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English-German translation for: [if]
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Dictionary English German: [if]

Translation 1 - 50 of 85  >>

English German
social {adj} [esp. if regarding public welfare or societal structure]
drugs tipsy {adj} [coll.] [tipping, unsteady, as if from intoxication]
schwankend [Person]
stilted {adj} [as if on stilts]
stelzbeinig [veraltet] [noch fig.: steif, geziert]
relig. Inshallah [If it is God's will.]
Inschallah [Wenn Allah will.]
Unverified [Glory and honors mean nothing if you cannot support yourself.]Lorbeer macht nicht satt, besser wer Kartoffeln hat. [Redewendung]
[if the default (failure to perform in due time) is due to intent or gross negligence] {adv}wenn / sofern der Verzug auf Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit beruht
[not used; if necessary, sign with p.p.] {adv}für die Richtigkeit gezeichnet [Name X] <f. d. R. gez.> [heute kaum noch gebräuchlich, da ohne Vollmacht]
[we/they/you] will [must] [if they will drive so fast ...][wir/sie/Sie] müssen/wollen unbedingt [wenn sie unbedingt so schnell fahren müssen ...]
proverb [You don't have to worry if you have no reputation to lose.]Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, lebt es sich ganz ungeniert.
boxed {adj} {past-p} [also fig.] [(as if) placed in a box]verpackt [auch fig.] [(als ob) in einer Schachtel]
relig. Insha'Allah [If it is God's will.]Inschallah [Wenn Allah will.]
like {conj} [coll.] [as if]als ob
provided {conj} [if]so [veraltet] [falls, wenn]
sif {conj} [short for "as if"] [sl.]als ob (das so wäre)
ustulate {adj} [blackened as if burned or scorched] [colour]geschwärzt [wie verbrannt] [Farbe]
woolly {adj} [as if made of wool, like wool]wollartig
to box sth. [fig.] [to enclose as if in a box]
etw. einengen
to outrun sb. [to escape sb. by or as if by running]
jdm. davonlaufen
to wheel sth. [fig.] [cause to move as if on wheels]
etw. antreiben
mus. to lute [literary] [to play on a lute, or as if on a lute]lautenieren [literarisch] [Laute spielen, lautenartige Töne hervorbringen]
to mouth sth. [move the lips as if saying sth., e.g. words of farewell]etw. [unhörbar] mit den Lippen formen [z. B. Abschiedsworte]
journ. to spike [sl.] [refuse (a story) by or as if by placing on a spindle]nicht bringen [ugs.] [die Veröffentlichung (einer Reportage) ablehnen]
ribs [if med: Costae]
Rippen {pl}
gastr. pretzel [if knot-shaped]
Breze {f} [südd.]
powwow [coll.] [hum.] [offensive to Native Americans if used by outsiders]
Besprechung {f}
successor [esp. if not being elected into office in the same election as the predecessor]
Nachrücker {m} [auf einen Posten]
archi. downstairs [if one is on the ground floor]
Untergeschoss {n}
cunt [vulg.] [offensive, if used for a person]
Fut {f} [vulg.] [österr., sonst selten] [Vulva, Vagina] [als Anrede sexistisch]
ethn. relig. powwow [Native American] [offensive to Native Americans if used by outsiders]
Versammlung {f}
paperwork [esp. if unpleasant]
Schreibkram {m} [ugs.] [lästige Schreibarbeiten]
cloth. trews {pl} [one pair] [esp. Br.] [trousers, esp. if close fitting and tartan]
Hose {f} [Trews-Hose im Tartan-Muster und eng geschnitten; für Damen und Herren]
powwow [coll.] [hum.] [offensive to Native Americans if used by outsiders]
Konferenz {f}
archi. downstairs [if one is on the ground floor]
Untergeschoß {n} [österr.] [südd.]
pol. Unverified [if voters have more that one vote, they may accumulate them all or in part on one person on a party list]jdn. kumulieren [ugs.] [bei Wahlen] [schweiz.]
archi. downstairs [if one is above the ground floor]Erdgeschoß {n} [österr.] [südd.]
name hypocorism [simplified name, (as if) formed through an infant's babbling]Lallname {m}
powwow [native American] [meeting] [offensive to Native Americans if used by outsiders]indianische religiöse Zeremonie {f}
ling. Scots [If it is a language or a dialect of English is disputed.]Schottisch {n} [Ob es eine eigene Sprache oder ein Dialekt des Englischen ist, darüber wird gestritten.]
2 Words: Others
at least {adv} [if nothing else]immerhin [wenigstens]
woven in {adj} {past-p} [if attributively used usually: woven-in]eingewebt
2 Words: Verbs
to get carded [Am.] [to get one's ID checked to see if one is of legal age]auf Volljährigkeit überprüft werden
hort. to hedge sth. (in) [confine as if with a hedge; also fig.]etw. einhegen [auch fig.]
to pressure test [if pressure-test medium is unknown]abdrücken [wenn Druckprüfmedium unbekannt]
to space sb. out [stupefy or disorient, as if or from a drug]jdn. (geistig) abdriften lassen [(wie) unter Drogeneinfluss]
2 Words: Nouns
agr. chem. oenol. carbon dioxide [CO2] [if produced by fermentation]Gärgas {n} [ugs.] [Kohlendioxid]
gastr. coffee table [esp. if laid festively]Kaffeetafel {f}
sports crooked number [in baseball, number of runs in an inning, if greater than one][Baseball: die Zahl der Runs in einem Inning, falls größer als eins]
family powwow [coll.] [offensive to Native Americans if used by outsiders] [family meeting]Familienrat {m} [Beratung von Familienmitgliedern]
3 Words: Others
all round us {adv} [of several surrounding persons or objects; if all the vicinity is covered]überall um uns herum
at a price {adv} [coll.] [if one pays enough]wenn man genug dafür hinlegt [ugs.]
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