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English-German translation for: [hold]
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Dictionary English German: [hold]

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

English German
grimly {adv} [fight, struggle, hold on]
ling. conversant {adj} [Am.] [able to hold a conversation in a foreign language]
sb. grasped [got hold of]jd. packte zu
to cherish sth. [esteem, hold dear]
etw.Akk. wertschätzen
to cling [hold on tightly to sb.]
klammern [an, bei jdm.]
to grasp sth. [seize and hold firmly; also: comprehend fully]
etw. fassen [ergreifen und festhalten; auch: begreifen]
to bond (sth.) [hold together, connect]
(etw.Akk.) binden
to cradle [hold closely]
halten [vorsichtig, schützend]
to relinquish sb./sth. [one's hold]
jdn./etw. loslassen
to opine [formal] [hold as one's opinion]
denken [meinen, glauben]
to seize sb. [lay hold of]
jdn. erwischen [ugs.] [festnehmen etc.]
telecom. to toggle [calls on hold]
makeln [zwischen gehaltenen Verbindungen hin- und herschalten]
to clip [fasten together, hold tightly]
to take sth. [hold, liquid, etc.]
etw.Akk. aufnehmen [fassen, Flüssigkeit etc.]
pol. to caucus [esp. Am. and Can.] [hold a caucus]in einem Wahlausschuss einen Kandidaten wählen
fin. Unverified to HODL [coll.] [hold on for dear life]hodlen [ugs.] [an Investitionen in schwierigen Marktphasen festhalten]
to shelve sth. [fig.] [to delay sth., to put sth. on hold]etw. auf Eis legen [fig.]
pol. to stump [to hold a stump speech]eine Rede halten [bes. Standardrede im Wahlkampf]
lock [hold]
Fesselgriff {m}
med. breathhold <BH> [also: breath-hold, breath hold]Atemanhaltemanöver {n}
hist. mil. corporal [surplus NCO of a regiment in German armed forces of the 18th century, always officer candidates who hold the task of flagbearer]Freikorporal {m}
hist. mil. corporal [surplus NCO of a regiment in German armed forces of the 18th century, always officer candidates who hold the task of flagbearer]Gefreitenkorporal {m} [Freikorporal]
games holdem [Am.] [coll.] [Texas hold'em]Texas Hold'em {n} [auch {m}]
2 Words: Others
until sb. grasped [got hold of]bis jd. zupackte
2 Words: Verbs
to cling to sb./sth. [to hold on tightly] [also fig.]sichAkk. an jdm./etw. festklammern [auch fig., z. B. an eine Hoffnung]
to cling to sth. [to hold on tightly]sichAkk. an etw.Akk. klammern [etw. krampfhaft mit den Händen festhalten]
to get at sb./sth. [get hold of; reach or gain access]jdm./etw. beikommen [jdn./etw. in den Griff bekommen]
to glom onto sth. [Am.] [coll.] [to get a hold of]etw.Akk. ergattern [ugs.]
to go for sb. [be/hold true for sb.]für jdn. zutreffen [gelten]
to hold on [keep resisting, hold out]aushalten
to hold water [fig.] [often used negatively, e.g. "This argument does not hold water."]Stich halten [fig.] [stichhaltig sein] [meist negativ gebraucht, z. B.: "hält nicht Stich"]
to keep sth. up [hold sth. up]etw.Akk. hoch halten
to put sth. back [hold up, stop]etw. aufhalten [zum Halten bringen]
to stay (with) [hold out, endure]ausharren
to weight down sth. [to hold it down]etw. beschweren [um es an seinem Platz festzuhalten]
2 Words: Nouns
automot. bike bicycle rack [carrier to hold bikes]Fahrradhalter {m} [z. B. auf/am Auto, am Bus]
automot. bike bicycle rack [carrier to hold bikes]Fahrradträger {m} [z. B. auf/am Auto, am Bus]
MedTech. breathhold technique [also: breath-hold technique]Atemanhaltetechnik {f}
sports half nelson [wrestling hold]Halbnelson {m} [Ringergriff]
textil. lazy kate [device to hold one or more spools in place while twisting the yarn with the spinning wheel]Spulenhalter {m} [Vorrichtung, um eine oder mehrere Spulen während des Zwirnens mit dem Spinnradzu deponieren ]
sports nose hold [pain hold in martial arts]Nasenhebel {m} [Schmerzgriff, Kampftechnik]
tech. workpiece support [e.g. a jig or clamps to hold objects]Werkstückunterlage {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to hang on to sth. [hold tightly]sichAkk. an etw.Dat. festhalten
to latch on to sth. [hold on]sichAkk. an etw.Dat. festhalten
3 Words: Nouns
law freedom to demonstrate [freedom of assembly plus the right to hold demonstrations]Demonstrationsfreiheit {f}
4 Words: Verbs
pol. to go to the country [esp. Br.] [fig.: hold an election]eine Neuwahl anberaumen
to have sb. in one's grip [fig.] [to hold sway over sb.]jdn. in seiner Gewalt haben
to keep a note going [hold a note]auf einem Ton aushalten
to stick to it, that ... [hold fast to a conviction that ... ]dabeibleiben, dass ...
to think a lot of sb. [hold in high esteem]jdn. hochschätzen
4 Words: Nouns
mil. lateral vascular neck restraint [sleeper hold]Würgegriff {m} [Kampftechnik]
5+ Words: Verbs
law med. to be put under a 5150 [72-hour hold in a psychiatric hospital (under California law)] [Am.] [sl.]zwangseingewiesen werden [für bis zu 72 Stunden]
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