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English-German translation for: [issues]
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Dictionary English German: [issues]

Translation 1 - 18 of 18

English German
documentary {adj} [analysing contemporary issues]
zeitkritisch [Zeitkritik enthaltend / äußernd]
to obscure [truth, facts, issues]
to address sth. [usually issues, concerns, etc.]auf etw.Akk. zu sprechen kommen [ugs.] [ansprechen, thematisieren]
Unverified to debank sb. [also: de-bank] [to close account for politically sensitive issues]jdm. das Bankkonto kündigen [wegen politisch sensibler Vorkommnisse]
pol. sociol. [diversity in perception between the conservative German-speaking and the liberal French-speaking parts of Switzerland, especially regarding political and social issues]
Röstigraben {m} [schweiz.] [fig.]
admin. naut. [port authority responsible for surveillance and attending to issues of security]Hafenaufsicht {f}
admin. naut. [port authority responsible for surveillance and attending to issues of security]Hafenwache {f}
2 Words
to see clearly [fig.] [to understand the underlying issues]klarsehen [ugs.]
archi. architecture commission [body entrusted with oversight of architectural issues]Architekturkommission {f}
law legal authority [duly constituted power to decide issues]rechtliche Befugnis {f}
journ. pol. lying press [pej.] [abusive term applied when the press takes opposite positions on emotionally charged issues]Lügenpresse {f} [pej.]
philat. mixed franking <MF> [stamps of various issues]Mischfrankatur {f} <MiF>
educ. jobs parent advisor [female] [on parenting issues]Elternberaterin {f}
educ. jobs parent advisor [on parenting issues]Elternberater {m}
med. patient welfare [e.g. financial issues over patient welfare]Patientenwohl {n} [z. B. Kostenüberlegungen gegenüber dem Patientenwohl]
relig. religious questions [issues]Religionsfragen {pl}
admin. VA issues [coll.] [Am.] [short for: Veterans Affairs issues][US-Kriegsveteranen betreffende Angelegenheiten]
3 Words
set of problems [set of issues]Problematik {f} [Gruppe mehrerer Probleme]
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