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English-German translation for: [individual]
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Dictionary English German: [individual]

Translation 1 - 57 of 57

English German
singular {adj} [separate, individual]einzeln
bullpen [esp. Am.] [coll.] [a business office that is not divided into individual compartments]
Großraumbüro {n}
seclusion [of individual, group]
Abschottung {f}
sociol. theatre rôle [dated spv.] [role] [part played by an individual or actor]
Rolle {f} [Gestalt, Stellung]
biol. genetics {sg} [of a specific individual or species]
Erbanlagen {pl}
econ. law [individual power of representation]
Einzelprokura {f}
educ. psych. spec. competence [ability of an individual to perform]
Handlungskompetenz {f}
parts [individual parts, components]
Einzelteile {pl}
educ. psych. spec. competency [ability of an individual to perform]
Handlungskompetenz {f}
smokeshow [sl.] [extremely physically attractive individual]
Granate {f} [ugs.] [sehr attraktive Person]
fashion [custom of an individual]
Gewohnheit {f}
gastr. tagliatelle [individual piece of tagliatelle]
Bandnudel {f}
art Stolperstein [cobblestone-sized memorial for an individual victim of Nazism]
Stolperstein {m} [von Gunter Demnig gestaltete Gedenktafel für Nazi-Opfer]
med. twitch [individual spasm]
Einzelzuckung {f}
[advertisement placed by a private individual]Privatanzeige {f}
[type of crossword puzzle in which certain individual letters make up a phrase or saying]Rösselsprung {m} [südd.]
androgyne [an androgynous individual]androgyne Person {f}
genealogy [esp. of an individual family]Stammfolge {f}
hieroglyphic [individual sign] [now often considered incorrect for 'hieroglyph', esp. in British English]Hieroglyphe {f}
med. lycanthrope [an individual affected with lycanthropy]an Lykanthropie Leidender {m}
biol. med. zool. monochromat [also an individual who is completely color-blind]Monochromat {m}
med. orthocephalic [an orthocephalic individual]Orthokephaler {m}
quidam [an unknown or unspecified individual] [somebody]Quidam {m} [geh.] [veraltet] [ein gewisser Jemand]
med. retardate [a mentally retarded individual] [often offensive]Retardierter {m} [geistig]
sayings [esp. of an individual]Aussprüche {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
games to play sth. again [e.g. an entire game or individual moves, responses, etc.]etw. nachspielen [z. B. ganze Spiele oder einzelne Spielzüge]
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Canary Island [referring to any of the individual islands]Kanareninsel {f} [einzelne Insel der Kanaren]
gastr. chocolate making [small, individual chocolates]Pralinenherstellung {f}
comm. cleaning business [individual concern, not an industry sector]Reinigungsgeschäft {n}
art creative work [individual object or oeuvre]künstlerische Arbeit {f} [Gesamtwerk oder einzelne Arbeit]
daring exploit [of an individual]Husarenritt {m} [fig.]
comp. Internet data subject [individual whose personal data is collected]betroffene Person {f} [Person, deren personenbezogene Daten erhoben werden]
art grotesque painting [collectively, not an individual painting]Groteskenmalerei {f}
relig. individual prayer [prayer of an individual]Gebet {n} des Einzelnen
individual risk [risk to an individual]Individualrisiko {n}
archaeo. archi. megalithic building [individual building]Megalithbau {m} [Gebäude]
mus. orchestral parts [parts for the individual instruments]Orchesterstimmen {pl} [Stimmen für die einzelnen Instrumente]
law Osman warning [Br.] [official warning issued to an individual by the police advising them that they are at serious risk of being killed][polizeiliche Warnung vor einem möglichen Mordanschlag]
econ. private consumption [individual consumption]privater Konsum {m}
protected domain [of individual rights, on a storage medium, etc.]geschützter Bereich {m} [persönlicher Rechte, eines Speichermediums etc.]
lit. publ. published work [individual book etc.]Publikation {f} [Einzelbuch etc.]
hist. ration book [handed out to each individual in WWII, actually rationing food, clothes, furniture and petrol]Lebensmittelkarte {f} [immer dann, wenn von Lebensmitteln die Rede ist]
relig. Reform congregation [an individual congregation, not the Reform Movement]Reformgemeinde {f} [einzelne Gemeinde und Bewegung]
for. selection cutting [cutting down individual trees]Plentern {n}
smoking history [of an individual]Raucherkarriere {f}
stumbling stone [(metal) paving stone commemorating individual Nazi victims]Stolperstein {m} [zur Erinnerung an Opfer des Nationalsozialismus]
sociol. telephone interview [of an individual]Telefonbefragung {f} [einer Einzelperson]
tripping stone [metal paving stone commemorating individual Nazi victims]Stolperstein {m} [zur Erinnerung an Opfer des Nationalsozialismus]
urban urban structure [structure of a city or town, not an individual building]Stadtstruktur {f}
hist. print woodblock printing [an individual print, not the process of printing]Holzschnittdruck {m}
3 Words: Nouns
telecom. emergency telephone number [of individual]Nummer {f} für dringende Notfälle
hist. mil. tank destruction badge [for individual destruction of enemy armored fighting vehicle at close range with hand-held weaponry] [WW II German Armed Forces]Sonderabzeichen {n} für das Niederkämpfen von Panzerkampfwagen durch Einzelkämpfer [dt. Wehrmacht]
biol. vancomycin-resistant enterococci <VRE> [individual bacteria]vancomycinresistente Enterokokken {pl} <VRE> [einzelne Bakterien]
4 Words: Nouns
work related (tax) deductions [individual tax return] [Am.]Werbungskosten {f} [Steuererklärung]
5+ Words: Verbs
to skip back and forth between sth. [e.g. individual steps]innerhalb / zwischen etw. hin- und herspringen [fig.] [z. B. innerhalb einzelner Handlungsschritte]
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. mil. badge for destruction of strafing warplanes [by individual small-arms fire] [WW II German Armed Forces]Tieffliegervernichtungsabzeichen {n} [dt. Wehrmacht]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
hist. zool. T
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