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| dent. MedTech. bibeveled {adj} [Am.] [instruments] | beidseits schräg geschliffen [Instrumente] | |
Verbs |
| mus. to pitch [instruments] | 152 stimmen | |
Nouns |
| mus. strings [stringed instruments] | 196 Streichinstrumente {pl} | |
| mus. percussion [percussion instruments] | 194 Schlagzeug {n} | |
| mus. brass {pl} [brass wind instruments forming a band or a section of an orchestra; their players] | 126 Blech {n} [ugs., auch etwas hum.: Blechbläser, Blechblasinstrumente] | |
| mus. publ. score [for voices or instruments] | 60 Stimme {f} [Notenauszug einer Einzelstimme] | |
| command [fig.] [mastery of sth.] | 24 Beherrschung {f} [einer Sprache, eines Instruments etc.] | |
| mus. gauge [string instruments] | 20 Saitenstärke {f} [bei Saiteninstrumenten] | |
| math. compasses [instruments for drawing circles, measuring distances, etc.] | 13 Zirkel {pl} [Geräte zum Zeichnen von Kreisen, Abgreifen von Maßen, etc.] | |
| mus. belly [soundboard of stringed instruments] | 9 Resonanzboden {m} | |
| med. percussion <P> [a method of tapping body parts with fingers, hands, or small instruments] | 9 Perkussion {f} <P> [Untersuchung von Körperregionen durch Abklopfen der Körperoberfläche] | |
| mus. belly [soundboard of stringed instruments] | 7 Decke {f} [Saiteninstrument] | |
| mus. action [stringed instruments] | 6 Saitenlage {f} | |
| mus. [a score of a work for voice(s) and instruments, but containing only the vocal line(s)] | Chorpartitur {f} | |
| mus. [fragmenting the melody among various instruments] | durchbrochene Arbeit {f} | |
| mus. [voices and harpsichord score without other instruments] | Cembalopartitur {f} [Partiturauszug] | |
| mus. [voices and piano score without other instruments] | Klavierpartitur {f} | |
| tech. anderometers [noise testing instruments] | Anderometer {pl} [Geräuschprüfgeräte] | |
| MedTech. cauteries [instruments] | Kauter {pl} | |
| mus. endpin [for various instruments] | Endknopf {m} [für verschiedene Instrumente] | |
| mus. muting [e.g. on string instruments] | Dämpfen {n} [z. B. auf Saiteninstrumente] | |
| mus. projection [of the voice, instruments, etc.] | Tragfähigkeit {f} [der Stimme, von Instrumenten, etc.] | |
| mus. purfling {sg} [inlay along edges of string instruments] | Randeinlagen {pl} | |
| mus. sticking [on percussion instruments] | Schlägelführung {f} | |
| mus. strings [stringed instruments] | Saiteninstrumente {pl} | |
| mus. winds [wind instruments] | Blasinstrumente {pl} | |
2 Words: Others |
| mus. in tune [instruments] | gleich gestimmt | |
| mus. lift bow [musical notation, bowed string instruments] | Bogen abheben [Atemzeichen, Notenschrift, Streichinstrumente] | |
| econ. fin. pol. monetary policy {adj} [attr.] [instruments, analysis, rules, etc.] | geldpolitisch | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| mus. alternate fingering [woodwind instruments, guitar, etc.] | Hilfsgriff {m} [Holzblasinstrumente, Gitarre, etc.] | |
| mus. bass bar [string instruments] | Bassbalken {m} | |
| mus. blowing class [for wind instruments in general] | Bläserklasse {f} | |
| audio mus. bridge pickup [on string instruments] | Steg-Tonabnehmer {m} [für Saiteninstrumente] | |
| mus. f-hole [esp. with violin-family instruments] | F-Loch {n} [bes. bei Instrumenten der Violinfamilie] | |
| geol. optics horizontal setting | Horizontierung {f} [Einrichtung eines Instruments] | |
| mus. sports hybrid string [e.g. tennis, string instruments] | Hybridsaite {f} [auch: Hybrid-Saite] [z. B. Tennis, Saiteninstrumente] | |
| mus. key covering [esp. on keyboard instruments] | Tastenbelag {m} [bes. auf Tasteninstrumente] | |
| mus. key pad [on woodwind instruments] | Klappenunterlage {f} | |
| aviat. tech. night lighting [e.g. cockpit instruments] | Nachtbeleuchtung {f} [z. B. Cockpit-Instrumente] | |
| mus. open strings [string instruments] | offene Saiten {pl} [Saiteninstrumente] | |
| mus. orchestral parts [parts for the individual instruments] | Orchesterstimmen {pl} [Stimmen für die einzelnen Instrumente] | |
| relig. penitential cross [with instruments of the Passion] | Bußkreuz {n} [Pönitenzkreuz] | |
| mus. rib height [e.g. stringed instruments] | Zargenhöhe {f} [z. B. Saiteninstrumente] | |
| MedTech. tech. shaft length [e.g. of a tool] | Schaftlänge {f} [eines Werkzeugs, Instruments] | |
| mus. single string [for string instruments] | Einzelsaite {f} [für Saiteninstrumente] | |
| audio mus. sonic properties [of musical instruments] | Klangeigenschaften {pl} [von Musikinstrumenten] | |
| audio mus. sound properties [of musical instruments] | Klangeigenschaften {pl} [von Musikinstrumenten] | |
| mus. string pair [esp. on plucked instruments] | Saitenpaar {n} [bes. auf Zupfinstrumenten] | |
| comp. mus. sports string selection [e.g. tennis, string instruments, programming] | Saitenauswahl {f} [z. B. Tennis, Saiteninstrumente, Programmieren] | |
| mus. string shortening [on string instruments] | Saitenverkürzung {f} [bei Saiteninstrumenten] | |
| mus. trill key [wind instruments] | Trillerklappe {f} [Holzblasinstrumente] | |
3 Words: Others |
| tech. out of calibration [gauges, measuring instruments] | [Eichfehlergrenze überschritten, unzulässige Abweichung] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| electr. high measuring uncertainty [e.g. of sensors, instruments, measurements] | geringe Messgenauigkeit {f} | |
| electr. high measuring uncertainty [e.g. of sensors, instruments, measurements] | hohe Messunsicherheit {f} | |
| EU tech. Measuring Instruments Directive <MID> [Directive 2004/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on measuring instruments] | Messgeräterichtlinie {f} [Kurztitel] [Richtlinie 2004/22/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 31. März 2004 über Messgeräte] | |
| acc. recognition and measurement [financial instruments] [IAS 39] | Erfassung und Bewertung [Finanzinstrumente] [IAS 39] | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| bot. mus. T | | |
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