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English-German translation for: [imperial]
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Dictionary English German: [imperial]

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

English German
hist. imperial {adj} [of imperial times]kaiserzeitlich
gastr. unit pint <p, pt> [Br.] [20 imperial fl oz]
[0,568 l]
hist. orb [imperial/royal/sovereign's]
Reichsapfel {m}
hist. law pol. [intervention against a single state led by the central government to enforce imperial law in German empires]
Reichsexekution {f}
hist. mil. [member of Prussian and Imperial German reserve forces]
Landsturmmann {m}
hist. mil. peloton [Prussian / Imperial German Army, military unit of 80 soldiers]
Peloton {n} [preußisch / kaiserlich deutsches Heer, militärische Einheit von 80 Soldaten]
hist. mil. reenlistee [voluntarily longer serving conscript, Prussian Forces, German Imperial Forces]
Kapitulant {m}
unit tun [imperial measure of liquid capacity, equal to 4 hogsheads]
[Hohlmaß, ca. 950 l]
hist. mil. [uniform jacket of the Prussian Army, later of the Imperial German Forces]
Litewka {f} [Uniformjacke]
hist. law spec. [imperial town administered by intermediate authority, e.g. the nobility]Mediatstadt {f}
[imperial, royal, ducal....seat]Residenzstadt {f}
hist. Alb [part of the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire]Alba {f} [Teil der Reichskleinodien des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
hist. mil. Landsturm [Prussian and Imperial German reserve forces]Landsturm {m}
hist. mil. Landwehr [Prussian and Imperial German reserve forces]Landwehr {f}
hist. pol. spec. liberty [of the imperial estates]Libertät {f} [ständische Freiheit]
hist. mil. Reichsmarschall [Imperial Marshal of the armed forces of the Holy Roman Empire]Reichsmarschall {m}
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. hist. mil. airship troops {pl} [WWI Imperial German Forces]Luftschiffertruppe {f}
mil. Alpine Corps [Imperial German Army]Alpenkorps {n}
hist. arch-office [also imperial arch-office, Holy Roman Empire]Erzamt {n} [auch Reichserzamt, Heiliges Römisches Reich]
engin. unit British horsepower <BHP> [imperial horsepower]britische Pferdestärke {f} [ca. 745,7 W]
hist. pol. spec. curiate vote [in the Imperial Diet of the Holy Roman Empire]Kuriatstimme {f}
hist. mil. Dismounted Artillery [Imperial German Army]Fußartillerie {f}
hist. Eagle-dalmatic [part of the Imperial Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire]Adlerdalmatika {f} [auch: Adlerdalmatica] [Teil der Reichskleinodien]
art Fabergé eggs [Am.] [Fabergé Imperial Easter eggs](kaiserliche) Prunkeier {pl} [von Fabergé]
unit fluid ounce [Br.] [imperial fluid ounce] <fl oz, fl. oz.>flüssige Unze {f} [ca. 28,41 ml]
hist. mil. Foot Artillery [Imperial German Army]Fußartillerie {f}
hist. mil. German Army [Imperial German Army between 1871 and 1919]Deutsches Heer {n}
hist. mil. Horse Artillery [Imperial German Army]Fahrende Artillerie {f}
hist. mil. Horse Artillery [light artillery of the Imperial German Army]Reitende Artillerie {f}
hist. Imperial Bible [part of the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire]Reichsevangeliar {n} [auch Krönungsevangeliar, Teil der Reichskleinodien des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
archi. hist. Imperial Castle [also: imperial castle]Kaiserburg {f}
hist. pol. imperial estate [also: Imperial Estate]Reichsstand {m}
hist. spec. imperial recess [resolution of the imperial German Diet]Reichsabschied {m}
hist. imperial vicariate [Holy Roman Empire] [also: Imperial Vicariate]Reichsvikariat {n}
hist. pol. imperial village [Holy Roman Empire] [also: Imperial Village]Reichsdorf {n}
hist. pol. spec. individual vote [in the Imperial Diet of the Holy Roman Empire]Virilstimme {f}
engin. unit mechanical horsepower <mhp> [imperial horsepower]mechanische Pferdestärke {f} [ca. 745,7 W]
hist. mil. Mounted Artillery [Imperial German Army]Fahrende Artillerie {f}
