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English-German translation for: [hot]
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Dictionary English German: [hot]

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sultry {adj} [hot and humid; also fig.: sexually enthralling (e.g. voice)]
schwül [Wetter, Tag etc.; auch fig.: sinnlich, erotisch (z. B. Stimme)]
stuffy {adj} [hot and airless]
schwül [Raum]
bloody {adv} [hot, cold, stupid] [Br.] [coll.]
sau- [ugs.]
bloody {adv} [hot, cold, stupid] [Br.] [coll.]
arsch- [derb]
steamy {adj} [hot and humid]
fervent {adj} [archaic] [hot, burning, or glowing]
beastly {adv} [Br] [coll.] [dated] [e.g. beastly hot]brutal [ugs.] [z. B. brutal heiß]
fiery {adj} [hot like a fire]glühend heiß
gastr. to brew sth. [immediately, by pouring hot water over] [e.g. tea, coffee]
etw.Akk. aufbrühen
brew to mash [mix malt with hot water]
educ. [to have time off from school on account of excessively hot weather]hitzefrei haben
gastr. [to use a baker's peel to remove loaves of bread from the hot surface of a traditional baking oven]etw.Akk. ausschießen [Brotlaibe mit dem Brotschießer aus dem Backofen herausholen]
gastr. furnace [fig.] [hot place]
Backofen {m} [fig.]
hottie [Br.] [coll.] [hot-water bottle]
Wärmflasche {f}
gastr. TrVocab. [medium strong coffee with hot milk, partly frothed]
Melange {f} [österr.] [klassisch]
hottie [Br.] [coll.] [hot-water bottle]
Bettflasche {f}
hotty [Br.] [coll.] [hot-water bottle]
Bettflasche {f}
stand [hot dish stand]
Untersatz {m} [für heiße Schüsseln, Töpfe usw.]
gastr. footlong [coll.]
[Sandwich oder Hot Dog, ca. 30 cm lang]
[a type of sausage similar to American hot dogs in flavor but thicker]Stumpen {m} [schweiz., bes. St. Gallen] [schweizer Brühwurst (Cervelat), ähnlich der Bockwurst]
gastr. [flat doughnuts covered with hot red wine; seasoned with sugar and cinnamon]Versoffene Jungfern {pl} [fränk.]
hist. firsting [rare] [prewash with hot water]Vorwaschen {n} [Wäsche]
gastr. franks [coll.] [Am: hot dogs]Würstchen {pl}
gastr. frikandel [a Dutch and Belgian snack of minced-meat hot dog]Frikandel {f}
Hasian [sl.] [hot Asian girl]geile Asiatin {f}
gastr. scald [grain or flour combined with hot water and allowed to sit for several hours in breadmaking]Brühstück {n}
scorcher [coll.] [very hot day]heißer Tag {m}
scorcher [coll.] [very hot day]extrem heißer Tag {m}
hort. shadehouse [also: shade house] [for growing plants that cannot tolerate hot sun][Gewächshaus mit Beschattung / Beschattungssystem / Beschattungsvorrichtung]
2 Words: Others
built-up {adj} [liquid, hot air, pressure, etc.]aufgestaut
engin. ind. hot worked {adj} [also: hot-worked]warmverformt
2 Words: Verbs
gastr. to let sth. sit [esp. when preparing a meal or hot beverage]etw.Akk. ziehen lassen [bes. bei Speisen- oder Getränkezubereitung]
2 Words: Nouns
mus. hot jazzHot {m} [kurz für: Hot Jazz]
warming phase [from cold to hot; in sport]Aufwärmphase {f} [von kalt nach heiß; im Sport]
3 Words: Nouns
hot stone therapy [hot stone massage]Hot-Stone-Therapie {f} [Hot-Stone-Massage]
comm. gastr. hot-dog stallWürstchenbude {f} [Verkauf von Hot Dogs]
tech. hot-gas channel [also: hot gas channel]Heißgaskanal {m}
agr. hot-iron branding [hot branding]Heißbrand {m} [Methode zur Kennzeichnung von Tieren]
5+ Words: Others
film quote We wouldn't be caught dead with men. Rough, hairy beasts with eight hands. And all they want is just one thing from a girl. [Some Like It Hot]Wir würden uns mit Männern niemals abgeben. Diese schrecklichen haarigen Biester, die alles antatschen müssen. Und dabei wollen sie alle nur dasselbe von einem Mädchen.
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