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 | crooked {adj} [coll.] [illegal] | 20 krumm [ugs.] [unrechtmäßig] |  |
 | illegally {adv} | 9 unerlaubt [illegal] |  |
 | hist. pol. ["Hail (to) victory!" Nazi salute; highly offensive; illegal in some German-speaking countries] | Sieg Heil! [anstößig u. in einigen deutschsprachigen Ländern strafbar] |  |
 | sb. mainlined [sl.] [injected illegal drugs into a vein] | jd. fixte [ugs.] |  |
 | sb. mainlines [sl.] [injects illegal drugs into a vein] | jd. fixt [ugs.] |  |
Verbs |
 | to pull sth. [coll.] [carry sth. out, esp. sth. deceitful or illegal] | 23 etw. durchführen [bes. eine Straftat] |  |
Nouns |
 | drugs stash [coll.] [quantity of an illegal drug, esp. one kept for personal use] | 99 Stash {m} [ugs.] [versteckter Vorrat einer illegalen Droge für den Eigenkonsum] |  |
 | trafficking [illegal trade] | 27 Schieberei {f} [pej.] [illegale Geschäftemacherei] |  |
 | wetback [sl.] | 10 [illegal über Mexiko in die USA eingewanderte Person] |  |
 | jobs nixer [Irish] [regional] | 6 Nebenjob {m} [auch illegal] |  |
 | hist. [illegal mint in former times, esp. during the Middle Ages] | Heckenmünze {f} [nicht legale Münzstätte, bes. im Mittelalter] |  |
 | paper [sl.] [money, esp. when earned by illegal means] | Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld, hier bes., falls unrechtmässig erworben] |  |
 | drugs pusher [coll.] [person who sells illegal drugs] | Pusher {m} [Jargon] [Drogenhändler] |  |
 | drugs pusher [female] [coll.] [person who sells illegal drugs] | Rauschgifthändlerin {f} |  |
 | trafficking [illegal trade] | illegaler Handel {m} |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to front for [sth. illegal] | als Strohmann dienen für |  |
 | market. to sponsor sb. under sb. [network marketing; esp. in (illegal) pyramid schemes] | jdn. unter jdm. einschreiben [Network-Marketing; bes. in (illegalen) Schneeballsystemen] |  |
 | market. to sponsor under sb. [network marketing; esp. in (illegal) pyramid schemes] | sichAkk. unter jdm. einschreiben [Network-Marketing; bes. in (illegalen) Schneeballsystemen] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | comm. weapons arms trafficking [illicit] | Waffenhandel {m} [illegal] |  |
 | hist. blind pig [Am.] | [Kneipe, in der während der Prohibition illegal Alkohol ausgeschenkt wurde] |  |
 | hist. blind tiger [Am.] | [Kneipe, in der während der Prohibition illegal Alkohol ausgeschenkt wurde] |  |
 | hist. booze can [Am.] | [Kneipe, in der während der Prohibition illegal Alkohol ausgeschenkt wurde] |  |
 | duplicate jewelry [Am.] | nachgemachter Schmuck {m} [auf Kundenwunsch, nicht illegal] |  |
 | fly-tipper [Br.] | illegaler Müllentsorger {m} [selten] [jd., der Müll illegal entsorgt] |  |
 | urban informal housing [illegal or unregulated housing] | informelle Siedlung {f} [Marginalsiedlung] |  |
 | people smuggling | Schlepperei {f} [illegal über Grenzen] |  |
 | removal centre [Br.] [for illegal immigrants] | Abschiebelager {n} |  |
 | secretarial signature [secretaries mimic the signature of their master; not illegal] | Sekretärsunterschrift {f} [z. B. auf Autogrammkarten; rechtlich erlaubt] |  |
 | drugs smoke shop [Am.] [sl.] | Coffeeshop {m} [in dem illegal Marihuana verkauft wird] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | under the counter {adv} | hintenherum [ugs.] [auf versteckte Weise, illegal] |  |
 | under-the-table {adj} {adv} [fig.] | unter dem Tisch [ugs.] [fig.] [illegal, schwarz] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to flip a bitch [Am.] [coll.] [to make a U-turn with a vehicle (often sudden or illegal)] | umdrehen [ugs.] [ein Fahrzeug wenden, insbes. plötzlich oder trotz Verbot] |  |
 | to flip a bitch [Am.] [vulg.] [to make a U-turn (often sudden or illegal)] | wenden [insbes. plötzlich oder trotz Verbot] [Fahrzeug] |  |
 | to groom a child [seduce into illegal underage sexual activity] | ein Kind verführen [durch Pädophilen] |  |
 | to work a gig [sl.] | (da) eine Sache am Laufen haben [ugs.] [Geschäft, Deal etc., auch illegal] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | acc. two-book accounting [illegal] [pej.] | [Bilanzbetrug durch das Führen zweier Hauptbücher (schwarze Buchhaltung)] |  |
 | law underground banking system | Schattenbanksystem {n} [illegal] |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to be in cahoots over sth. [coll.] [usually over sth. illegal or dishonest] | bei etw.Dat. unter einer Decke stecken [fig.] [ugs.] [gewöhnlich bei etw. Illegalem oder Unredlichem] |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | sb. has some splainin' to do. [Am.] [sl.] [idiom] [hum.] [way of suggesting that sb. has done sth. illegal] | jd. hat einiges zu erklären. [humorvolle Vermutung, dass jd. etwas Illegales getan hat.] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | law traffic to flee the scene of an accident [illegal action of a driver] | Fahrerflucht begehen |  |
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