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English-German translation for: [injury]
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Dictionary English German: [injury]

Translation 1 - 41 of 41

English German
grave {adj} [injury]
lebensgefährlich [Verletzung]
critical {adj} [injury, wound]
head {adj} [attr.] [e.g. injury, movement, rest]
Kopf- [z. B. Verletzung, Bewegung, Stütze]
foot {adj} [attr.] [e.g., cushion, injury, massage]
Fuß- [z. B. Kissen, Verletzung, Massage]
arm {adj} [attr.] [e.g. fracture, injury, protector]
Arm- [z. B. Bruch, Verletzung, Schützer]
hand {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cream, drawing, grenade, injury, luggage]
Hand- [z. B. Creme, Zeichnung, Granate, Verletzung, Gepäck]
med. spinal {adj} [e.g. curvature, degeneration, exercises, fixator, injury]
Wirbelsäulen- [z. B. Verkrümmung, Degeneration, Gymnastik, Fixateur, Verletzung]
med. weapons gunshot {adj} [attr.] [e.g. fracture, injury, wound]
Schuss- [z. B. Fraktur, Verletzung, Wunde]
anat. med. carpal {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bone, fracture, injury]
Handwurzel- [z. B. Knochen, Fraktur, Verletzung]
anat. med. zool. labial {adj} [attr.] [e.g. frenulum, fistula, injury, palp]Lippen- [z. B. Bändchen, Fistel, Verletzung, Taster]
verbal {adj} [e.g. behaviour, injury, aspect, clause, noun]Verbal- [z. B. Verhalten, Injurie, Aspekt, Satz, Substantiv]
to compound sth. [problem, difficulties, injury, etc.]
etw.Akk. verschlimmern
to sustain sth. [an injury]sichDat. etw. zuziehen [eine Verletzung]
prejudice [detriment, injury]
Schaden {m}
med. gall [injury]
Schürfwunde {f}
med. burn [injury]
Brandwunde {f}
cutting [self-injury]Schnippeln {n} [ugs.] [Selbstverletzung durch Ritzen, Schneiden]
med. macroinjury [also: macro-injury]Makroverletzung {f}
med. microinjury [also: micro-injury]Mikroverletzung {f}
2 Words: Others
med. sports punch-drunk {adj} [showing symptoms of cerebral injury]hirngeschädigt
law without prejudice {adv} [loss, injury]ohne Nachteil
2 Words: Verbs
to pull through [survive illness / injury]durchkommen [ugs.] [überleben]
2 Words: Nouns
med. neol. Blackberry thumb [BlackBerry® thumb] [a form of repetitive strain injury]Blackberry-Daumen {m} [BlackBerry®-Daumen]
FireResc med. blunt trauma [impact injury]Aufschlagverletzung {f}
med. Chance fracture [seat belt injury]Sicherheitsgurt-Fraktur {f}
sports corked thigh [Aus.] [coll.] [internal bleeding in thigh muscle through contact injury]Pferdekuss {m} [ugs.]
jobs lost time [e.g. because of injury]Fehlzeit {f}
med. midfoot injury [Lisfranc injury]Lisfranc-Verletzung {f} [Mittelfußverdrehung]
med. mouse arm [coll.] [repetitive strain injury syndrome]Mausarm {m} [ugs.] [RSI-Syndrom]
med. mouse elbow [coll.] [repetitive strain injury syndrome]Mausellenbogen {m} [ugs.] [RSI-Syndrom]
med. multiple injury [an injury of at least two regions]Polytrauma {n}
med. occipital lesion [injury]Verletzung {f} am Hinterkopf
med. tarsometatarsal injury [injury to the tarsometatarsal joint, Lisfranc injury]Verletzung {f} des Lisfranc-Gelenks
3 Words: Verbs
med. sports to be punch-drunk [idiom] [showing symptoms of cerebral injury]Hirnschäden haben
med. sports to be punch-drunk [idiom] [showing symptoms of cerebral injury]Hirnschädigungen haben
med. sports to be punch-drunk [showing symptoms of cerebral injury]ein Boxersyndrom haben
to get off with sth. [light punishment, minor injury]mit etw.Dat. davonkommen
to hold one's side [because of injury etc.]sichDat. die Seite halten [wegen Verletzung etc.]
3 Words: Nouns
med. O'Donoghue's (unhappy) triad [knee injury involving multiple ligaments and cartilage]Unhappy Triad {f} des Kniegelenks
4 Words: Nouns
med. cervical spine distortion (trauma) [whiplash injury]Hals-Wirbelsäulen-Distorsion {f} <HWS-Distorsion>
med. cervical spine distortion injury [whiplash injury]Hals-Wirbelsäulen-Distorsion {f} <HWS-Distorsion>
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