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English-German translation for: [holiday]
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Dictionary English German: [holiday]

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
short {adj} [e.g. biography, course, film, holiday]Kurz- [z. B. Biografie, Lehrgang, Film, Urlaub]
to ruin [health, reputation, evening, holiday]
jobs TrVocab. host [entertainer in a holiday resort]
Animateur {m}
break [vacation, holiday]
Urlaub {m}
travel TrVocab. getaway [holiday, vacation]
Trip {m} [ugs.] [Ausflug, Spritztour]
acad. educ. [a one-day academic holiday]Dies (academicus) {m} [vorlesungsfreier Tag wegen akademischer Feier etc.]
travel Unverified [holiday activity programme for a common interest group] [Br.]Freizeit {f} [Freizeitprogramm]
[tourists on a short holiday / vacation]Kurzurlauber {pl}
Berchtoldstag [Allemannic (public) holiday on January 2 in Switzerland and Liechtenstein]Berchtoldstag {m} [bes. schweiz.] [auch: Bächtelitag, Bächtelistag, Berchtelitag, Berchtelistag, Bertelitag, Bertelistag, Bärzelitag, Bärzelistag, Bechtelstag, Bechtle]
jobs hostess [entertainer in a holiday resort]Animateurin {f}
2 Words
richly deserved {adj} [victory, punishment, holiday / vacation, etc.]hochverdient [Sieg, Strafe, Urlaub etc.]
to allow oneself sth. [a treat, holiday etc.]sichDat. etw.Akk. gönnen
(short) break [short holiday / vacation]Kurzurlaub {m}
jobs comp day [coll.] [in compensation for working on a holiday]Guttag {m}
extension day [holiday etc.]Verlängerungstag {m}
travel holiday chalet [holiday cottage] [esp. Br.]Ferienhaus {n}
biochem. Holliday junction [note: NOT 'Holiday' junction]Holliday-Kreuzung {f}
Labor Day [Am.] [federal holiday in the United States; first Monday in September]Labor Day {m} [Tag der Arbeit]
travel leisure house [A. public leisure center/centre, B. type of private house in one's garden, C. type of private house, e.g. in a holiday-home area]Freizeithaus {n} [A. öffentliches Haus mit Freizeitangeboten für alle, B. Typ von Gartenhaus, C. Typ von Ferienhaus]
Oath Monday [Ulm holiday, Germany]Schwörmontag {m} [traditioneller Ulmer Feiertag]
TrVocab. self-catering [Br.] [e.g. self-catering holiday apartments]Eigenversorgung {f} [z. B. Ferienwohnung]
jobs summer job [holiday / vacation job]Ferienjob {m} [im Sommer] [ugs.]
travel Teutonic grill [holiday resort with a high concentration of German tourists]Teutonengrill {m} [hum. oder pej. gemeint]
Veterans Day [Am.] [federal holiday in the US]Veteranentag {m}
Waitangi Day [public holiday in NZ]Waitangi-Tag {m} [Nationalfeiertag in Neuseeland]
3 Words
to go / get away [coll.] [to go on holiday]Ferien machen
traffic homeward bound traffic [also: homeward-bound traffic] [of holiday travelers]Rückreiseverkehr {m}
educ. ling. travel language-learning holiday [esp. Br.] [also: language learning holiday]Sprachurlaub {m}
New Years Holiday [Scot.] [Bank Holiday] [January 2][gesetzlicher Feiertag in Schottland]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. theatre F The Holiday Trilogy [Pining for Vacation, Holiday Adventures, Back from Vacation] [Carlo Goldoni]Die Trilogie der Sommerfrische
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