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English-German translation for: [income]
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Dictionary English German: [income]

Translation 1 - 40 of 40

English German
meager {adj} [Am.] [earnings, income, amount, etc.]
gering [karg, dürftig, niedrig]
generated {adj} {past-p} [income]
regular {adj} [interest, income]
laufend [regelmäßig wiederkehrend, ständig]
comm. fin. reportable {adj} [amount, income]
ausweisbar [Betrag, Gewinn]
sth. produces [income]
etw. erwirtschaftet
additional {adj} [e.g. agreement, contract, expenses, income]Neben- [Zusatz-] [z. B. Abrede, Vertrag, Kosten, Einkünfte]
secondary {adj} [e.g. aim, aspect, character, effect, finding, income, stress]Neben- [z. B. Zweck, Aspekt, Figur, Wirkung, Befund, Verdienst, Akzent]
econ. to generate sth. [revenue, income etc.]
etw.Akk. erwirtschaften
to itemize sth. [U.S. income tax]etw. durch Einzelnachweis geltend machen
relief [income support, welfare]
Sozialhilfe {f}
fin. addition [to income]
Aufbesserung {f}
dink [coll.] [person with double income and no kids]
Dink {m} [Teil eines doppelverdienenden Ehepaars ohne Kinder]
econ. [taxes unrelated to income]
Substanzsteuern {pl}
increase [income]
Aufbesserung {f}
admin. fin. [German tax law that equalizes total income between spouses]
Ehegattensplitting {n} [Deutschland]
alienation [transfer of property and income for the purpose of tax avoidance]
Hinterziehung {f}
dinky [coll.] [double income, no kids yet]
[junges, wohlhabendes, kinderloses Paar]
econ. market. neol. skippie [short for: school kids with income and purchase power]
Skippie {m} [Schüler mit Einkommen und Kaufkraft]
[debate on unequal wealth, income distribution or opportunities]
Neiddebatte {f} [pej.]
increase [income]
Aufbessrung {f} [selten]
pol. [redistribution of income between Bund, Länder and Gemeinden]
Finanzausgleich {m}
[general tax form and additional tax forms] [for income tax return]Mantelbogen und Anlagen [Steuererklärung]
admin. fin. [the splitting of combined income equally across members of a unit (couple, family, etc.) for purposes of income tax calculation]Splitting {n}
hist. relig. living [Br.] [ecclesiastical position with a secure income]Benefiziat {m}
fin. Unverified progressivity [e.g. of marginal tax rates with rising income]Progression {f}
2 Words: Verbs
to eke sth. out [income, existence etc.]sichDat. etw.Akk. erkämpfen
2 Words: Nouns
bottom line [net income after taxes]Nettoeinkommen {n} nach Steuern
coal allowance [as income in kind]Kohledeputat {n}
econ. distribution concern [income, resources]Verteilungsinteresse {n}
impractical dreamer [usually with no income]Luftmensch {m} [jidd.]
fin. law marriage allowance [income tax] [GB]Ehegattenfreibetrag {m} [in D]
econ. normal goods [goods whose consumption increases when income increases]Nichtsättigungsgüter {pl} [steigende Nachfrage]
solidarity surcharge [on income tax in Germany]Solidaritätszuschlag {m} <SolZ>
standard deduction [U.S. income tax]Pauschbetrag {m}
insur. stat. standard pensioner [person with a prior average income and 45 years' work history]Eckrentner {m} [Deutschland] [ugs.] [mit einer modellhaften Erwerbsbiografie]
insur. stat. standard pensioner [person with a prior average income and 45 years' work history]Standardrentner {m}
3 Words: Nouns
econ. income per head [per capita income]Pro-Kopf-Einkommen {n} <PKE>
sources of income [esp. earned income]Verdienstquellen {pl}
4 Words: Verbs
to earn a decent living [coll.] [to get an appropriate income]ein ordentliches Einkommen haben [ugs.] [ein angemessenes Einkommen erhalten]
5+ Words: Nouns
law daily fine in lieu of jail time [calculated from the rate of income]Tagessatz {m}
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