hist. mil. Old Guard [elite veteran elements of Napoleon's Imperial Guard]die Alte Garde {f} [am höchsten angesehener Teil der Kaiserlichen Garde Napoleons]
hist. Protected Jew [status for German Jews granted by the imperial, princely or royal courts]Schutzjude {m}
hist. mil. staff sergeant [Imperial German Army cavalry and artillery]Vizewachtmeister {m}
hist. mil. staff sergeant [Imperial German Army]Vizefeldwebel {m}
3 Words: Others
geogr. hist. in imperial Rome {adv} [also: in Imperial Rome]im Rom der Kaiserzeit
3 Words: Nouns
aviat. hist. mil. airship crew trooper [WWI Imperial German Forces]Luftschiffer {m}
hist. pol. House of Lords [upper house of the Austrian Imperial Assembly, 1867-1918]Herrenhaus {n} [Oberhaus des österr. Reichsrats, 1867-1918]
hist. House of Peers [variant name of the upper house of the Imperial Assembly, Cisleithania 1867-1918]Herrenhaus {n} [Oberhaus des Reichsrats, Cisleithanien 1867-1918]
house of princes [imperial diet]Fürstenbank {f} [Reichstag]
House of Representatives [lower house of the Austrian Imperial Assembly, 1867-1918]Abgeordnetenhaus {n} [Unterhaus des österr. Reichsrats, 1867-1918]
curr. hist. law imperial minting ordinance [also: Imperial Minting Ordinance]Reichsmünzordnung {f}
hist. mil. naut. marine infantry battalion [Imperial German Navy security and garrison troops]Seebataillon {n}
hist. mil. naut. marine infantry corps [WW I Imperial German Navy security and garrison troops]Marinekorps {n}
mil. one-year volunteer [German Imperial Forces, Austro-Hungarian Forces, Austrian Armed Forces]Einjährig-Freiwilliger {m}
hist. St. Stephen's Purse [part of the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire]Stephansbursa {f} [auch Stephansburse, Teil der Reichskleinodien des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
hist. mil. visorless field cap [Prussian Army, Imperial German Forces]Krätzchen {n} [ugs.]
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. mil. 1813 / 1914 Star of the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross [also called Blücherstern or Hindenburgstern; Prussia and Imperial Germany]Stern {m} zum Großkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes 1813 / 1914 [ugs.: Blücherstern, Hindenburgstern; Preußen und dt. Kaiserreich]
hist. case of the Imperial Crown [part of the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire]Futteral {n} der Reichskrone [Teil der Reichskleinodien des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
hist. house of free imperial cities [imperial diet]Städtebank {f} [Reichstag]
hist. reliquary {sg} with a piece of the tablecloth used during the Last Supper [part of the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire]Tuchreliquiare {pl} mit einem Stück vom Tischtuch des Letzten Abendmahls und der Schürze Christi bei der Waschung [Teil der Reichskleinodien des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
hist. reliquary with a piece of vestment of the John the Evangelist [part of the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire]Reliquiar {n} mit einem Gewandstück des Evangelisten Johannes [Teil der Reichskleinodien des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
hist. reliquary with a shaving of the Crib of Christ [part of the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire]Reliquiar {n} mit einem Span der Krippe Christi [Teil der Reichskleinodien des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
hist. reliquary with a tooth of John the Baptist [part of the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire]Reliquiar {n} mit einem Zahn Johannes des Täufers [Teil der Reichskleinodien des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
hist. reliquary with an arm-bone of St. Anne [part of the imperial insignia of the Holy Roman Empire]Reliquiar {n} mit dem Armbein der heiligen Anna [Teil der Reichskleinodien des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
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