| English | German | |
| serious {adj} [publication, interest etc.] | 540 seriös [ernsthaft] | |
| regular {adj} [interest, income] | 15 laufend [regelmäßig wiederkehrend, ständig] | |
| fin. floating {adj} [interest rate] | 14 variabel [Zinssatz] | |
| reawakened {adj} {past-p} [interest, lust, hate, etc.] | wiedererwacht [Interesse, Lust, Hass etc.] | |
| reawakened {adj} {past-p} [interest, lust, hate, etc.] | neu erwacht [Interesse, Lust, Hass etc.] | |
| sth. reawakened sth. [e.g. the interest, the fear] [German less frequent than: sth. has/had reawakend sth.] | etw. erweckte etw.Akk. wieder [z. B. das Interesse, die Angst] [seltener als: etw. hat/hatte etw. wiedererweckt] | |
Verbs |
| to yield sth. [interest etc.] | 2911 etw. einbringen [Zinsen etc.] | |
| to suscitate sth. [obs.] [rare] [e.g. rouse interest] | 234 etw.Akk. wecken [fig.] [z. B. Interesse wecken] | |
| to wane [interest, enthusiasm] | 116 erlahmen [Interesse, Eifer] | |
| fin. to accumulate [debt, interest] | 106 anlaufen [Schulden, Zinsen] | |
| to generate sth. [interest, curiosity, memories, etc.] | 32 etw. wecken [Interesse, Neugier, Erinnerungen etc.] | |
| fin. to accumulate [of interest] | 24 aufzinsen | |
| to flag [wane in interest] | 16 erlahmen [geh.] | |
| to reawake [literary] [reawaken] [interest, fear, etc.] | 6 wiedererwecken [Interesse, Angst etc.] | |
| to engage sth. [attention, interest] | etw.Akk. in Anspruch nehmen [Aufmerksamkeit] | |
| to intrigue sb. [arouse sb.'s interest] | jdn. (sehr) interessieren | |
| Internet to trend [attract interest] | auf Interesse stoßen [bes. in Social Media] | |
Nouns |
| concerns [matters of interest or importance to sb.] | 462 Anliegen {pl} | |
| fin. compounding [of interest] | 265 Aufzinsung {f} | |
| concern [interest, importance] | 209 Belang {m} | |
| disinterest [lack of interest] | 205 Desinteresse {n} | |
| seriousness [of situation, interest, newspaper] | 160 Ernsthaftigkeit {f} | |
| econ. EBIT [earnings before interest and taxes] | 84 EBIT {n} [Gewinn vor Finanzergebnis, außerordentlichem Ergebnis und Steuern] | |
| concern [interest, sympathy] | 54 Teilnahme {f} [Interesse, Anteilnahme] | |
| concern [interest, sympathy] | 51 Anteil {m} | |
| landmark [e.g. building of interest] | 31 Erkennungszeichen {n} [z. B. Wahrzeichen einer Stadt] | |
| fin. law [the lending of money at exorbitant interest rates] | 29 Zinswucher {m} | |
| disinterest [lack of interest] | 9 Gleichgültigkeit {f} | |
| fin. pip [percentage in point, price interest point] | 9 Pip {m} [Maßeinheit im Devisenhandel] | |
| kick [coll.] [temporary interest] | 8 Fimmel {m} [ugs.] | |
| kick [coll.] [temporary interest] | 6 Tick {m} [ugs.] | |
| travel Unverified [holiday activity programme for a common interest group] [Br.] | Freizeit {f} [Freizeitprogramm] | |
| travel Unverified [vacation activity program for a common interest group] [Am.] | Freizeit {f} [Freizeitprogramm] | |
| disinterest [lack of interest] | Interesselosigkeit {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| journ. highly topical {adj} [of current interest] | hochaktuell | |
| hipped on sth. {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [having a great interest in sth.] | an etw.Akk. überaus interessiert | |
| on sb.'s behalf {adv} [in the interest of sb.] | in jds. Interesse | |
| well patronized {adj} [restaurant, place of interest, etc.] | gut besucht [Restaurant, Sehenswürdigkeit etc.] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to command sth. from sb. [respect, admiration, interest] | jdm. etw.Akk. abnötigen [Respekt, Bewunderung, Interesse] | |
| to fade away [interest, strength, inspiration] | nachlassen | |
| to get into sth. [coll.] [develop an absorbing interest in sth.] | sichAkk. für etw.Akk. begeistern | |
| fin. to jack up [coll.] [prices, interest rates etc.] | in die Höhe treiben | |
| fin. to lie dormant [fail to earn interest] | sich nicht verzinsen | |
| to pump sb. up [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [raise sb.'s interest, enthusiasm] | jdn. in Stimmung bringen | |
| to put sb. off [cause sb. to lose interest or enthusiasm] | jdm. die Lust nehmen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| market. AIDA principle [attention, interest, desire, action] | AIDA-Prinzip {n} [Aufmerksamkeit, Interesse, Verlangen, Handeln] | |
| fin. average level [pension, interest rate, etc.] | Durchschnittshöhe {f} [Rente, Zinsen etc.] | |
| common interest [community interest] | Gemeinschaftsinteresse {n} | |
| journ. media storm [intense interest] | Medienansturm {m} | |
| law negative interest [reliance interest] | negatives Interesse {n} [Vertrauensinteresse] | |
| number cruncher [coll.] [person with an interest in numbers] | Zahlenfreak {m} [ugs.] | |
| fin. participation account [compliant with interest-free Islamic principles] | Beteiligungskonto {n} | |
| fin. penalty rate [penalty interest] | Strafzins {m} | |
| law positive interest [interest in fulfillment] | positives Interesse {n} [Erfüllungsinteresse] | |
| pol. public policy [considered to be in the best interest of the state] | Staatsraison {f} | |
| quarter day [for interest] [Br.] | Zinstag {m} | |
| quarter day [for interest] [Br.] | Zinstermin {m} | |
| fin. rate cut [interest rate cut] | Zinssenkung {f} | |
| repo rate [repurchase agreement interest rate] | Repo-Zinssatz {m} | |
| self interest [also: self-interest] | Eigennutz {m} | |
| econ. stat. target range [e.g. prices, interest rates] | Zielband {n} | |
| acc. withholding tax [on dividends, interest, and capital gains] | Kapitalertragssteuer {f} <KEST> | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to be seized with sth. [fig.] [overwhelming concern or interest] | mit etw.Dat. befasst sein [beschäftigt sein] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| fin. interest on interest | Zinseszins {m} | |
| sb.'s all in all [sole object of one's interest, love] | jds. Ein und Alles {n} | |
4 Words: Others |
| at a fixed rate {adv} [e.g. of interest] | zu einem bestimmten Satz [z. B. der Zinsen] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| idiom to go off the boil [Br.] [Aus.] [lose interest] | das Interesse verlieren | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| interest pro and contra [interest charged and paid] [unusual] | Soll- und Habenzinsen {pl} | |
5+ Words: Others |
| What do you get out of it? [Of what interest / benefit is it to you?] | Was haben Sie davon? [Wie profitieren Sie davon?] | |
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