Torraum {m} [Eishockey] | |
| sports (penalty) shootout [Am.] [ice hockey] | Penaltyschießen {n} [auch: Penalty-Schießen] | |
| games sports air hockey | Airhockey {n} [auch: Air-Hockey] [Lufthockey] | |
| sports cross-check [ice hockey] | Stock-Check {m} | |
| sports face-off [also: faceoff] | Bully {n} [Hockey / Eishockey] | |
| sports first period [1st period] [ice hockey] | erstes Drittel {n} [Eishockey] | |
| sports hockey club | Hockeyclub {m} [auch: Hockey-Club] | |
| sports hockey fan [Am.] [ice hockey fan] | Eishockeyfan {m} | |
| sports hockey final [Am.] [ice hockey final] | Eishockeyfinale {n} [auch: Eishockey-Finale] | |
| sports hockey goalie [ice hockey] | Eishockeytorwart {m} | |
| sports hockey team [Am.] [ice hockey team] | Eishockeymannschaft {f} [auch: Eishockey-Mannschaft] | |
| sports hockey team [Am.] [ice hockey team] | Eishockeyteam {n} [auch: Eishockey-Team] | |
| sports hockey title [Am.] [ice hockey title] | Eishockey-Titel {m} [auch: Eishockeytitel] | |
| sports line change | Reihenwechsel {m} [Hockey, Eishockey] | |
| sports misconduct penalty [ice hockey] | Disziplinarstrafe {f} [Eishockey] | |
| sports outside left [football, hockey] | Linksaußen {m} | |
| sports outside left [football, hockey] | Linksaußenspieler {m} | |
| sports penalty box [bank] [ice hockey] | Strafbank {f} | |
| sports penalty shot [ice hockey] | Penalty {m} [Eishockey] | |
| sports pitch conditions [Br.] | Platzverhältnisse {pl} [Fußball, Rugby, Hockey etc.] | |
| sports power break [ice hockey] | Power Break {n} [Werbepause im deutschen Eishockey] | |
| sports save percentage [ice hockey] | Fangquote {f} | |
| sports second period [2nd period] [ice hockey] | zweites Drittel {n} [Eishockey] | |
| sports side netting [football, hockey] | Außennetz {n} | |
| sports striking circle | Schusskreis {m} [Hockey] | |
| sports stud key | Stollenschlüssel {m} [für Fußball-, Rugby-, Hockey-Schuhe] | |
| sports Team Canada {sg} [nickname for the Canadian national men's ice hockey team] | Ahornblätter {pl} [ugs.] [Spitzname für die kanadische Eishockeynationalmannschaft der Herren] [Team Canada] | |
| sports third period [3rd period] [ice hockey] | drittes Drittel {n} [Eishockey] | |
| sports wing forward [in soccer, hockey etc.] | Flügelmann {m} | |
| sports wrap around [ice hockey] | Bauerntrick {m} | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| sports to roll on (in) | einrollen [Hockey] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| sports double fixture (week) [e.g. football / soccer, (ice) hockey] | englische Woche {f} [z. B. Fußball, Eishockey] | |
| med. slap shot gut [coll.] [hockey player's syndrome] | Sportlerleiste {f} | |
| sports sudden victory overtime [sudden death] [e.g. hockey] | Sudden Death {m} [Spielentscheidung durch das erste gefallene Tor bzw. die ersten erzielten Punkte in einer Spielverlängerung] | |
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More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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