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English-German translation for: [illness]
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Dictionary English German: [illness]

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

English German
prone {adj} [illness, accident]
serious {adj} [illness, mistake, disappointment etc.]
schwer [schwerwiegend, ernst]
wasting {adj} [illness]
marked {adj} {past-p} [face, personal appearance by e.g. illness]
gezeichnet [von Krankheit, Leid etc.]
spreading {adj} [illness, nuisance etc.]
med. physical {adj} [illness]
organisch [Krankheit]
med. fatal {adj} [illness]tödlich (verlaufend)
secondary {adj} [e.g. address, home, illness, residence, vote]Zweit- [z. B. Adresse, Wohnung, Erkrankung, Wohnsitz, Stimme]
med. to whole [recover from illness] [rare]
med. to get [contract an illness]erkranken an
to get sth. [obtain sth. / catch illness]sichDat. etw.Akk. holen
med. to have sth. [a disease, an illness]an etw.Dat. erkrankt sein
med. affliction [illness]
Krankheit {f}
med. recuperation [from illness]
Genesung {f} [geh.]
fake [person feigning illness]
Simulant {m}
med. complaint [illness]
Krankheit {f}
med. dose [coll.] [bout of illness]
Anfall {m} [Krankheitsanfall]
agr. jobs relig. [church supplied farm helper as a stand-in for a farmer's wife during illness, etc.]
Dorfhelferin {f}
fake [female feigning illness]
Simulantin {f}
med. acuteness [illness]akutes Stadium {n} [Krankheit]
educ. med. aegrotat [Br.] [medical certificate excusing a student's absence from school for reasons of illness]Krankheitsattest {n} [für Schüler, Studenten]
hist. psych. spec. drapetomania [supposed mental illness among slaves]Drapetomanie {f} [sog. krankhafter Wandertrieb der Sklaven]
2 Words: Others
sb./sth. has recovered [from illness]jd./etw. ist genesen
2 Words: Verbs
to be better [after illness, shock etc.]sichAkk. wieder besser fühlen
to become haggard [e.g. due to illness]hagern [selten] [hager werden]
to break out [epidemic, fire, war, illness, etc.]ausbrechen [beginnen, einsetzen]
to get about [after illness] [coll.] [idiom]wieder auf die Beine kommen [Redewendung]
to get over sth. [a shock, a surprise, an illness, etc.]sichAkk. von etw.Dat. erholen [von einem Schock, einer Überraschung, einer Krankheit etc.]
to go about [illness, rumour]umgehen [Krankheit, Gerücht]
to guard against sth. [illness, misunderstandings, danger]etw.Dat. vorbeugen [Krankheit, Irrtum, usw.]
med. to pass sth. on [illness]etw. übertragen [Krankheit]
med. to pick up sth. [an illness]sichAkk. mit etw.Dat. anstecken
to pull through [survive illness / injury]durchkommen [ugs.] [überleben]
to sham Abram [archaic] [feign illness]sich krank stellen [den kranken Mann spielen]
to waste away [due to illness]hinsiechen [geh.]
to waste away [due to illness]versiechen [veraltet]
2 Words: Nouns
med. family history [presence of an illness in the family]familiäre Vorbelastung {f}
EU FoodInd. food safety ["against food-borne illness"; cf. food security]Lebensmittelsicherheit {f} [„gegen Erkrankung durch Lebensmittel“; vgl. Ernährungssicherheit]
FoodInd. gastr. food safety ["against food-borne illness"; cf. food security]Nahrungsmittelsicherheit {f} [„gegen Erkrankung durch Lebensmittel“, Lebensmittelsicherheit; vgl. Ernährungssicherheit]
med. Unverified protracted course [illness]protrahierter Verlauf {m} [Krankheit]
snake oil [a liquid with dubious medicinal value but sold as a cure for at least one illness]Quacksalberprodukt {n}
3 Words: Verbs
med. psych. to be in therapy [from mental illness, alcohol / drug addiction]sich in (therapeutischer) Behandlung befinden [bei psychischer Krankheit, Suchterkrankung]
to be subject to sth. [illness etc.]für etw.Akk. anfällig sein [Krankheit etc.]
med. to stay in bed [because of an illness]Bettruhe halten
to stay in bed [because of an illness]das Bett hüten
3 Words: Nouns
med. compressed-air illness [decompression illness, DCI]Dekompressionskrankheit {f}
med. compressed-air illness [decompression illness, DCI]Druckluftkrankheit {f} [Dekompressionskrankheit]
med. compressed-air illness [decompression illness, DCI]Taucherkrankheit {f} [Dekompressionskrankheit]
working hours lost [because of illness etc.]Ausfallstunden {pl} [Stunden, in denen wegen Krankheit etc. nicht gearbeitet werden kann]
4 Words: Verbs
to be up and about [after an illness; after sleep]wieder auf den Beinen sein [wieder gesund sein; wieder auf sein]
to make a good recovery [e.g. from an illness, an accident]sich gut erholen [z. B. von einer Krankheit, einem Unfall]
med. to run a chronic course [illness]einen chronischen Verlauf nehmen [Krankheit]
5+ Words: Others
He is over the worst. [of an illness etc.]Er ist über das Schlimmste hinweg. [einer Krankheit usw.]
5+ Words: Verbs
to take a lot out of sb. [cold, illness etc.] [idiom]jdm. zusetzen [Kälte, Krankheit etc.]
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