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Partial Matches |
| mineral. baikalite [iron-bearing diopside] | Baikalit {m} [eisenhaltiger Diopsid] | |
| contagious {adj} [bearing contagion] | infiziert | |
| martial {adj} [bearing] | soldatisch [Auftreten] | |
| bot. nectariferous {adj} [nectar-bearing] | nektartragend | |
| carriage [bearing] | Haltung {f} [körperlich] | |
| equest. checkrein [bearing rein] | Overcheck {m} | |
| bot. floriferous {adj} [bearing flowers] | Blüten tragend | |
| bot. ovuliferous {adj} [bearing ovules] | Samenanlagen tragend | |
| air [bearing] | Auftreten {n} [Verhalten, Ausstrahlung] | |
| air [bearing] | Gestus {m} [geh.] [Ausdruck] | |
| bot. hort. fruiter [fruit-bearing tree] | Obstbaum {m} | |
| tech. raceway [roller bearing] | Rollbahn {f} [Wälzlager] | |
| tech. sinter bearing [sintered bearing] | Sinterlager {n} | |
| tech. noise-damped {adj} [e.g. bearing] | geräuscharm | |
| tech. bearing shake [rare] [bearing play] | Lagerspiel {n} | |
| phys. tech. load capacity [load-bearing capacity] | Tragkraft {f} | |
| stately {adj} [person, bearing] | behäbig [schweiz.] [veraltet] [stattlich] | |
| mineral. kotschubeite [chrome-bearing clinochlore] | Kotschubeit {m} [chromhaltiger Klinochlor] | |
| mineral. lavrovite [vanadium-bearing diopside] | Lawrowit {m} [ein Klinopyroxen] | |
| mineral. mariposite [chrome-bearing phengite] | Mariposit {m} [chromhaltiger Phengit] | |
| mineral. molybdoscheelite [molybdenum-bearing scheelite] | Molybdoscheelit {m} [molybdänhaltiger Scheelit] | |
| mineral. thulite [manganese-bearing zoisite] | Thulit {m} [manganhaltiger Zoisit] | |
| mineral. titanclinohumite [titanium bearing clinohumite] | Titanklinohumit {m} [Titanhaltiger Klinohumit] | |
| mineral. violane [manganese-bearing diopside] | Violan {m} [manganhaltiger Diopsid] | |
| mineral. dopplerite [calcium-bearing resin] | Dopplerit {m} [Kalziumhaltiges organisches Harz] | |
| mineral. hexagonite [manganese-bearing tremolite] | Hexagonit {m} [Mangan-haltiger Tremolit] | |
| tech. journal [bearing point of axle or shaft] | Stummel {m} | |
| tech. worn-out {adj} [attr.] [joint, bearing] | ausgeschlagen [Gelenk, Lager] | |
| constr. reinforcement sheet [in an elastomeric bearing] | Bewehrungsblech {n} [eines Elastomerlagers] | |
| material med. uranium-bearing dust [also: uranium bearing dust] | uranhaltiger Staub {m} | |
| to affect sth. [have a bearing on sth.] | sich auf etw. auswirken | |
| ball {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bearing, joint, lightning, pen] | Kugel- [z. B. Lager, Gelenk, Blitz, Schreiber] | |
| tech. wallowed out {adj} {past-p} [irregularly enlarged bearing or joint seat(s) through uncontrolled movement] | ausgeschlagen [Gelenk, Lager] | |
| bot. ear [seed-bearing head of a cereal grass, e.g. maize] | Kolben {m} [walzenförmiger Blüten- oder Fruchtstand] | |
| mineral. cuprian adamite [Cu-bearing adamine] | Cuproadamin {m} [Cu-haltiger Adamin] | |
| med. to bear sth. [e.g. mice bearing subcutaneous xenografts] | etw. tragen [z. B. Mäuse, die subkutane Xenotransplantante tragen] | |
| constr. king pile [load-bearing element in a combination wall] | Hauptpfahl {m} [Tragelement in einer Kombiwand] | |
| material ceramic-on-ceramic {adj} <CoC> [e.g. combination, bearing, system] | Keramik-auf-Keramik- [z. B. Kombination, Lager, System] | |
| cloth. mulesing [removal of strips of wool-bearing skin from around the breech without anesthesia] | Mulesing {n} [auch: Mulesierung] [das Entfernen der Haut rund um den Schwanz von Schafen ohne Schmerzausschaltung] | |
| [male associated with a team or a students' fraternity bearing "Borussia" in its name; e.g. common for members of the football teams "Borussia Mönchengladbach" and "Borussia Dortmund"] | Borusse {m} | |
| Thanks for nothing! [iron.] | Danke für die Blumen! [iron.] | |
| not exactly talkative {adj} [iron.] | nicht gerade gesprächig [iron.] | |
| Thanks for nothing! [iron.] | Vielen Dank für die Blumen! [iron.] | |
| Is that all? [also iron.] | Ist das (schon) alles? [auch iron.] | |
| Keep on dreaming! [iron.] | Träum weiter! [iron.] | |
| not exactly edifying {adj} [iron.] | wenig erbaulich [iron.] | |
| not exactly edifying {adj} [iron.] | wenig erquicklich [iron.] | |
| Is that it? [coll.] [also iron.] | Ist das (schon) alles? [auch iron.] | |
| Was that it? [coll.] [also iron.] | War das (schon) alles? [auch iron.] | |
| Was that everything? [also iron.] | Soll das (schon) alles (gewesen) sein? [auch iron.] | |
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