| English | German | |
| jobs scullion [archaic] [boy employed to do rough household work in a kitchen] | 86 Küchenjunge {m} [für einfache Tätigkeiten wie Spülen] | |
| court [household and entourage of a sovereign] | 46 Hofstaat {m} | |
| hardware {sg} [household goods] | 27 Haushaltswaren {pl} | |
| jobs scullion [archaic] [person employed to do rough household work in a kitchen] | 24 Küchenhilfe {f} [für einfache Tätigkeiten wie Spülen] | |
| hist. law [a wife's power to represent her husband in matters concerning the household] | 15 Schlüsselgewalt {f} | |
| jobs servants {pl} [of a household] | 14 Personal {n} [Dienerschaft] | |
| textil. Manchester [Aus.] [NZ] [S.Afr.] [household linen] | 9 Wäsche {f} [Bett- und Haushaltswäsche] | |
| admin. [acceptance of foster child into household] | Haushaltsaufnahme {f} | |
| hist. jobs [corresponds roughly to: Lord Steward of the Household, Lord Great Chamberlain] | Hofmarschall {m} [oberster Verwaltungsbeamter eines Fürstenhofs] | |
| [the only maid-of-all-work in a household] | Alleinmädchen {n} [veraltet] | |
| Comptroller [Br.] [royal household] | Rechnungsprüfer {m} [kgl. Hof] | |
| myth. drak [household spirit] | Drak {m} [Hausgeist] | |
| dustbin [Br.] [a container for household refuse, especially one kept outside] | Dreckeimer {m} [ugs.] [Mülleimer, Abfalleimer im Freien] | |
| missis [coll.] [mistress of the household] | Frau {f} des Hauses | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| RadioTV broadcasting fee [in Germany, a fee paid by each household to support public broadcasting] | Rundfunkbeitrag {m} | |
| jobs cake maker [Br.] [royal household] | Tortenbäcker {m} [kgl. Hof] | |
| jobs cake maker [female] [Br.] [royal household] | Tortenbäckerin {f} [kgl. Hof] | |
| hist. Cistern Cleaner [Br.] [royal household] | Brunnenputzer {m} [kgl. Hof] | |
| ecol. EU CO2 card ["credit card" for household carbon emissions privileges] | CO2-Card {f} [Emissionshandelsrecht, Kohlenstoff-Lizenz für Privathaushalte] | |
| domestic coal [for household use] | Hausbrandkohle {f} | |
| educ. household arts {pl} [as cooking, sewing, baby care, concerned with the maintenance and care of a household] | Hauswirtschaft {f} [Hauswirtschaftslehre] | |
| household servant [royal household] [Br.] | Hofbediensteter {m} | |
| med. housewife's eczema [hand irritation from various household items] | Waschfrauenhände {pl} | |
| med. housewife's eczema [hand irritation from various household items] | Waschhände {pl} | |
| fin. joint taxation [household] | gemeinsame Haushaltsbesteuerung {f} / Haushaltsveranlagung {f} | |
| kitchen ledger [Br.] [royal household] | Küchenjournal {n} [kgl. Hof] | |
| packing case [for household moving] | Umzugskarton {m} | |
| poison wagon [hazardous household waste collection] | Giftmobil {n} | |
| white goods {pl} [household appliances] | Weißware {f} [Haushaltsgeräte] | |
| white goods {pl} [household appliances] | weiße Ware {f} [Haushaltsgeräte] | |
| comm. white sale [featuring esp. linens, household items] | Weiße Wochen {pl} [veraltend] | |
| sociol. work-rich [household, couples] [coll.] | Doppelverdiener {m} {pl} [zwei oder mehr Verdiener] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| Gentlemen at Arms [Br.] [royal household] | königliche Leibwächter {pl} | |
| ecol. EU personal carbon trading <PCT> [CO2 emissions at household level] | Kohlenstoff-Lizenz {f} | |
| comm. store spezialising in ... [esp. Am.] [e.g. household goods] | Fachgeschäft {n} für ... [z. B. Haushaltswaren] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| hist. Board of Green Cloth [Br.] [royal household] | Zahlmeisterei {f} für Verpflegungslöhne [kgl. Hof] | |
| Master of the Household [Br.] [royal household officer] | Obersthof- und Hausmarschall {m} [Preußen vor 1918] | |
| Yeomen of the Guard [Br.] [Royal household] | [königliche Leibwächter im Londoner Tower] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| hist. Keeper and Repairer of the Buckets [Br.] [royal household] | Eimerwärter und Ausbesserer {m} [kgl. Hof] | |
| hist. Keeper of Ice and Snow [Br.] [royal household] | Eis- und Schneewärter {m} [kgl. Hof] | |
| jobs Keeper of the Privy Purse [Br.] [royal household officer] | Oberstkämmerer {m} [Österreich-Ungarn] | |
| Keeper of the Privy Purse [Br.] [royal household officer] | Kassenkurator und Direktor der Verwaltung des Hausschatzes [Preußen vor 1918] | |
| hist. Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps [Br.] [royal household] | Vizeoberstzeremonienmeister {m} [Preußen bis 1918] | |
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