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| |
| caring {adj} [government or society that is concerned about human welfare] | 32 sozial [mitmenschlich] | |
| android {adj} [sci-fi: with human appearance] | 15 android [menschenförmig, menschgestaltig] | |
| inaccessible {adj} [beyond human influence] | 9 unverfügbar | |
| [quality of soil with low oxygen content too low to allow decomposition of human remains] {adj} | verwesungsmüde [Eigenschaft von Böden] | |
| human {adj} [concerning fellow human beings, e.g., contact, relationships] | mitmenschlich | |
| manless {adj} [destitute of human beings] | menschenlos | |
| med. postmature {adj} [human, postterm] | übertragen [fortgesetzte Schwangerschaft über den erwarteten Geburtstermin hinaus] | |
Verbs |
| stat. to census sb./sth. [human population] | eine Volkszählung durchführen | |
Nouns |
| man [human being] | 724 Mensch {m} | |
| mortals [human beings] | 205 Sterbliche {pl} [Menschen] | |
| anat. ankle [of a human] | 136 Fessel {f} | |
| lard [Br.] [coll.] [excess fat on a human body] | 121 Speck {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Fettpolster] | |
| manhood [archaic] [state of being human] | 112 Menschheit {f} | |
| fellows [fellow human beings] | 79 Mitmenschen {pl} | |
| men [human beings, people] | 75 Menschen {pl} | |
| gastr. [spiced biscuit in the shape of a human or other figure, eaten at Christmas] | 72 Spekulatius {m} | |
| race [human race] | 67 Geschlecht {n} [Menschengeschlecht / Menschheit] | |
| blubber [coll.] [pej.] [excessive human fat] | 47 Speck {m} [ugs.] [Fettpolster] | |
| livability [Am.] [suitability for human living] | 34 Lebensqualität {f} [Lebenswert] | |
| zool. fang [of a boar; hum. also of a human being] | 32 Hauer {m} [eines Ebers, hum. auch eines Menschen] | |
| maturity [human] | 31 Erwachsenenalter {n} | |
| figure [human form, appearance] | 18 Erscheinung {f} [Gestalt] | |
| humanness [the quality of being human] | 18 Menschlichkeit {f} [das Menschsein] | |
| humanity [being human] | 17 Menschsein {n} | |
| philos. relig. anthropology [theory or concept of the nature of human beings] | 16 Menschenbild {n} | |
| blubber [coll.] [pej.] [excessive human fat] | 10 Schwabbelspeck {m} [ugs.] [Fettpolster] | |
| philos. relig. humanity [human nature] | 10 Menschentum {n} | |
| anat. schnozz [Am.] [sl.] [human nose] | 8 Rüssel {m} [ugs.] [menschliche Nase] | |
| philos. [the essence of what it means to be human] | 6 Humanes {n} | |
| offense [Am.] [violation of God's or human order] | 6 Frevel {m} [geh.] | |
| anat. map [sl.] [dated] [human face] | 5 Visage {f} [salopp] | |
| anat. weasand [gullet] [archaic in human anatomy; still current in meatpacking industry] | 5 Speiseröhre {f} | |
| [literally 'earthworm'; human being as transitory and insignificant] | Erdenwurm {m} [poet.] [Mensch als vergänglicher, unbedeutender Teil der Natur] | |
| mus. [pitched to match the range of the human voice] | Äquallage {f} [Orgel 8'] | |
| adult [human being] | erwachsener Mensch {m} | |
| biped [female human being] | Zweibeinerin {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [weibliche Person (als Lebewesen auf zwei Beinen im Unterschied zum Vierbeiner)] | |
| archi. relig. carnary [charnel house] [vault or crypt in connection with a church, used as a repository for human bones] | Carnarium {n} [Kapelle mit Beinhaus] [bes. österr., südd.] | |
| ethn. sports castell [Catalan human tower] | Castell {n} [katalanische Menschenpyramide] | |
| anat. sports hamstrings {pl} [in human anatomy: the three posterior thigh muscles (semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps femoris)] | hintere Oberschenkelmuskulatur {f} | |
| anat. sports hamstrings {pl} [in human anatomy: the three posterior thigh muscles (semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps femoris)] | rückseitige Oberschenkelmuskulatur {f} | |
| zool. mother [non-human] | Tiermutter {f} | |
| mug [sl.] [human face] | Ponem {n} [österr.] [ugs.] [menschliches Gesicht] | |
| placelessness [without a place of refuge or lacking the customary human relation to a country, area, etc] | Ortlosigkeit {f} | |
| sapient [esp. in science fiction: intelligent being such as a human] | intelligentes Lebewesen {n} [wie z. B. ein Mensch] [bes. in Science Fiction] | |
| anat. schnozzola [Am.] [sl.] [dated] [human nose] | Zinken {m} [ugs.] [menschliche Nase] | |
| astron. stargazer [human] | Himmelsgucker {m} [ugs.] [hum.] | |
| anat. weazand [spv.] [gullet] [archaic in human anatomy; still current in meatpacking industry] | Speiseröhre {f} | |
| psych. zooerasty [sexual relations between a human being and an animal] | Zooerastie {f} [Koitus an Tieren] | |
2 Words: Others |
| absolutely impossible {adj} [for a human being] | menschenunmöglich | |
| tech. HRC-capable {adj} [capable for human-robot collaboration] | MRK-fähig [fähig zur Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration] | |
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