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English-German translation for: [jacket]
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Dictionary English German: [jacket]

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cloth. buttoned {adj} [blouse, jacket]
cloth. fringe {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dress, jacket, pants or trousers, skirt]
Fransen- [z. B. Kleid, Jacke, Hose, Rock]
cloth. denim {adj} [attr.] [e.g. jacket, skirt]
Jeans- [z. B. Jacke, Rock]
[so much colder, that you need an extra jacket] {adj}einen Kittel kälter [südd.] [regional] [Redewendung]
naut. life {adj} [attr.] [e.g. belt, buoy, jacket, raft]Rettungs- [z. B. Ring, Boje, Weste, Insel]
to undo sth. [a knot, the top button, the jacket, a package, etc.]
etw.Akk. öffnen [einen Knoten, den obersten Knopf, das Jackett, ein Paket etc.]
to undo sth. [a knot, the top button, the jacket, a package, etc.]
etw.Akk. aufmachen [leicht ugs.] [einen Knoten, den obersten Knopf, das Jackett, ein Paket etc.]
cloth. to reline [coat, jacket]neu füttern
cloth. slicker [Am.] [jacket]
Regenjacke {f}
cloth. tail [of a shirt, jacket etc.]
Zipfel {m} [von Hemd, Jacke etc.]
cloth. coat [men's jacket]
Rock {m} [österr.] [sonst regional] [Herrenjacke]
cloth. outfit [combination of clothes in matching colours, e.g. trousers and jacket]
Kombination {f}
cloth. coat [ladies jacket]
Damenjacke {f}
cloth. yoke [e.g. of blouse or jacket]
Passe {f} [z. B. an Bluse, Jacke]
cloth. sports [jeans jacket, worn by association football fans, esp. in Germany]
Kutte {f} [ugs.] [eine von Fußballfans getragene Fan-Kutte]
cloth. spencer [short jacket, also a type of vest]
Spenzer {m}
cloth. vent [of a jacket]
Jackenschlitz {m} [Jacket, Sakko]
hist. mil. [uniform jacket of the Prussian Army, later of the Imperial German Forces]
Litewka {f} [Uniformjacke]
cloth. hist. mil. attila [hussar uniform jacket]
Attila {m}
cloth. bumfreezer [Br.] [sl.] [Eton jacket]
[Art Stresemann, wie er von den Zöglingen in Eton getragen wird]
cloth. mil. fufaika [Russian (military) jacket]Fufaika {f} [russische Wattejacke (für Soldaten)]
hoodie [Br.] [coll.] [(esp. delinquent) teenager wearing a hooded jacket][(bes. delinquenter) Jugendlicher, der eine Kapuzenjacke trägt]
cloth. kagoul [Br.] [rain jacket]Regenjacke {f}
hist. mil. kollet [cavalry uniform jacket]Kollett {n}
2 Words: Others
in shirtsleeves {adv} [idiom] [dressed informally, wearing a shirt with no jacket over it]in Hemdsärmeln [ugs.] [Redewendung] [ohne Jackett oder Pullover]
cloth. single-breasted {adj} [jacket]einreihig [Jacke]
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. (Bavarian) janker [traditional Bavarian Jacket](bayrischer) Janker {m} [südd.] [Trachtenjacke]
cloth. Barbour coat [also: barbour coat] [Barbour®] [jacket]Barbourjacke {f} [auch: Barbour-Jacke] [Barbour®]
buoyancy aid [life jacket]Rettungsweste {f}
buoyancy aid [life jacket]Schwimmweste {f}
cloth. cut-off [jacket in the motorcycling / heavy metal subculture]Kutte {f} [ugs.] [Jeansweste od. Lederweste in der Metal-Szene]
cloth. FireResc flotation suit [life jacket]Rettungsweste {f}
cloth. flying jacket [also: flying-jacket]Fliegerjacke {f}
cloth. flying jacket [also: flying-jacket]Pilotenjacke {f}
cloth. inner yoke [e.g. of blouse or jacket]Innenpasse {f} [z. B. an Bluse, Jacke]
life saver [life jacket]Rettungsweste {f}
aviat. naut. Mae West [Am.] [nickname of personal flotation device or life jacket]Mae West {f} [amerikanischer Spitzname für Rettungs- oder Schwimmweste]
cloth. mil. mess jacket [a man's semiformal tailless jacket for social or service wear]Affenjacke {f} [auch: Affenjäckchen]
cloth. mil. naut. monkey jacket [coll.] [mess jacket]Affenjäckchen {n}
cloth. mil. naut. monkey jacket [coll.] [mess jacket]Affenjacke {f}
cloth. mil. shell jacket [coll.] [mess jacket]Affenjacke {f} [auch: Affenjäckchen]
mining tech. support structure [jacket]Gründungsstruktur {f} [Offshoregründung, Stahlbau]
cloth. Tyrolean jacket [boiled wool jacket]Walkjanker {m}
cloth. Tyrolean jacket [traditional Alpine jacket]Janker {m} [südd.] [österr.] [Trachtenjacke]
cloth. Western jacket [also: western jacket]Westernjacke {f}
3 Words: Nouns
dog buoyancy aid [dog life jacket]Hundeschwimmweste {f} [auch: Hunde-Schwimmweste]
cloth. down-lined jacket [down jacket]daunengefütterte Jacke {f}
cloth. suit of clothes [usually including a jacket and trousers]Anzug {m} [aus Hose und Jacke, und optional Weste, bestehendes Kleidungsstück (für Männer)]
cloth. Western fringe jacket [also: western fringe jacket]Western-Fransenjacke {f}
4 Words: Others
a ... like this / that [German feminine singular; e.g. a jacket like this/that]sone [seltener] [so 'ne] [ugs.] [so eine; z. B. sone Jacke]
a ... like this / that [German feminine singular; e.g. a jacket like this/that]so 'ne [ugs.] [so eine; z. B. so 'ne Jacke]
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