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English-German translation for: [it.]
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Dictionary English German: [it]

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[in addition to it] {adv} darüberhinaus [FALSCH für: darüber hinaus]
hopefully {adv} [sentence adverb: it is to be hoped that ...]
regardless {adv} [placed at the end: He did it regardless.]
trotzdem [Er tat es trotzdem / doch / dennoch.]
[it] snows
[es] schneit
meteo. [it] hailed
[es] hagelte
[it] rains
[es] regnet
meteo. [it] snowed
[es] schneite
meteo. [it] hails
[es] hagelt
educ. [a slacker when it comes to education] {adj}
pol. Eureka [USA] [California state motto: I have found it.]
[Motto des US-Staates Kalifornien: Heureka. / Ich habe (es) gefunden.]
for. [of a tree; so big that a man cannot put his arms around it with the fingertips just touching each other] {adj}
übergriffig [veraltet] [Baumstamm, den ein Mann nicht umklaftern kann]
[it] rained
[es] regnete
relig. Inshallah [If it is God's will.]
Inschallah [Wenn Allah will.]
'twill [archaic, poet.] [it will]es wird
[It looks like ...] Sieht aus als wie ... [FALSCH für: Sieht aus wie ...]
meteo. [it] sleeted[es] graupelte
meteo. [it] sleets[es] graupelt
[sth. is so built that it obstructs the view of and/or access to sth.]etw. ist von etw.Dat. verbaut [Aussicht, Zugang]
proverb [The bigger the choice, the harder it is to choose. Or, literally transl.: Whoever has (the) choice has (the) torment.]Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual.
Fuggedaboutit! [Am.] [sl.] [forget about it]Keine Chance!
Fuhgeddaboudit! [Am.] [sl.] [Forget about it!]Keine Chance! [ugs.]
relig. Insha'Allah [If it is God's will.]Inschallah [Wenn Allah will.]
it'd [it had]es hatte
it'd [it would]es würde
it'll [it will / shall]es wird
it's [it has]es hat
it's [it is]es ist
It's ... [It costs ...]Es kostet ...
Stoogatz! [Italian-American sl.] [also: stoo gatz, stugatz, stugots, stugotz, etc.] [Forget it!]Scheiß drauf! [vulg.]
to vein sth. [e.g. to make it look like marble]
etw. masern
to remove sth. [by taking it down]
etw. abbauen
to reserve sth. [a seat by placing sth. on it]
etw. belegen [(einen Sitzplatz) reservieren]
to spot sb. sth. [Am.] [coll.] [to lend sb. sth. (money, esp. a small amount of it)]
jdm. etw. leihen [Geld, bes. eine kleinere Summe]
econ. to cannibalize sth. [a company] [split it up and sell the profitable parts]
etw.Akk. filetieren [fig.] [ein Unternehmen] [die profitablen Bereiche aus dem Unternehmen herauslösen und gewinnbringend weiterverkaufen]
gastr. to dress sth. [prepare meat, chicken, fish, etc. so it can be eaten]
etw. herrichten
tech. to brick sth. [technical jargon] [render an electronic device permanently unusable (turn it into a "brick")]
etw. bricken [Technik-Jargon] [ein elektronisches Gerät dauerhaft unbenutzbar machen]
to learn sth. [by repeating it mechanically]
etw. einlernen [pej.]
equest. to refuse [of a horse] [stop short or run aside at an obstacle instead of jumping it]
verweigern [von Pferden] [vor einem Hindernis scheuen und es nicht nehmen]
[to scream so loudly that it can be heard all down the street]häuserweit schreien
theatre [to show the same play each night for a limited period or as long as it is successful]en-suite spielen
educ. jobs [to study sth. just because it will provide / guarantee a well-paid job]ein Brotstudium betreiben [ugs.]
agr. to arrogate sth. [a piece of land by ploughing it]sichDat. etw.Akk. abackern [veraltet]
journ. to banner sth. [make it a banner headline]etw.Akk. zur Schlagzeile machen [zur obersten, größten]
to deconstruct sth. [reduce sth. to its constituent parts in order to reinterpret it]etw. (zur Neuinterpretation) auf seine (wesentlichen) Bestandteile zurückführen
to gall sb. [fig.] [impersonal: it galls me/you/him/her/etc.]jdn. maßlos ärgern [unpersönlich: es ärgert mich/dich/ihn/sie/usw. maßlos]
to hustle [Am.] [step it up a notch]einen Zahn zulegen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to leach sth. [let it percolate]etw. durchsickern lassen
to leave sth. [not use it]etw. liegen lassen [nicht benutzen]
to litter [drop or throw rubbish / trash without properly disposing of it]Abfall (einfach) wegwerfen [auf Straße, Spielplatz etc.]
to plug sth. [coll.] [a product, event, etc., in order to promote it]für etw.Akk. die Werbetrommel rühren [Redewendung]
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